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發布時間: 2024-12-12 02:42:22

① 檢驗室,文印室,陳列室,機房,工會活動室,行政審批服務科翻譯成英文是什麼呀

檢驗室:Inspection Room
文印室:Printing Room
陳列室:Exhibition Room 、Consulting Room
機房: Computer Room
工會活動室:Trade Unions Activity Room
行政審批服務科:Administrative Examination and Approval Service Department

② 幫忙用專業英語翻譯倉庫的標識牌!

呆滯品區:Dull procts area
待檢驗區: Waiting for inspection area
辦公區: office area
工具存放區:Tools storage area
化學品倉庫:Chemical warehouse
不合格品區:defect procts area
合格品區:qualified procts area

③ 合格品區和待檢驗區,指加工產品的英文翻譯,要專業的,靠譜的,簡潔有力,謝謝

合格品區:Quality procts area 待檢驗區:Treats the inspection area 就是這樣哦 希望能幫到你 呵呵

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