A. 解決方案英語怎麼說
問題一:解決方案 英文怎麼說 solution
問題二:解決方案用英文怎麼說 The solution
問題塌租三:「解決方案「用英語怎麼說 解決方案
[詞典] solution;
I think we can hammer out a solution
問題四:做出以下幾個解決方案.用英文怎麼說啊? Made the following solutions.
問題五:行業解決方案用英語怎麼說? 行業解決方案 :
1. VSP
. . . 有過做獨立軟體商經歷的東方通,近期推出垂直行業解決方案(VSP),將行業的概念引入中間件產品,徐搐時指出,VSP的推出是利於獨立軟體商實現產品化的。歷衫裂
2. Instry Solutions
「行業解決方案(Instry Solutions)」欄目下查看金融業(Finance)的資料,替李石寫一份1000字左右報告,總結你的研究結果,並將檢索到的資料列印出來作為報告的附錄...
問題六:全套解決方案 用英語怎麼說 All-in-one solution
問題七:『業務解決方案』的英文怎麼說?!? 解決方案
business solution
問題八:他們已經制定出了這個問題的解決方案,,,英語翻譯 他們已經制定出了這個問題的解決方案肢閉,,,英語翻譯
(1) They have already laid own this solution to this problem.
(2) They've drawn up the solution to this problem
(3) They've formulated the solution to this problem
(4) They have drafted the method to this problem
(5) They have constituted the solution to this problem
(6) They have enacted the solution to this problem
(7) They have set out the solution to this problem
(8) They have worked out the solution to this problem
問題九:解決方案 英文怎麼說 solution
問題十:解決方案用英文怎麼說 The solution