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Ⅰ 英語翻譯

Abstract: Along with the technical unceasing progress, the aluminumelectrolysis craft mature, the world original aluminum output had dayby day has been very big Increase. But simultaneously the aluminum material also is inthe proction process one of environmental pollution biggest metalmaterials. In the aluminum electrolysis proction process procesmassive green-house gases CO2 and 全氟化碳 (mainly is CF4 and fewC2F6), the sending out noxious gas (hydrogen fluoride and sulphurdioxide), the st (contains fluorine st, aluminum oxide andpowdered carbon) and the asphalt volatility share (benzene and 芘)and so on the deleterious substance, these waste things-in-itself donot have to arrive effective processing, will proce the seriousenvironment and the ecology question, therefore, the aluminum instryenvironment question how many year always will be people matter ofconcern. In recent years, in the aluminum profession along with the serieselectric current unceasing increase, was more and more high to theelectrolysis proction stability and continuous and the monitoringautomation request. The programmable controller (PLC) since the l968year birth, has had been through repeatedly several dozens yearsdevelopment, specially the 90's later period appear 4th generation ofPLC, not only have the logic control function, the process controlfunction, the movement control function, the data management function,the networking correspondence function multi-purpose controller.Moreover, because the PLC network development consummates day by day,causes PLC and the PLC network becomes the large-scale aluminumprofession first choice the instry control device, is composed themultistage distributional PLC network by PLC to become the moderninstry automated system the important constituent. In particular in aluminum electrolyte haze purification process, itscontrol point many, movement frequent, logic strong, the craftparameter by the switch quantity primarily, suitably uses the PLCcontrol, uses the PLC control compared to the traditional relay logiccontrol reliably, the antijamming ability is strong, its merit prefersby the software realization, to be advantageous for the revision andmay unceasingly develop the new function. The PLC control systemcauses the aluminum electrolysis haze purification system to be at thebest running status, safe reliable, then is first practical, uses thePLC control to be allowed to rece worker's labor intensity, raisedthe automated level, simultaneously also promoted the enterprisetechnology advancement and the management level enhancement, advancedcraft auxiliary by advanced control, uses the PLC control aluminumelectrolysis haze to violate the law the purification, effectivereced the aluminum electrolysis haze to the factory district theenvironment pollution, enable inside and outside the electrolysisworkshop the hygienic condition to have the enormous improvement,staff's health when enormously safeguards, has the certain environmentbenefit, human nature benefit and social efficiency. This article from the system technical process, the systemcomposition, function completing, the examination and the control,systematically the hardware, aspect and so on software dispositionintroced PLC and its PLC in the electrolysis haze purificationsystem application. And can through this article, have to PLC in theautomatic control system important application to be deeper, frontunderstanding and understanding.

Key word: The haze purifies, cloth sack st removal, frequencyconversion velocity molation, fuzzy control, PLC control

Ⅱ 我畢業後要去一家化工公司工作,做翻譯,但對化工英語翻譯了解甚少.跪求翻譯好的產品介紹,公司介紹

有關化肥的英文: (注編織袋為: woven bag)

活性煆雲石 Actomag
堆肥養分劑 Adco
加合物 Addition compound
參雜 Alteration
氰氨基化鈣 Aero cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
好氣性 Aerobic
附聚 Agglomeration
附聚槽 Aggregate
攪拌槽 Agitating tank
粗<<an009>>肥 Agramon,Uramon
農用石灰 Agricultural lime
農用食鹽 Agricultural salt
蒸制廢肉渣 Agrinite ,Peocess tandage
空氣離析器 Air separator
熟石灰 Air slaked lime,Slaked-lime
紫苜蓿 Alfalfa
磷酸三鈣 Alpha phosphate,Alpha tricalium phosphate
α磷酸三鈣 Alpha tricalcium phosphate
瑞典三葉草 Alsike clover
鈣鋁磷肥 Alumino-calcium phosphate
磷酸鋁 Aluminum phosphate
明礬石 Alunite
卡氏標准篩 Amans Kahl standard gauge
磷鋁石 Amblygonite
改良劑 Amendment
美國法 American process
醯胺 Amide
氨基酸 Amino acid
石膏硝銨 Ammcmitre
銨磷鉀 Ammo phos ko
氨 Ammonia
施氨器 Ammonia applicator
氨水 Ammonia liquor,Aqua ammonia
氨態氮 Ammoniacal nitrogen
氨化肥料 Ammoniated fertelizer
氨化泥炭 Ammoniated peat
氨化過磷酸鈣 Ammoniated superphos-phate
氮肥 Nitrogenous fertilizer
氨化用溶液 Ammoniating solution
氨化 Ammoniation
氨化作用 Ammonification
氨化微生物 Ammonifier
干血粉 Ammonite ,Dried meal
酸式碳酸銨 Ammonium bicarbonate
氨基甲酸銨 Ammonium carbamate
碳酸銨 Ammonium carbonate
氯化銨 Ammonium chloride
檸檬酸銨 Ammonium citrate
硝酸銨 Ammonium nitrate
含硝氨液 Ammonium nitrate-ammonia solution
鈣化硝酸銨 Ammonium nitrate-calcium carbonate,Nitro-chalk
鈣化硝酸銨 Ammonium nitrate-lime-stone,Nitro-chalk
磷酸銨 Ammonium phosphate
硫酸銨 Ammonium sulfate
硝酸銨 Ammonium sulfate nitrate
銨磷甲銨磷乙 Ammophos ,A-B-,
銨磷鉀 Ammophoska
非晶態 Amorphous state
鈣化硝酸銨 A-N L.Ammonium-mitrate-limestone
嫌氣性 Anaerobic
肥料成份 Analysis
堆斜角 Angle of repose
無水硫酸鈣,硬石膏 Anhydrite
無水氨 Anhydrous ammonia
無水液氨 Anhydrous liquid ammonia
骨炭 Animal charcoal
動物質氮肥 Animal nitrogenous fertilizer
動物廢渣 Animal tankage
退火 Anneal
鈉微斜長石 Anorthoclase
頡頏作用 Antagonism
抗生微生物 Antibiotic microbes
磷灰石,磷灰鹽 Apatite
磷灰鹽類 Apatite group
硫酸鉀鈣 Aphthitalite,Glaserite
假密度 Apparent density
氨水 Aqua ammonia
電弧法(固氮)法 Arc process
合成硝酸鈉 Arcadian niter
合成硝酸鈉 Arcadian sodium nitrate
合成硝酸鈣 Ari saltpeter
人工乾燥 Artificial drying
人工堆肥 Artificial farm manure ,Artificial manure
人造肥料 Artificial fertilizer
人工堆肥 Artificial manure
仿湯馬斯磷肥 Artificial Thomas phosphate
灰分學說 Ash Theory
黑霉法 Aspergillus niger method
可利用度 Assimilability
同化作用 Assimilation
熱壓鍋法 Autoclave process
自動給料器 Automatic feeder
自動過渡器 Automatic filter
自動記錄儀 Automatic recorder
蒸制廢肉渣 Avail tankage ,Process tandage
有效率,有效度 Availability
有效磷酐 Available phosphoric aicd,A .P .A
有效性植物養份 Available plant food
氨化粗肉粉 Azline
干肉粉 Azotin,Drie meal
非共生好氣性固氮菌 Azotobacter
固氮肥菌土盤法 Azotobacter plaque method
硝氨液-B B lipuor
脫氮桿菌 Bacillus denitrificans
β-磷酸三鈣 Baeta tricalcium phosphate
折流板 Baffle plate
蔗渣 Bagasse
蔗渣堆肥 Bagasse compost
包裝漏斗 Bagging hopper
包內結塊 Bag-set
縫包機 Bag-sewing machine
均衡肥料 Balanced fertilizer
卵形肥料 Ball fertilizer
球磨機 Ball mill
欄篩 Bar screen
肥 Barnyard manure
巴勒公司硝氨液 Barret solutions
鹼性熔磷肥 Barret-phosphate
鹽基交換 Base exchange
調用合濕基料 Base goods ,Base-mix
調用合濕基料 Base-mix
鹼性熔渣 Basic cinder,Basic slag
鹼性含鉀過磷酸鈣 Basic p tassic supers
鹼性熔渣 Basic phosphate slag,Basic slag
鹼性熔渣 Basic slag
鹼性熔渣 Basic slag meal,Basic slag
鹼性過磷酸鈣 Basic superphosphate
含鈉熔肥 Basic-silicon-phosphate
蝙蝠糞肥 Bat guano
分批法 Batch process
斧氏錘磨機 Batcher-hammer pulveriser
野馬式綱篩 B-B (Bucking Broncho) Screen
底板 Bed plate
蜂房式煉焦爐 Beehive coke oven
帶式運輸機 Belt conveyor
帶濾機 Belt filter
皂土 Bentonite
貝氏法 Bergius ptocess
貝色麥轉化器 Bessemer coverter
貝色麥熔渣 Bessemer slag
二元化成肥料 Binary fertilizer
粘合劑 Binder
生物作用 Biological effect
黑雲母 Biotite
烏成學說 Bird Tneory
伯衣二氏法 Birkeland and Eyde process
苦汁 Bittern
黃三葉草,天藍 Black medick ,Yellow clover
紫大巢菜 Black purple vetch ,Purple vetch
鼓風爐灰塵 Blast furnace flue st
鼓風爐法 Blast furnace process
鼓風爐熔渣 Blast furnace slag
制動裝置 Blocking system
血粉 Blood meal
血干糞 Blood pondrette
干血粉 Blood tankage
鼓風氣 Blow-run gas
青花羽扇豆 Blue lupine
白種甜苜蓿 Bodharadlle ,melilot
白種甜苜蓿 Bohara clover,White melilot
骨灰 Bone ash
骨炭 Bone black
骨炭 Bone char
骨炭 Bone charcoal
骨製品 Bone compounds
細骨粉 Bone st ,Bone flour
骨肥 Bone fertilizer
細骨粉 Bone flour
骨粉 Bone meal
骨質磷酸三鈣,正磷酸三鈣 Bone phosphate of lime,B.P.L
骨制過磷酸鈣 Bone superphosphate
骨肉粉 Bone tandage
硼沙 Borax
底施 Bottom application
塊狀磷礦石 Boulder(bowlder)phosphate
蠶豆 Brad bean ,Horse bean
麩 Bran
硫黃石 Brimsrone
壓塊處理 Briquetting
撒施 Broadcast
百氏化成窖 Broadfield den
斗氏升送機 Bucket elevator
散裝 Bulk
定量取料器 Bulk extractor
倉 Bunker
刺三葉草 Bur clover
推擠壓力 Bursting pressure
燒土 Burt clay
生石灰 Burt lime,Quicklime
旺季 Busy season
副產煉焦爐 By- proct coke oven
副產中性磷肥 By-pr ct phosphate
副產氨 By-proct ammonia
副產氮肥 By-proct nitrogen
結塊 Caking
煨燒骨 Calcined bone
微熔磷肥 Calcined phosphate
微熔磷礦石 Calcined phosphate rock
方解石 Calcite
碳化鈣,電石 Calcium carbide
碳酸鈣 Calcium carbonate
氰氨基化鈣 Calcium cyanamide
偏磷酸鈣 Calcium metaphosphate
硝酸鈣 Calcium nitrat
硝磷銨化成肥料 Calcium nitrophosphate,Nitrophosphate
正磷酸鈣 Calcium orthophosphate
焦磷酸鈣 Calcium pyrophosphate
矽磷酸熔渣 Calcium silicate slag
矽磷酸鈣 Calcium silicon-phosphate
磷酸鈣鈉 Calcium sodium phosphate
二水合硫酸鈣 Calcium sulfate dihydrate
半水合硫酸鈣 Calcium sulfate hemihydrate
過磷酸鈣 Calcium superphosphate
生硝 Caliche
鈣化硝酸銨 Calmonite ,Nitro chalk
鈣化硝酸銨 Cal-nitro,Nitro chalk
低級膠狀磷礦 Cal-phos,Coll idal phos-phate
含鎂粗<<an009>>肥 Calsi -ureor
硝酸鈣<<an009>> Calurea
含鎂熔磷肥 Camaphos ,Ca Mg phosphate
含鎂熔磷肥 Ca-Mg-phosphate ratio
碳酸磷灰石 Carbon-apatite
碳氮比 Carbon-nitrogen ratio
光鹵石 Carnallite
釩酸鉀鈾q Carnotite
喀 氏粉碎機 Carr`s disintegrator
軟骨 Cartilage
折流冷卻塔 Cascade cooler
克氏法 Cascale ptocess
酪素磷灰鹽 Casein-apatite
蓖麻粕粉 Castor meal
蓖麻粕粉 Castor pomace,Castor meal
間接肥料 Catalytic fertilizer ,Indirect fertilizer
生白灰 Caustic lime,Quick-lime
氧化鎂 Caustic magnesite
水泥窯灰 Cement flue st
水泥窯灰 Cement kiln st
粘接 Cementing
白噩 Chalk
鉛室法 Chamber process
粒狀智利硝 Champion sodium nitrate
封照區 Check plot
化學氮氨 Chemical nitrogenous materials
化成肥料 Chemically compounded fertilizers
化學肥料 Chenical fertilizer
化學肥料 Chenical manure,Chemical fertilizer
雞糞肥 Chicken manure
智利硝 Chilean nitrate
智利鈉硝 Chilean nitrate lf soda
智利鉀硝 Chilean phtassium nitrate
智利硝 Chilean saltpeter
紫雲硝 Chinese milk-vetch
氯磷灰石 Chlor-apatite
軟骨粘質 Chondro-mucoid
蠶蛹粕 Chrysalis cake
溶渣,爐渣 Cinder
檸檬酸銨可溶性 Citrate soluble
檸檬酸測定法 Citric acid test
選粒器 Classifier
柯氏製造法 Claude process
秘密配方 closed formula
三葉草 Clover
煤之碳化 Coal carbonization
煤產硫化鐵 Coal pyrite
可可粕粉 Cocoa-acke meal
煉焦爐氣 Coke oven gas
冷性肥料 Cold manure
低級膠狀磷礦 Colimephos,Colloidal phosphate
生膠質 Collagen
低級膠狀磷礦 Colloidal phosphate
膠狀磷灰石 Collophanite
低級膠狀磷礦 Collopos ,Colloidal phosphate
化合態氮素 Combined nitrogen
商品肥料 Commercial fertilizer
可合性 Compatibility
完全化學肥料 Complete chemical fertilizer
完全肥料 Complete fertilizer
多元化成肥料 Complex fertilizer
堆肥 Compost
堆肥菌 Compost bacteria
多室式球磨機 Compound ball mill
多元肥料 Compound fertilizer
多元魚肥 Compound fish manure
多元肥料 Compounded manure,Compound fertilizer
多元化處理 Compounding
壓緊 Compressing
精選礦 Concentrate
加濃完全肥料 Concentrate complete fertilizer
重過磷酸鈣 Concentrated superphoshpate
調和器,調和劑 Conditioner
快速乾燥期 Constant rate period
觸施 Contact application
接觸法 Contact process
連續式化成窖 Continuous den
連續法 Continuous process
轉化 Conversion
轉算因數 Conversion factor
轉化氣 Converted
轉化器 Convertor
椰子粕粉 Copra cake meal
糞化石 Coprolite
棉子殼粉 Cottonseed hull ash
棉子殼粉 Cottonseed hull flour
封流傾池法 Counter-current decantation
牛糞肥 Cow manure
豇豆 Cow pea
起重式挖料機 Crane-type excavator
槐藍 Creeping indigo
深紅三葉草 Crimsom clover
臨界含水量 Critical water content
低級膠狀磷礦 Cromphos ,Colloidal phosphate
追肥 Cross dressing
粗製魚肥 Crude fish scrap
骨粉 Crushed brne mdal ,Bone meal
壓碎機 Crusher
軋碎 Crushing
抗壓碎力 Crushing strength
水產介殼 Crustacean materials
結晶 Crystallization
結晶器 Crystallizer
酒廠副產鉀肥 Curbay ,Molasses potash
腐熟,後熟 Curing
切料機 Cutter
電石固氮法 Cyanamide process
氰氨基化鈣 Cyanamide,Calcium cyanamide
氰化物固氮法 Cyanide method
蒸制廢肉渣 Darling`s tankage ,Process tankage
配方公開肥料 Declared compounds
深廄k Deep stall method
缺肥症狀 Deficiency symptoms
脫氟磷酸三鈣 Defluorinated tricalcium phosphate
脫葉劑 Defoliant
脫膠骨料 Degelatinised bone
脫膠骨料 Degreased bone
脫胺作用 Deminization
化成窖 Den
硝酸還原作用 Denitrification
硝酸還原微生物 Denitrifier
水蛇紋石 Deweylite
糊精 Dextrine
磷酸二銨 Diammonium phosphate
磷酸二鈣 Dicalcium phosphate
二氰二胺 Dichydrate process
制磷酸,石膏法 Dihydrate process
磷酸二鎂 Dimagnesium phosphate
直接施用 Direct application
直接肥料 Direct fertilizers
裂碎機 Disintegrator
置換骨科 Displacement hosphate
酸解骨料 Dissolved bones
酸解多元骨肥 Dissolved bones compound
酸解鳥糞肥 Dissolved guano
白雲石 Dolomite
含鎂石灰石 Dolomitic limestone

酸性肥料 Acid fertilizer
酸性魚肥 Acid fish
量酸槽 Acid measuring tank
過磷酸鈣 Acid phosphate ,Calcium superphosphate
重過磷酸鈣 Acid phosphate of lime ,Concentrated
貯酸槽 Acid storage tank
量酸秤 Acid weigher
成酸 Acid-forming
酸度 Acidty
酸化劑 Acilant
酸解魚肥 Acilated fish
酸解 Acilation
放射菌 Actinomyctes
活性污泥 Activated sludge
活化 Activation

尿素: urea
氯化銨:ammonium chloride
氯化鉀:potassium chloride
硝酸銨:ammonium nitrate
硝酸鉀:potassium nitrate
硝酸鈣:calcium nitrate
硝酸鈉:sodium nitrate
炭酸氫銨:ammonium bicarbonate
過磷酸鹽: superphosphate
亞磷酸:phosphorous acid
硫酸銨:ammonium sulphate
磷酸鈣:calcium phosphate
磷肥:phosphate fertilizer
鉀肥:potash fertilizer

Ⅲ 帶翻譯的小學畢業英語留言


Although e excellent achievments,I truly believe that I middle school and together again,youll find that we are still a family,a whole group that can never be defeated,and the memories we have will be the most precious treasure we『ve ever gain.Thank you for you all.May you guys happy everyday.


Wang Ming








nothing in life is to be feared. it is only to be understood. (marie curie)


a man is not old as long as he is seeking something. a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. (j. barrymore)


there is only one success --- to be able to spend your life in your oebody else. ( j. burroughs )


an is ised between the fingers

finger rift,twisted in the love

命里有時鍾需有 命里無時莫強求

you will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.


if we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then i wish we had never encountered.



1、Simply to silence, do not leave free and easy。


2、I love you none of your business。


3、The tough road often leads to the top。


4、Every boring hour in life is unique。


5、I just dont like you anymore。


6、I never back。


7、You love me you will die。


8、When it has is lost, brave to give up。


9、You are my most adventure youth dream。


10、Im counting the days till I see you again。


11、Do not waste time with regret。


12、Dream, as if you never wake up。


13、One is easily fooled by that which one love。


14、I will be here for you all the time。


15、The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget。


16、Love is making you go bananas。


17、Memory abstruse eyes。


18、we are never ever getting back together。


19、Time is we do not come loose。


20、A riot of colours to wait。


21、Ten thousand people roar a loud sigh as you are。


22、I also want to know what I think。


23、Let the time tell the truth。


24、I can feel you forgetting me。


25、Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride。


26、I would not say love, but I said is true。


27、 Happy is the man who is living by his hobby。


28、see you my love。


29、Know, how again recover also just air。


30、What doesnt kill me makes me stronger。


31、Smile like you have never been hurt。


32、Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime。


33、I will give you all my love。


34、We will never in contact with each other。


35、I love everything you love。


36、What time is locked, wait for time to open。


37、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!


38、Thank fate that I met with you。


39、Time cures all wounds。


40、Everything Has Changed。


41、I will always be, even if love pale。


42、Can you give me a hug?


43、Down enough to let go。


44、I pretended to be indifferent to it。


45、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart。


46、The more you care for someone, the less you understand him。


47、If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness。


48、Life is like an ice cream。 Enjoy it before it melts。


49、Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel。


50、Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself。


51、The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better。


52、It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop。


53、I loved you。 I leave you。 Ill miss you。


54、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it。


55、A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams。


56、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it。


57、Smile everyday from today。 Nothing really matters except to live or die。


58、Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime。


59、I used to detour, because would like to see you at a glance。


60、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going。--Beverly Sills。


61、Learn to use high heels to fight You are the real queen。

學會用高跟鞋打架 ,你才是真正的女王。

62、Stepping forward cant finish the distance while going backwards cant get rid of the memory。


63、Remember to look back at your mistakes from time to time, but never regret them。


64、No matter you have that pocket or not , Ill be with you forever 。


65、we put in the darkness of the heart is called the moon dancing。


66、Those have most power to hurt us, that we love。


67、Ive tried my last bit of energy, just as you bloomed sunflower smile。


68、Life is like riding a bicycle。 To keep your balance, you must keep moving。


69、What good method, can let the lonely become obedient。


70、Dont cry because it is over, smille because it happened。


71、Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation。


72、Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible。


73、Some people are like dark clouds。 When they disappear, its a brighter day。


74、In fact, there are a lot of feelings are about you, but you never noticed。


75、Dont let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life。


76、You can fake a smile, but you cant fake your feelings。


77、I want to be the only one, but you dont give opportunity。


78、Every time a good night, feeling each others feelings。


79、Just this I finally gave up the chase for you, I decided to let you free。


80、Dont look back, just havent found leave your reasons。


81、Forever is a long time, but I wouldnt mind spending it by your side。


82、Love is not a matter of counting the days。 Its making the days count。



1、A man is never too old to learn.


2、Beauty is but skin-deep.


3、After rain comes fair es in threes.


14、A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.


15、Better early than late.


16、An empty bag cannot stand upright.


17、After supper ise and quick to perform.


24、A little is better than none.


25、An hour in the morning is e.


59、A good beginning makes a good ending.


60、A little of everything, and nothing at all.


61、A friend is a second self.


62、All men can『t be first.


63、Better ask twice than lose your way once.


64、A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.


65、A word spoken cannot be recalled.

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