㈠ 那用英語說是什麼 翻譯成英語
What is that in English?
What is the English of that?
㈡ 那是哪 英語怎麼翻譯
Where is it? Or where, it is native usage.
㈢ 那是什麼英文怎麼翻譯
What is that ?
㈣ 那是一幅地圖用英語肯定句怎麼說
那是一幅地圖,用英語肯定句的表達是:That's a map。地圖的單詞是map,也可以不用縮寫形式:That is a map.
㈤ 閭f槸浠涔堢殑鑻辨枃
銆銆What is that
銆銆1. "We know what that means," Robert sniggered.
銆銆2. I wondered what that noise was.
銆銆3. What's that in the sky?
銆銆4. What do you suppose that dance is?
銆銆5. What book is that?
銆銆6. Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me what sort of car that is?
銆銆7. Something's wrong with this room, but I can't quite lay my finger on what it is.
銆銆榪欎釜鎴塊棿閲屾湁浜涗笉瀵瑰ご, 浣嗘垜鏃犳硶鏄庣『鍦版寚鍑洪偅鏄浠涔.
銆銆8. "What does that mean please?" — "I'm coming back to that. Just write it down for the minute."
銆銆9. Though he described the place carefully, I couldn't visualise it because it was so different from anything I'd known.
銆銆鉶界劧浠栨妸閭d釜鍦版柟璇村緱闈炲父璇︾粏, 浣嗘垜榪樻槸鎯寵薄涓嶅嚭閭f槸浠涔堟牱瀛,鍥犱負瀹冨悓鎴戞墍鐔熸倝鐨勪換浣曞湴鏂歸兘瀹屽叏涓嶅悓.
銆銆10. Charles Darnay -- As was natural -- Asked him , in all good - humour and good - fellowship, what he did mean?
銆銆鏌ュ皵鏂 - 杈懼皵鍐呰嚜鐒惰侀棶浠栭偅鏄浠涔堟剰鎬 —— 闂鏃跺緢蹇媧, 涔熷緢浜插垏.
銆銆11. " Ah , yes, " thought Braille. " I know what that is. I know only too well! "
銆銆“ 鏄鍛, ” 甯冭幈鍙舵殫鑷鎯抽亾, “ 鎴戠煡閬撻偅鏄浠涔, 鐭ラ亾寰楀お娓呮氫簡. ”
銆銆12. That's the thing I want to get at. Now what do you reckon it is?
銆銆榪欎竴鐐規垜鎯沖紕鏄庣櫧, 浣犳彛鎽╅偅鏄浠涔堟剰鎬?
銆銆13. You got something on your shirt . What's on your shirt? Moron!
銆銆浣犺‖琛i噷鏈変簺涓滆タ. 閭f槸浠涔? 錩㈣泲!
銆銆14. Tell me what it means, and I'll say it.
銆銆鍛婅瘔鎴戦偅鏄浠涔堟剰鎬, 鎴戜細榪欎箞璇寸殑.
銆銆15. Just tell me what it is, and I'll go ahead and get it, okay?
銆銆鍛婅瘔鎴戦偅鏄浠涔堟垜浼氬幓寮勬潵濂 鍚 ?
銆銆閭f槸浠涔圵hat is that鐨勮嫳璇渚嬪彞
銆銆1. And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?
銆銆2. "Whew! What is that terrible smell?" she cried.
銆銆3. What! Is that really so?
銆銆鍝! 浼氭湁榪欐牱鐨勪簨?
銆銆4. What ! Is that true?
銆銆鍟 !閭f槸鐪熺殑 鍚 ?
銆銆5. What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?
銆銆6. What is that apathetic being doing?
銆銆閭f棤鎯呯殑涓滆タ鍦ㄤ綔 浠涔 ?
銆銆7. What is that badge on your lapel?
銆銆8. Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that truck? "
銆銆鐬т綘閭e弻鎵, 鍐嶇湅浣犻偅寮犲槾, 榪樻湁閭f祽韜鏄浠涔? ”
銆銆9. What is that, from some script you auditioned for in the '40 s?
銆銆浠涔堢帺鎰忓効鏄浣40騫翠唬璇曠殑閭d簺鍓ф湰 鍚 ?
銆銆10. What is that thing where you fall asleep in the middle of a sentence?
銆銆閭e彨浠涔堢棶鏉ョ潃?灝辨槸璁茶瘽璁插埌涓鍗婁綘灝變細鐫¤繃鍘葷殑閭g?浣犵煡閬 鍚 ?
銆銆11. Gossip girl : What is that we said about appearances?
銆銆12. What is that statue and does it have any significance?
銆銆閭d釜闆曞儚鏄浠涔,瀹冩湁璞″緛鎰忎箟 涔 ?
銆銆13. Niffet drew close to his leader. " What is that creature? "
銆銆灝奸潪鐗歸潬榪戜粬鐨勯栭嗛棶閬, “ 閭f鐗╂槸浠涔? ”
銆銆14. What is that law has reasonable and legitimate condition?
銆銆娉曞緥鍏鋒湁姝e綋鎬х殑鏉′歡鏄 浠涔 ?
銆銆15. What is that? A bob here and there, dribs and drabs.
銆銆鏁扮洰涓嶅ぇ涓嶇嶄簨,榪欏効涓鍏堜護,閭e効涓鍏堜護, 涓鐐逛竴婊村湴鏀掑惂.
㈥ 那些是什麼用英語怎麼翻譯
那些是什麼用英語翻譯是:What are those?見下圖網路翻譯截圖