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發布時間: 2024-12-04 19:28:52

Ⅰ 死的英文翻譯




1. “Death”是名詞形式,指的是生命的終結,一種不可逆轉的狀態。它常用於表達某種生命體的死亡事實或狀態。例如,“He died a peaceful death.”在這里,“death”強調了生命的結束這一事實。


2. “Die”是動詞形式,通常描述一個生命體從生到死的過程。它不僅有“死亡”的意思,還隱含了正在發生的過程或即將發生的未來事件。例如,“The old tree has died.”這里,“die”描述了樹的生命過程結束的瞬間。


3. 在某些情況下,“death”和“die”可以互換使用。例如,在表達一般意義上的死亡時,兩者都是合適的。但在某些語境下,它們的選擇取決於句子的結構和時態需求。


Ⅱ 在生死關頭 用英語怎麼說

in a survival situation.!"
In this life and death
in the life and death
at a life threatening situation
In life or death situations
下面 是 各種情況的例句,有些沒給出特定的片語,只是情境的翻譯。

1. 我知道在這生死關頭我對他很重要。
I knew that I made a difference between his life and his death.
2. 在生死關頭把生的希望留給別人的英雄;
We can't describe the scene what we saw with any words.
3. 在生死關頭之際,水是您最緊急的需求之一。
Water is one of your most urgent needs in a survival situation.
4. 在這個生死關頭,他表現出一種令人懼怕的性格。
In this life-or-death climax, he showed himself a terrible personality.

5. 在這個生死關頭,母親心裡牽掛的仍是正在考試的兒子。
!"In this life and death, the mother felt about the exam are still the son.

6. 我自己的翻譯:在戰爭中你的生死關頭不擇手段的。。。
your jungle wheeling and downtown dealing a stone's throw from warfare.

7. 游戲中功能各異的道具能讓玩家在生死關頭獲得一線生機。
Function of the game allows players of different props in the life and death was a chance of survival.

8. 不過,如果我們只在生死關頭求助上帝,可確實是個錯誤。
But it is a big mistake to only look to God when we are in a life or death situation.

9. 因為我體會到自己在他處於生死關頭的時候起到了重要作用。
I know that I made a difference between his life and his death.

10. 你們的職業要求你們在這個生死關頭勇於獻身,此外,別無所求。
The soldier, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act of religious training -- sacrifice.

11. 你們的職業要求你們在這個生死關頭勇於獻身,此外,別無所求。
They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense.

12. 緊急服務電話是在生死關頭時,有人受傷或壞人仍在案發現場時撥打的。」
An emergency call is when it is a life-or-death situation,people are injured or the baddies are still at the scene.

13. 所有的歐冠比賽都是相似的,因為壓力都很大,但在生死關頭卻會有所不同。
All Champions League games are like that because there is a lot of pressure, but do-or-die ties are something different.

14. 只有兩種情況最適合提供建議:一是當被要求提建議的時候,二是在生死關頭。
when it is requested and when it is a life threatening situation.

15. 一位母親在生死關頭,將孩子推向生,自己卻走向死,也許,這就是母愛的真諦。
A mother in the life and death, the child to health, but to their own death, perhaps, this is the essence of motherly love.

16. 他一開始是平面設計師,在一場幾乎送命的摩托車事故後,他在生死關頭間徘徊了兩周之久。
He started out as a graphic designer.After a near fatal motorbike accident he was hovering between life and death for 2 weeks.

17. 眼看著傑克就要被淹死,羅斯該怎麼辦?在生死關頭的一刻,深深相愛的兩人經受住了考驗。
If you happen to see someone is being drowned, what will you do? What if that person is your beloved? Has Rose lost her reasons?

18. 我感覺自己的科學事業英名就在生死關頭上,介於『哇,這實在太酷了』和『這些人是瘋子』之間。」
』 I feel like the credibility of my scientific career is sitting on a razor's edge between 『Wow, this is really cool,』 and 『These people are nuts.

19. 出於一種愚蠢的勇氣,范美忠在他的博客上坦承他的做事原則是:在生死關頭,他從來就是一個自私的人。
In an act of moral foolhardiness,Fan Meizhong set out on a blog his guiding principle: in matters of life and death, it's every man for himself.

20. 這是紀念碑的靈魂所在,它再現了在生死關頭,英雄教師們用自己的血肉之軀抵抗災害,保護學生的情景;
This is monumental incorporeal place, its emersion in jungle, heroic teachers use the disaster of human body resistance of his flesh and blood, protect the student's scene;

21. 在這生死關頭,軍方必須確定當他們大聲下達命令之後,即使是自殺式的命令士兵也會前仆後繼、誓死達成。
In life or death situations, the military needs to make sure that they can shout orders and soldiers will obey them even if the orders are suicidal.

22. 人心裏面有些直覺,有些本能,超越知識、財富,在很隱秘的地方控制著人的心靈,而且會在生死關頭冒出來。
They may control our human soul in a very secretive place, and will come out at the Great Divide.

23. 在這個生死關頭只有極少的倖存,我們的記錄顯示了一場基因材料的總衰微,在六代內從18,000股下降到8,000股。
There were so few remaining at this juncture that our records show an overall decline of genetic material from 18,000 strands to 8,000 strands within six generations.

24. 不僅如此,他的雙臂上也留下了深深的抓痕,那是在生死關頭母親為了牢牢抓住摯愛的兒子,以至於手指甲都掐入了兒子的肉中所留下的。
And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, 『;But look at my arms.I have great scars on my arms, too.

25. 不僅如此,他的雙臂上也留下了深深的抓痕,那是在生死關頭母親為了牢牢抓住摯愛的兒子,以至於手指甲都掐入了兒子的肉中所留下的。
And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, 『;But look at my arms.I have great scars on my arms, too.I have them because my mom wouldn『t let go.『;

26. 如果你想要進行非常規旅行的話,一些小的生存工具,比如緊急哨音、比威袋、信號發射器等,能夠在生死存亡的關頭起到至關重要的作用。
A small survival kit containing items such as an emergency whistle, a bivvie bag and a flare kit could be the difference between life and death if you're going to be travelling off the beaten path.

27. 一而再、再而三的情感挫折,令堅信愛情的韓郁成了「愛無能」,當她徘徊在生死關頭時,赫然發現她深愛的其實是比她小五歲、與她合住的建築師江傑。
Han Yu lost the ablity to love after love frustrations from time to time.When she is about to die, she finds her true love is Jiang Jie, who is 5 years younger than her.

28. (二)在革責瑪尼的事件中,這三個門徒見證了耶穌在生死關頭的那一剎那,是天主子(谷十四36)和「人子就要被交付在罪人手中」(谷十四41)。
In the 2nd event the 3 disciples are witnesses to the supreme hour in which Jesus, the Son of God (Mk 14:36) and "Son of Man was given over to the hands of sinners" (Mk 14:41).

29. 沒想到哈利的預測果然准確,於是驚慌失措的鎮民開始爭先恐後地駕車落荒而逃。在這生死關頭,蕾秋的外婆露絲卻抵死不逃,哈利必須趕在火山爆發前沖上火山營救蕾秋的外婆...
Dante's Peak captures the cataclysmic power of a volcanic eruption and explores the ethical dilemma facing those who risk their lives in order to predict when the next big one will erupt.

Ⅲ 怎麼用英語翻譯在之前,在之前用英語怎麼說最合適

英 [bɪˈfɔ:(r)] 美 [bɪˈfɔr,-ˈfor]

Ⅳ 突然有了一個想法,好想去死,用英語怎麼翻譯

Sudenly a queer idea occurred to me. How I am ready to die!

Ⅳ 「我死了以後」用英語怎麼翻譯

When I have been dead.

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