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發布時間: 2024-11-16 12:17:23

❶ 英語作文《環游世界》

我們的世界豐富多彩,有神奇的自然現象、歷史古跡、美麗的山川河流,還有……我真想環游世界。 2030年的我,已經成為了一位成功人士。我坐上我的超音速飛機環游美麗的世界。坐在飛機里向外望,啊!天是那麼藍,雲是那麼白,如羽毛,似輕紗,飛機緩緩地降下進行超低速飛行,透過玻璃窗,我看見了無邊的深藍色的大海,一艘艘白色的帆船駛過海面,白色的海鷗掠過天空,停在海島上。我來到大陸――非洲。在非洲大草原上,豹子在飛速地追捕羚羊,野牛群正在湖邊喝水,大象正在湖中洗澡……我繼續向前飛,不一會,我來到文明古國埃及的開羅,金字塔挺立在沙漠中,格外高大、雄偉,人面獅身像卧在金字塔前,使人聯想到那古老的埃及。來到非洲,必然要去海上明珠―好望角。我把飛機平穩地降落到沙灘上,我和夥伴們在沙灘上打排球,穿上潛水裝備潛入大海,和大海擁抱,和魚兒玩耍……非洲一塊神奇的大陸,到處勃勃生機,人和動物和睦相處。這次環游世界讓我了解了大自然,見到了埃及的歷史,擁抱了世界第一長河――尼羅河。 啊!我們的世界真是多麼的豐富多彩啊! Our world colorful, have magical natural phenomenon, historic sites, beautiful mountains and rivers, but... I really wanted to travel around the world. By 2030 me, has become an successful personage. I sit on my supersonic plane travel around beautiful world. Sit aircraft look outside, ah! The day is so blue and the clouds are so white tunic, feather, be like, the plane down slowly on the low-speed flying, through the window, I saw the vastness of the great dark blue sea, the little white sails passing the sea gull flashed across the sky, white, stopping at the island. I came to china-that Africa. In Africa prairie, the leopard hunted gazelle, in rapidly bison herds are the lake water, elephants are lake bath...... I continue to fly forwards.even, soon, I came to the ancient civilization of Cairo, Egypt pyramid standing in the desert, particularly tall, whom the magnificent, the body like lying in pyramid before, reminiscent of the ancient Egypt. Came to Africa, it's necessary to go to sea pearl - the cape. I put the plane landed smoothly on beach, I with my friends on a beach play volleyball, put on diving equipment into the sea, and the sea embrace, and fish play... The African continent, a magic everywhere vigor, and the animals get along. The travel around the world let me understand the nature and met the history of Egypt, embracing the world no.1 -- the Nile river. Ah! Our world is how the rich and colorful! 希望能夠幫助你,謝謝!

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