⑴ 高考用英語怎麼說
高考的英文是college entrance examination,即大學入學考試。
He』s not sure whether he can pass the national college entrance examination this year.
Not a single student from this class passed the national college entrance examination last year.
He has passed the college entrance examination, which makes his parents quite happy.
So what should cancel the college entrance examination in English。
⑵ 高考用英語怎麼說
高考用英語表達為National College Entrance Examination。
高考是一個重要的全國性考試,旨在評估學生是否具備進入大學學習的能力。這一考試對於所有參與的學生來說都極為關鍵,因為它是決定他們能否進入心儀大學的重要門檻。在英語中,"高考"通常被翻譯為"National College Entrance Examination",這一表述准確地傳達了考試的性質和目的。
具體來說,"National" 突出了其全國性的規模,"College Entrance" 說明了這是大學入學的一個關鍵階段,而 "Examination" 則直接對應了考試這一活動。這個翻譯既簡潔又明了,在國際交流中廣泛使用,幫助國外人士准確理解中國高考的概念。
總的來說,高考在英語中的表達為 National College Entrance Examination,這一表述簡潔、直觀,並能准確傳達高考的實質含義。無論是學術交流還是國際溝通,這一表述都被廣泛接受和理解。
⑶ 高考成績單翻譯 科類 科目 怎麼翻
Combined Science Papers 理科綜合試卷
語文寫 Chinese
英語寫 English
這些能明白就可以了 申請外面的學校對國內高考成績只是參考不是硬性標准
⑷ 高考英語題型七選五用英語怎麼說
翻譯成英文是Seven selection of English titles in college entrance examination five
⑸ 高考英語怎麼說
1、national higher ecation entrance examination。「全國大學入門考試
2、national college entrance examination。「全國大學入門考試
3、gaokao(拼音), 這個不是中式英語,這個詞已經被收錄至最新版牛津詞典。
MacMillan English Dictionary - American是這樣解釋college的:in the U.S., a place that gives students degrees. A school of this type can also be called a university if it is large enough to give degrees in more than one subject。
【例1】Media shine a spotlight on China's notoriously tough university entrance exam as millions of students prepare for the two-day test. The national college entrance exam, known as the "Gaokao", will start on Saturday.
【例2】The national college entrance exam, known as the "Gaokao", will start on Saturday.
【例】Plus Chinese students describe the pressures they face in the gaokao - their university entrance exam.
【例】More than 10 million Chinese students face one of the toughest tests of their young lives in the national college entrance exams over the next few days.
【高考狀元】:the top scorer in the college entrance examination
【理科狀元】:the top scorer of science
【文科狀元】:the top scorer of liberal arts
【一本大學】:key universities
【985/211大學】:project 211 schools, project 985 schools
【錄取通知書】:letter of admission