Ⅰ 英語作文,介紹一個喜歡的繪畫作品,從作者,年代,特點,影響力等方面來說。
卡米耶·畢沙羅(Camille Pissarro,1830—1903)法國印象派大師。1830年生於安的列斯群島的聖托馬斯島,1903年卒於巴黎。在他去世前一年,遠在塔希提島的高更寫道:「他是我的老師。」在他去世後3年,「現代繪畫之父」塞尚在自己的展出作品目錄中恭敬地簽上「保羅·塞尚,畢沙羅的學生」。
1830年(出生) 7月10日,傑考布.亞伯拉罕.卡米耶.畢沙羅(Jacob Abraham Camille Pissarro )生於法國聖托馬斯(Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas)。母親是蕾切爾.瑪匝娜-坡美(Rachel Manzana-Pomié),父親亞伯拉罕.加百列.畢沙羅(Abraham Gabriel Pissaro)是一個葡萄牙-西班牙系猶太人。
1842年(12歲) 少年畢沙羅離開聖托馬斯前往法國巴黎的一所寄宿學校學習。
1852年(22歲) 畢沙羅同丹麥大師弗里茲.梅爾貝(Fritz Melbye)行至委內瑞拉。
1855年(25歲) 畢沙羅再度前往巴黎,在許多著名學院(諸如École des Beaux-Arts 和 Acaidémie Suisse)和繪畫大師(Jean-Baptiste-Camille.柯羅和 Charles-François.杜比尼)處求學。
1871年(41歲) 畢沙羅返迴路維希安,發現自己的寓所已被普魯士士兵徹底摧毀。畢沙羅決定攜家人至倫敦避難。
1893年(63歲) 杜蘭-德魯(Durand-Ruel)在巴黎舉辦了一個大型畫展,其中包括46副畢沙羅的畫作。
1903年(73歲) 11月13日,畢沙羅在巴黎逝世,葬於拉雪茲公墓(Père Lachaise Cemetery )。
巴黎結識了畫家柯羅,後來又在私人畫室認識了莫奈、塞尚、巴齊耶、雷諾阿和西斯萊。他早期所繪畫的巴黎風景,在1864 至 1870 年間均入選官方畫展。1870 年,他去了倫敦逃避戰火;回國後,他的作品便開始不再被官方沙龍接納,自此,他的命運就和印象派畫家緊緊扣在一起。與其他印象派畫家一樣,他的作品同樣受日本藝術所影響。他以明亮的色彩和顫動的筆觸來表現當代的風景。
懷著強烈的好奇心,畢沙羅還不斷探索新的技法。1885 至1890 年間,他跟隨了畫家秀拉(Georges-Pierre Seurat)以點描法(Pointillism)繪畫,但後來又重拾原來的技巧。1892 年,畫商杜朗 — 盧埃爾為他舉辦了大型回顧展。此後,畢沙羅潛心描繪城市景緻,尤其喜歡以俯瞰的角度捕捉巴黎的街景,把焦點集中在熙熙攘攘的大街小巷上,而這類作品終為他贏得國際聲譽。
Ⅱ 幫我寫下英語作文:作文題:The life story of a famous composer(一位著名作曲家的生平故事)
Peter - Iraqi Ritchie - Czajkowski, 19th century great Russiacomposers, the music ecationalist, by the reputation is the greatRussian music master. He on May 7, 1840 was born to Ural's volt Jin SiKecheng, the father is metallurgical plant factory managerconcurrently engineer, the mother likes the music, very could sing,also could play a stringed musical instrument, therefore their familyhas filled the music atmosphere, his childhood has demonstratedextraordinary music ability, but in family's person had not actuallythought he future will be able to become a professional musician. Czajkowski summarizes an entire European music development entire timegreat world scale Russian. He has established own great junction loudmusic system, is different to Beethoven's system, but was summarizedBeethoven's junction sound music many development after the Russianstyle, this caused him to become hands over one of characters whichthe sound music aspect reached the pinnacle. His music is the Russianculture one of in artistic domain highest achievements.
Pyotr (Peter) Ilyich Tchaikovsky (7 May [O.S. 25 April] 1840 – 6 November [O.S. 25 October] 1893), was a Russian composer of the Romantic era.
Although not a member of the group of Russian composers usually known in English-speaking countries as 'The Five', his music has come to be known and loved for its distinctly Russian character as well as for its rich harmonies and stirring melodies. His works, however, were much more western than those of his Russian contemporaries as he effectively used international elements in addition to national folk melodies.
Ⅲ 成功人士具備什麼品質幫忙寫一篇80詞的英語作文
梅蘭芳(Mei Lanfang) Mei Lanfang is considered as one of the greatest artists in the history of Beijing Opera.He was bom in Beijing in 1894. His family was very poor. When he was four, his father died. He was supported by his uncle. At the age of eight, he began to learn Beijing Opera from Wu Lingxian. He studide very hard .At last he made great achievements. Mei Lanfang visited America and some other countries. He made friends with Chaplin, the greatest and funniest actor. Mei Lanfang loved his country very much. During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he refused to act for the Japanese invaders. The name of Mei Lanfang is popular among Chinese. He will be remembered for ever.梅蘭芳 梅蘭芳被認為是京劇史上一位傑出的藝術家。1894年他出生於北京的一個窮苦家庭。4歲時,他的父親就去世了,是他叔叔撫養了他。從8歲起,他跟吳鈴仙學唱京劇。他勤奮苦練,終於取得了巨大成就。梅蘭芳訪問過美國和其它一些國家,並與幽默大師卓別林結成了朋友。 梅蘭芳愛國情濃。在抗日戰爭時期,他曾拒絕為日本侵略者演戲。 梅蘭芳這個名字在中國家喻戶曉。他永遠活在我們心中。