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Ⅰ 一篇英語作文:你怎樣看待中國傳統文化。不要寫得太好的,中等水平就好



Chinese traditional culture is the fundamental creativity of the achievements of Chinese civilization, and the overall form of moral inheritance, various cultural thoughts and spiritual concepts in the national history.


Chinese traditional culture ismainly composed of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. The traditional culture is not only profound in thought and rich in content; more importantly, the three cultures of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, which advocate morality, provide Chinese people with the code of conct and ultimate spiritual home.


Chinese traditional culture originated before the Shennong era in ancient times. According to the sequence of Chinese history, it has experienced the times of Chaoshi, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong (Yandi), Huangdi (Xuanyuan), Yao, Shun, Yu, etc. until the establishment of Xia Dynasty, it has developed into a splendid culture with rich and colorful cultural elements.

中華傳統文化起源於遠古文化時期的神農氏時代以前,依據中國歷史大系表順序,經歷有巢氏、燧人氏、伏羲氏、神農氏(炎帝) 、黃帝(軒轅氏) 、堯、舜、禹等時代,到夏朝建立,發展至今,形成具有豐富多彩文化元素的燦爛文化。

Chinese culture has a long history, broad and profound, and the core is a set of ideas, values and national spirit. For thousands of years, Chinese civilization has definitely formed its own value preference, that is, responsibility is prior to right, obligation is prior to freedom, community is higher than indivial, harmony is higher than conflict.


Ⅱ 英語作文求批改


1.1 Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about a pervasive phenomenon. [教師點評]
[低頻警示] concerned about a pervasive phenomenon 在語料庫中無此用法,疑似中式英語
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: quantity, amount, number, sum 均有「總數,總量」之意。
quantity: 書面用詞,指事物的總量和總數量,側重大批計量,含准確測量的意味。
amount: 普通用詞,與quantity近義,但強調整體,指把所有數量、重量及度量歸並在一起得出的總數。
number: 普通用詞,指人或物的數目,強調數的概念。
sum: 普通用詞,指簡單加算的結果。
[批改提示] people表示「人,民族」。查看與person的區別。
1.2 It is remarkable that a great many colleges appoint stars as their visiting professors. [教師點評]
[低頻警示] stars as their visiting professors 在語料庫中無此用法,疑似中式英語
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 appoint...star 在教材中出現過 3 次
SeeAlso: name star88,nominate star24,charge star17
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: appoint, designate, assign, name, nominate 均有「任命,委派」之意。
appoint: 通常指不經過選擇的官方委任。
designate: 書面用語,側重當權者或機構的選拔或任命,有時含強行指定的意味。
assign: 常指給一群人或個人分配、分派、指派或委派任務。
name: 普通用詞,著重任命的結果,而不是過程。
nominate: 通常指為某一公職選擇候選人,並將其提交給有決定權的人作最後決定。
1.3 The concern was intensely raised whether this move is contributive to the long-term development of universities. [教師點評]
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 raise...concern 在教材中出現過 6163 次
SeeAlso: raise fear1075,arouse concern107,raise worry106,provoke concern66,kindle concern18,elicit concern14,evoke concern7,raise business6,raise care3
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: affair, business, matter, concern, thing 均含「事情」之意。
affair: 含義較廣,側重指已發生或必須去做的任何事情或事務。復數形式多指重大或較復雜的事務。
business: 通常指較重要或較難而又必須承擔的事情,也可指商事。
matter: 普通用詞,著重指一件考慮中的或需要處理的事。
concern: 往往強調與個人或團體利害有直接或重大關系的事。
thing: 用作「事情」解時,詞義較籠統、含糊,多用於指不很具體的事。
1.4 Some harbor that we should be aware that stars play a positive role in the development of society. [教師點評]
[名詞錯誤] 單復數錯誤,請檢查Some harbor後的名詞。
如: many students, more chances
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: aware, conscious, sensible 均含「意識到的」之意。
aware: 強調通過耳聞目睹或感覺而得到的信息,也指敏稅的觀察和推斷。側重感知,多與of一起用。
conscious: 指內心的感覺,強調深刻的心理活動。
sensible: 側重通過直覺或理性感覺意識到某物的存在。
1.5 In their eyes, it is celebrities that matter a lot in promoting the concept of perseverance and persistence. [教師點評]
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 promote...concept 在教材中出現過 104 次
SeeAlso: push concept75,advance concept21,raise concept15,advertise concept9,further concept3,elevate concept3
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 matter...lot 在教材中出現過 134 次
SeeAlso: count lot40,matter deal3
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: idea, concept, conception, thought, notion, impression 均有「思想,觀點,觀念」之意。
idea: 最普通常用詞,幾乎適用於任何方面的思維活動。
concept: 指從眾多實例中通過概括、歸納而形成的對事物本質、全貌及其內部聯系的概念或看法。
conception: 通常指個人或一些人所持有的具體概念或念頭,也可指概念的形成過程,含一定的想像和感情色彩意味。
thought: 指以推理、思考等智力活動為基礎的心理思維活動及其結果。
notion: 指的是一種模糊的,變化的莫測的想法,無可靠的基礎,未經深思熟慮的觀點。
impression: 指外部刺激在思想中所產生的印象。
[批改提示] promote近義表達有encourage/ further/ boost/ advance
1.6 The introction of them can stimulate students to pursue their dream persistently. [教師點評]
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 stimulate...student 在教材中出現過 3 次
SeeAlso: have student1529,get student266,make student93,excite student14,energize student9,cause student9,rush student7,provoke student5,shake student5,arouse student4
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 pursue...dream 在教材中出現過 598 次
SeeAlso: follow dream298,pursue ambition83,pursue aspiration13
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: introction, preface 均有「前言,導言」之意。
introction: 普通用詞,指任何作品開頭對讀者或聽眾說明或介紹該作品,起引導作用的結論部分,和全書內容是一致的。
preface: 指作者或編者為說明全書的目的、范圍、編輯方法等在序言之前寫的一段簡短的序文。
1.7 Moreover, were it for stars, the reputation of universities would be promoted remarkably. [教師點評]
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 promote...reputation 在教材中出現過 12 次
SeeAlso: boost reputation34,elevate reputation23,further reputation19,raise reputation11,promote report10,advance reputation10,push reputation4,upgrade reputation3
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: fame, honour, reputation, glory, renown 均有「名聲,名譽」之意。
fame: 普通用詞,含義廣,一般指好名聲,可大可小,可遠可近。
honour: 側重指因高尚的舉止,忠心或誠實而受到公眾欽佩和崇敬,得到好名聲和榮譽。
reputation: 通常指熟悉某人或某地的人對該人、該地的看法,可好可壞。
glory: 指因功績卓著而獲得的令人稱頌的光榮或榮譽地位。
renown: 指遠近聞名的聲譽。
[批改提示] 注意would和used to的區別。
[批改提示] promote近義表達有encourage/ further/ boost/ advance
1.8 Conversely, the opponents bitterly refute this view. [教師點評]
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 refute...view 在教材中出現過 13 次
SeeAlso: rebut view8
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: opponent, competitor, enemy, foe, rival 均有「對手,敵手」之意。
opponent: 最常用詞,通常指在爭論、辯論、競選或競賽以及其它各種矛盾沖突中站在對立面的「對手」或「敵手」。
competitor: 指為同一目標或目的競爭者,一般無感情色彩。
enemy: 多指充滿敵意的仇敵。
foe: 語氣較強,多用於書面文字和詩歌中。指不僅敵對,而且很危險,懷有很深的敵意。
rival: 指與某人目標一致而想趕上或超過他的人,匹敵者。
1.9 What they maintain is that the college, usually called ivory tower, primary function of which is doing academic research. [教師點評]
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: college, university, institute, school, academy 均含有「學院,大學」之意。
college: 多指大學內的學院,分科學院或科目較少的高等學校。
university: 主要指綜合大學,一般由多個學院組成。當泛指大學時通常用college表示。
institute: 指設立有專門學科的學院,如外語學院、地質學院、建築學院等。
school: 指大學所屬的學院或系。
academy: 指(高等)專科院校或研究專門學術的學校。
[批改提示] usually的同義表達有for the most part。
[批改提示] primary的近義表達有radical或fundamental。
1.10 The introction of stars may destroy this atmosphere. [教師點評]
[低頻警示] the introction of stars 在語料庫中無此用法,疑似中式英語
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 destroy...atmosphere 在教材中出現過 10 次
SeeAlso: ruin atmosphere15,destroy aura7,destroy ambience5,destroy ambiance5,destroy air4
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: atmosphere, air, gas 均與「空氣」有關。
atmosphere: 指圍繞有的星球,特別是圍繞地球的空氣,即大氣層。也可指環境氣氛。
air: 指空氣,也泛指一般氣體。
gas: 指氣態物,尤指供燃燒取暖或照明的氣體,其中一部分稱作瓦斯。
1.11 Meanwhile, undergraates are likely to be obsessed with their stars, thus not concentrating on their curriculum. [教師點評]
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: concentrate, focus 均有「集中,聚集」之意。
concentrate: 指把人或物集中在一起,也可指把精力或注意力集中於某一事物上。
focus: 側重指把光、熱、射線等集中於一點,也可指把思想或精力等集中於某人或某事情上。
[批改提示] 注意meantime和meanwhile的區別。
1.12 Therefore, it is not desirable to introce the celebrities. [教師點評]
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus 均有「因此,所以」之意。
accordingly: 書面用詞,強調根據某種原因而得出的結果,其前可用冒號或分號,但不用逗號。
consequently: 正式用詞,側重符合邏輯的結果。
hence: 較正式用詞,指接下來的東西是理所當然的必需的東西,但強調其重要性。
so: 用於比較隨便的場合,口語中多用。
therefore: 通常指引出一個推斷出的必然結論。
thus: 多用於書面語中,可與therefore換用。
1.13 From my perspective, I'm convinced that a reasonable conclusion should be reached without a prejudice to any side. [教師點評]
[低頻警示] a prejudice to any side 在語料庫中無此用法,疑似中式英語
[搭配統計] 動名搭配 reach...conclusion 在教材中出現過 2434 次
SeeAlso: reach decision1730,reach end631,reach closing32,reach close27,reach ending25,reach determination22,reach finish13,achieve conclusion4
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: ince, persuade, urge, convince, counsel, coax 均有「勸說,勸導,勸誘」之意。
ince: 指用講道理來使某人做某事。
persuade: 普通用詞,指通過勸說、感情交流等而使對方做勸說者所希望的事。
urge: 語氣強,指不斷地熱情地規勸誘導。
convince: 指憑行動、事實或言語使他人從思想感情上信服。
counsel: 較正式用詞,指對一些較重大事情所提出的勸告。有時也用於非正式場合,但仍強調嚴肅的一面。
coax: 指用好話善意或耐心勸誘、哄騙某人做某事。
1.14 Apparently, it has its strengths and weaknesses. [教師點評]
[批改提示] strength的近義表達有competitiveness。
1.15 Only by forming a rational perception can we defy all the odds to adapt to this new trend. [教師點評]
[學習提示] 易混詞彙: adapt, adjust, conform, accommodate, suit, fit 均有「使適合,適應」之意。
adapt: 指人或物在原有情況下作某些改變以適應新的環境或不同的條件,強調改變的目的和重要性。
adjust: 與adapt含義很接近,但adjust所改變的幅度要小一些,側重過程,主要用於調整角度、高度、光點等。
conform: 多指與某模式或規則相符,也引申指改變習慣等以適應新的環境。
accommodate: 書面用詞,指以外部條件標准改變自己或某事以求得適應,著重改變或調節的有利。
suit: 指適合要求,從而使人滿意愉快。
fit: 含義廣,指人或物適合或適應某一目的或用途。
[批改提示] 查看trend和direction的區別。
[批改提示] 注意odd與odds區別。
[批改提示] defy近義表達有face/ confront/ stand up to

Ⅲ 英語作文淺談中國三代人的婚姻觀念

Chinese are very punctual.They are expected to arrive exactly on time for a party or a dinner engagement.Westerners are sometimes get caught unprepared with Chinese guests at their door or are chided for being late.It is also considered rude not to be patient and wait even when someone is really late.Showing up on time is regarded as an expression of respect to other people.In the rural areas these rules are less rigid as people are less tied to the clock and often more closely tied to immediate matters around them.

Ⅳ 關於大學生消費觀念的英語作文

大學生的消費水平越來越高,他們的消費觀念和信念又是什麼呢?下面我為你整理了關於大學生消費觀念的 英語 作文 ,希望對你有幫助!


A recent survey indicates that the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students have no concept of thrift in their mind at all.

The following factors contribute to this excess spending. First of all, as the only child of their families, many students are the apples in their families' eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. Some are even spoiled and take spending money from their parents for granted. In addition, with the improvement of living standards, parents can also afford higher expenditure of their children. Moreover, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which can be quite costly. Finally, campus love is another possible factor causing too much spending.

From my point of view, college students should learn to be thrifty. We should limit our expenditure on daily necessities but not buy whatever we want regardless of their prices. The habit of thrift can help us form fight values and is favorable to our future development.


According to a survey, in recent years, the monthly expenditure of a college student has been on the sharp rise. Many college students spend money like water and have no concept of thrift in their mind. They take it for granted that they spend money from their parents before they enter into society.

This extravagant spending is mainly causd by the following factors: First of all, nowadays, most students are the only children of their families. They are the apple in their family's eyes and naturally get more care and pocket money. Secondly, with the improvement of living standards, parents can afford higher expenditures of their children. Thirdly, some students like to pursue fashion and trends, which tends to need more money. Finally,campus love is also a possible factor causing extravagant spending.




I think it is necessary for a university student to have a correct idea of consumption.

First,consumption according to our own needs, but also to suit our needs.

Second,consumption should be independent, not to repeat word for word what others say, do not follow the crowd, what head.

Third,consumption should be coordinated, not only heavy material consumption and ignore the spiritual consumption.

Fourth,consumer spending should be with their income to adapt and moderate consumption.

At last ,we need to avoid the blindness and rational consumption.

If we do that, we will have a correct view of consumption.


Ⅳ 求一篇英語作文。題目Reading,an outdated thing。要求1看書觀念的日益淡化,


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