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發布時間: 2024-10-24 03:02:23

1. 求關於節約用電的英語作文(要帶中文翻譯的)。好的給分。

As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash things and cook food, we also use water to make machines. People can't live without water.
Though about 75% of the earth is covered with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we must save water by having a shower instead of a bath. We can save water by fixing dripping taps immediately and we can also save water by not washing under a running tap.

2. 節約用電英語作文50詞

讓我們提高節約用電意識,做到科學用電,節約用電。那麼節約用電 英語 作文 50詞怎麼寫呢?以下是我為大家整理的,有關節約用電英語作文50詞,希望大家喜歡。
Electricity is very important in our daily life.People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.So we mustn't waste the electricity.

We can do someting to save electricity:

1.when we leave the house and classroom ,we must close the lights

2. using the air-conditioner less often,

3.turning off the light upon leaving,

4.reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

物雀5.when you leave your room must be turn off the light,

6. when you watching TV don't turn on too much light.
Electricity plays a very important role in our life today, we can not live without it. In our country, we have using it for about 50 years.

But,we have to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,it's polluted environment around us.

As a student,we should like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!
州悶First, we mustn't turnon more lights than we need . Then, we must turn fans off when we leave a room. Next, we must close the fridge or freezer after we have taken something out.

We mustn switch off the lights when students are the last to leave the classroom.

After that, we mustn'罩跡早t leave the kettle on unattended. Finally,we must close all the windows when we are using the air conditioner.

If everyone can do these,I think we can save electricity.
First,we shouldn't waste the electricity.We should use it as little electricity as possible.Second ,in the summer,we don't ues the air conditioner too often.Third,when we leave the room,we should remember to turn off the light.

When we watch TV,we can also turn on little light.In the end,we can use energy-savingblubs.

If we saving more energy,our life can become more and more brighter.


1. 關於節約用電英語作文範文3篇

2. 節約用電的作文500字5篇

3. 倡導節約英語作文

4. 關於節約用水的英語作文

3. 英語作文"Saving electricity"

Each of us a citizen, should I start from, take the initiative to conserve electricity. There are some energy saving methods: 1: Rece the refrigerator trips and shorten, Guan period is able to put Dong Xi Jiang Di refrigerator power consumption of food should be cool down and then Fangru fridge to avoid wasting energy Leng. 2: use less air conditioning. Hot summer, many people are using air conditioning, which is the main factor causing power shortage. I suggest that you use less air conditioning because the air-conditioning too much power, and it will air sick 。
Develop the habit of saving electricity, energy value, energy savings, from ourselves and from now on. Let us all work together, the same as the value of life to cherish each unit of electricity, contribute to saving a power!
我們每一名公民, 都應該從我做起, 主動節約用電。節約用電也有一定的方法:一 : 減少開冰箱的次數,並縮短開、關的時間,可降低冰箱耗電量放東西時應待食物冷卻降溫後再放入冰箱,以避免浪費冷能。二 : 少用空調。炎熱的夏天,許多人都在使用空調,這是造成電力緊張的主要因素。我建議你少用空調,因為使用空調太耗電了,而且會生空調病。
養成節約用電的習慣, 珍惜電能,節約用電,從我做起,從現在做起。讓我們大家共同努力,像珍惜生命一樣地珍惜每一度電,為節電貢獻自己的一份力量!

4. 如何節約用電的英語作文70字

Electricity plays a very important role in our life today,we can not live without it.In our country,we have using it for about 50 years.But,we have to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,it's polluted environment around us.as a student,we should like using the air-conditioner less often,turning off the light upon leaving,reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.
As a saying puts," Actions speak louder than words",please join in the action to save electricity,from yourself,from now on.Action!

5. 涓綃囨湁鍏寵妭綰﹁兘婧愮殑鑻辮浣滄枃

Title: The Importance of Energy Conservation

Energy conservation plays a crucial role in preserving our environment and ensuring a sustainable future. It involves making conscious efforts to rece energy consumption and using resources efficiently. In this essay, we will explore the significance of energy conservation and how indivials can contribute to this global effort.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Saving Electricity:
Conserving electricity is an effective way to rece energy consumption. We can turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronic devices, and use energy-efficient appliances. By adopting these habits, we not only save energy but also lower our electricity bills.
2. Efficient Heating and Cooling:
Proper insulation and temperature regulation in our homes can significantly impact energy usage. We can seal gaps, use programmable thermostats, and set our heating and cooling systems at optimal temperatures. These measures help rece unnecessary energy wastage and maintain a comfortable living environment.
3. Transportation:
Transportation is another area where energy conservation is vital. We can opt for public transportation, carpooling, or cycling instead of relying heavily on private vehicles. By choosing eco-friendly modes of transportation, we rece fuel consumption and carbon emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.

In conclusion, energy conservation is crucial for environmental sustainability and recing our carbon footprint. Each indivial can make a difference by adopting simple yet impactful practices like saving electricity, efficient heating and cooling, and making environmentally friendly transportation choices. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.



1. The importance of + noun phrase:
鍦ㄦ爣棰樺拰寮曡█涓錛屼嬌鐢ㄤ簡鍙ュ紡"The importance of + noun phrase"鏉ュ己璋冭妭綰﹁兘婧愮殑閲嶈佹с傝繖涓鍙ュ紡涓鐨勫悕璇嶇煭璇璧峰埌浜嗗悕璇嶆ф垚鍒嗙殑浣滅敤錛岀敤鏉ヨ〃杈劇壒瀹氫富棰樼殑閲嶈佹с

2. Modal verbs:
鏂囩珷涓浣跨敤浜嗘儏鎬佸姩璇嶆潵琛ㄧず寤鴻鍜屾帹鑽愩備緥濡傦紝鍦ㄧ涓孌典腑浣跨敤浜"can"鏉ヨ〃杈句釜浜哄彲浠ラ噰鍙栫殑琛屽姩錛屽"we can turn off lights"銆傝繖浜涙儏鎬佸姩璇嶇敤浜庣粰鍑哄緩璁銆佹彁渚涘彲鑳芥т互鍙婁紶杈捐屽姩鐨勮兘鍔涙垨鍙鑳芥с

3. Present continuous tense:
鏂囩珷涓榪愮敤浜嗙幇鍦ㄨ繘琛屾椂鏉ユ弿榪版e湪榪涜岀殑琛屽姩銆備緥濡傦紝鍦ㄧ浜屾典腑浣跨敤浜"is sealing gaps"鍜"is setting our heating and cooling systems"絳夌幇鍦ㄨ繘琛屾椂鐨勫彞瀛愶紝鐢ㄦ潵鎻忚堪褰撳墠姝e湪榪涜岀殑鑺傜害鑳芥簮鐨勮屽姩銆

4. Comparative and superlative forms:
鏂囩珷涓浣跨敤浜嗘瘮杈冪駭鍜屾渶楂樼駭褰㈠紡鏉ユ瘮杈冧笉鍚岀殑琛屽姩鎴栨儏鍐點備緥濡傦紝鍦ㄧ涓夋典腑鎻愬埌浜"more sustainable future"錛岀敤鏉ユ瘮杈冨綋鍓嶅拰鏈鏉ョ殑鍙鎸佺畫鎬у彂灞曘

5. Conditional sentences:
鍦ㄧ粨灝鵑儴鍒嗭紝鏂囩珷浣跨敤浜嗘潯浠跺彞鏉ヨ〃紺哄規湭鏉ョ殑鏈熸湜鍜岀粨鏋溿備緥濡傦紝鍦ㄦ渶鍚庝竴孌典腑浣跨敤浜"Each indivial can make a difference"錛岃繖涓鍙ュ瓙琛ㄨ揪浜嗗傛灉姣忎釜浜洪噰鍙栬屽姩錛屽皢浼氫駭鐢熺Н鏋佺殑褰卞搷銆


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