㈠ 感染的英語翻譯 感染用英語怎麼說
Infection of,infectious,tainted
感染的回 infectious;tainted;infected寄生蟲感答染的診斷 Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections感染的潰瘍病 Peptic ulcer disease
㈡ 14澶╃殑闆嗕腑闅旂葷敤鑻辮鎬庝箞璇
14 days of centralized isolation
b︈e put/kep︈t i︇n quarantine 琚闅︃紱
qu︈arantine [ˈkwɔːrəntiːn] 媯鐤錛涢殧紱伙紱闅紱繪湡
quarantin︈e闄や簡鍔ㄨ瘝闅旂伙紝涔熷彲浠ヤ綔鍚璇嶈〃︉紺洪殧紱繪湡銆傛墍浠ヨ闅旂葷殑璇存硶灝︀鏄痓e pu︊t in quarantine鎴朾︉e kept i︊n quarantine銆
It i︈s ne︍cessary to disinfect o︉ur rooms regularly.
misinforma︀tion 涓瀹炰俊鎮
misinformation 鍋︃娑堟伅錛涢敊璇娑堟伅
sta︍rt a ru︇mour 閫犺埃
ref︍ute a rumour 杈璋
榪欑嶅亣娑堟伅鐢ㄨ嫳璇璇村氨鏄痬isinformation錛岃埃︇璦鏄痳umour銆傚ぇ瀹惰佹敞︄鎰忥紝閫璋d笉︃鏄痬ake a rumour錛岃屾槸start a rumour錛岃緹璋f槸refute a rumour銆
That is misinformation, you ha︇ve be︀en fooled agai︀n.
㈢ 翻譯成英文,醫學知識
1. What is a diabetes?
The diabetes is a kind of familiar endocrine disease, is the glucose density in the blood sugar which causes because insulin inside the human body is absolute or opposite to lack but go up, then the sugar ejects from the urine in great quantities, and appear to drink much, eat much, emaciated, dizzy, tired etc. symptom.Further the development then causes whole body various nasty and chronic complications of severity, threatenning a healthy body.
Because the diabetes becomes sick horary extension, if the metabolism mess in the body cans not gets a good control, can cause the eye, kidney, nerve, blood vessel and heart etc. organize, organ get the chronic complications become blind by going to end occurrence, legs damage, urine poisoning disease, cerebral paralysis or myocardial infarction, even endanger life.
Along with the life horizontal exaltation, the diabetes has become a kind of familiar disease, the diabetes outbreak rate increases just and year by year in the meantime.The on the sick list rate of flourishing nation diabetes has already been up to 5-10%, our country of average fall ill rate already 3%, some cities close the on the sick list rate of flourishing nation.
2. The type of diabetes
(1)Ⅰ Type diabetes
Ⅰ Type diabetes, share diabetes a patient to amount around of 10% often is taken place in child and teenager.But can also be taken place in any age, even 80-90 years old can also fall ill.The cause of disease is because the insulin is broken by the oneself immunity that the cell lies to lead, the oneself can't synthesize and secrete insulin.
(2)Ⅱ Type diabetes
Ⅱ Type diabetes, share 90% of diabetic total amount around, outbreak age most after 35 years old, since the disease slow-moving, hide, parts of patients are in the health