⑴ 有篇英語文章不懂,請大家幫幫忙,急
Yoga is a kind of sport. 瑜伽是一種運動。 It is very popular around the world now.它現在在世界上很流行。Everyone, young and old can do yoga.每個人,年輕人和老年人都可以做瑜伽。It's good for both men and women.這是很好的男人和女人。Why do people like yoga? 人們為什麼喜歡瑜伽?There's a short answer and a long answer to that question.可以用簡短的話來回答,也可以用很多理由來說明這個問題。
The short answer is that yoga makes you feel better.簡短的回答是,瑜伽讓你感覺更好。 Practicing, breathing exercises and thinking make you healthier in body, mind and spirit.練習,呼吸練習和思維使你身體更健康,心靈更精神。For many people, that's enough of an answer, but there's more if you're interested.對許多人來說,這就足夠了一個答案,但有更多的,如果你有興趣。Yoga began in India about 5,000 years ago.瑜伽開始在印度已經大約5000年的歷史。At that time,people wanted to be free, healthy and live a long life ,so this kind of exercise was born .當時,人們渴望自由,健康,長壽,所以這種運動是天生的。The early yoga was part of a religion .早期的瑜伽是一種宗教。It was usually taught one to one-one teacher with one student .它通常被教一對一的老師與學生。Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "to join or yoke together" 瑜伽是一個梵文,意思是「加入或束縛在一起」altogether:exercise ,breathing and meditation attention to the spirit .總之:運動,呼吸和冥想注意精神。The idea behind the exercise was to join the mind ,body and spirit as one . 它蘊藏的含義是把頭腦、身體和精神化為一體。Yoga can give you peace help you feel less stress,and have fewer worries and illnesses.瑜伽可以給你和平,讓你感覺不到壓力,和較少的焦慮和疾病。
⑵ practice yoga是什麼意思
practice yoga的中文翻譯
practice yoga
Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
I would like to ask: who knows where Wuchang have to practice yoga?
⑶ 英語翻譯 Practicing yoga(瑜伽) is a helpful, popular wa
練習瑜伽(瑜伽)是有益的,流行的保持健版康的方式。它有許多權世界各地的追隨者。有很多種類的瑜伽,如流瑜伽,瑜伽和熱瑜伽。現在,在印度,有一種新的瑜伽,水中瑜伽,變得越來越流行,在當地人。在城市阿格拉,水的人練習瑜伽。在水中練習瑜伽比在陸地上練習瑜伽更難。但在水中練習瑜伽可以很好的對你的身體的靈活性(靈活性)。哈里斯.查圖維迪,律師,教人自由水中瑜伽 。他說:「水上瑜伽可以比其他的瑜伽更受歡迎,因為身體不會很快就感到疲勞,」。「每個人都能學會游泳,但如果他們同時學習瑜伽,那麼永遠也不會覺得累。」「氧氣的水平在水中很高,所以你不會有任何呼吸問題,」他補充說。哈里斯認為水中瑜伽的確能幫助人們遠離疾病。他經常在一個地方的游泳池裡上課。許多孩子喜歡它,來向他學習。
⑷ do yoga 和doing yoga 不都是一個意思嗎