當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 請不要站在兩車之間英語怎麼翻譯


發布時間: 2024-10-23 11:18:00

① 英語翻譯:1、我們老師很喜歡那個有禮貌的學生。 2、請不要把車停在別人的車庫前面 3、他被交警罰款200元

1、Our teacher like that student who has good manners.
2、Don't park the car in front of their garages.
3、The traffic police fined him 200 yuan.
4、Let he close the window.
5、I didn't take shower before I went to sleep yesterday.
6、I will come over if I am free.
7、Pay attention to that thief.
8、My parents look after me very well

② 英語翻譯,車站在路上

For travel safety,all students please pay attention to:
1) It must be arrived at the station five minutes ahead of schele.
2) Not allowed to play while we are waiting.
3) Not allow to get on the vehicle until it is wholly stop.
4) No jokes while we are on or off the vehicle.
5) Keep your hands and head inside the vehicle.
6) Alighted from the vehicle and must on the sidewalks.

③ 翻譯 請把你的車停在指定區域並停入車位內,。勿占兩個車位

please park your car in the designated area and inside each parking lot. please do not park in the middle of two lots.

④ 我想要動車和高鐵上的中英文雙語廣播稿


Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station.

Ladies and Gentlmen, we have arrived at XX station, as stopping here is very short, passengers don't have reached final destination, please don't get off for a walk. Also please(這個轉折點我聽了無數萬套,實在不知所雲,只能按照發音湊成兩個單詞),smoking is not allowed on the platform, thanks for your cooperation.


Ladies and Gentlmen, welcome aboard XX(冠名廠商英文名),I would like to send our regards to you on behalf of all crew members, wish you have a pleasant journey, the next station is XX. Ladies and Gentlmen, you are taking is a green smoking-free train, it equips smoking detect. For your and others' travelling safety, please don't smoke within any area in the train. Please make sure your luggage on luggage rack has been laid safely, so that they are not fallen out of rack, and hurt yourself and other passengers. For keeping equipments and facilities have good functions, please be considerate when you use that, thanks for your cooperation.


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