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發布時間: 2024-10-19 23:14:43

⑴ 我的魚英文作文怎麼寫作文

1. 有關寫魚的英語作文

Since the ancient times, fish have been living in the water, so fish and water has always been a good friend.

Spring girl wearing green clothes came quietly, head fish are floating on the sea surface, watching the spring for the "movie." There is a *** all fish to speak of: "How beautiful ah!" The fish have all said: "yes ah!"

After listening to their conversation stream, very angry and said: "Well, since you view it like to land up ah! My house you can not tolerate the" eyed. "In this way, they are the busy noisy.

The next day, the fish have a good clean up their own "baggage", ready to start it! When led poisonivy ready to say "start", the seaweed they have to persuade: "Do not go, ah, you are the fish, is the water of the animals, if the land up, it would mean the loss of life ah!" But fish in the door not only did not listen to advice, but also scolded those who were ignorant of seagrass. River could not help but feel anger at last, stern voice said: "Do not control them, let them go by!"

To the land, the state of the door at first the fish is also very good, but the fish are very thirsty, his voice all *** oke, and all of a sudden, almost dying fish and the river it? At the time of the terrible quiet ring the day is not to mention. River began to regret it.

One day, a kindly old lady came to the riverside walk and saw a lot of "fish", but not yet dead, on the one hand and put them back into a river. However, back to the river, and only 10 others have died. No dead fish were very sad, but also be aware of her own errors, where the river ran an apology. Stream it? Apologize to them.

Since then, the river and fish on and bee inseparable friends.

2. 金魚作文(英文+翻譯

小金魚(little goldfish)

I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black .I like the black one best. We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It has o big and round eyes, a *** all mouth ,and a big tail. Though it's very *** all ,it swims fast .

I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .


3. 描寫魚的英語作文


This is a kind of animal. There are many kinds of this animal. It is colorful and lovely.

It lives in water. Without water it is going to die.

This animal could be eaten by people or other large animals.

Please make a guess of what is this animal.


4. 錦鯉魚英語作文怎麼寫

My favourite animal is fish.The fish are very cute. 我最喜歡的動物是魚,魚特別可愛(乖巧)。

There are many kinds of fish,such as,Goldfish,the beautiful fish,many people like to feed them.Tropical fish,they live in the sea.Whale,They are the largest animal in the world. 魚的種類有很多種,比如金魚、觀賞魚,很多人都喜歡飼養魚。熱帶魚生活在大海中,他們是世界上最大的動物(這個作文地帶不大認同),作者估計是要說,魚是世界上種類最多的動物。

They fish sleep without close eyes.Some fish sleep ring the day , and some fish sleep at night.Generally sleep through out the night. 魚睡覺從來不閉眼的。一些魚白天睡覺,一些魚晚上睡覺。


5. 關於魚的英語作文15句話

I am a girl of eleven. I like animals. Of all the animals, I like fish best.

Fishes are animals in water. They swim in water freely. Some fishes are *** all. The *** allest one is as big as a fly. While some are big. The biggest fish grows up to more than 60 feet long.

They have different kinds of colors, such as red, yellow, and black. And they have many shapes, too. Some are long, but some are round. Some have gib heads, but some have long tails.

I wish I could be a fish and swim in the sea!

⑵ 有關寫魚的英語作文

Since the ancient times, fish have been living in the water, so fish and water has always been a good friend. Spring girl wearing green clothes came quietly, head fish are floating on the sea surface, watching the spring for the "movie." There is a small fish to speak of: "How beautiful ah!" The fish have all said: "yes ah!" After listening to their conversation stream, very angry and said: "Well, since you view it like to land up ah! My house you can not tolerate the" eyed. "In this way, they are the busy noisy. The next day, the fish have a good clean up their own "baggage", ready to start it! When led poisonivy ready to say "start", the seaweed they have to persuade: "Do not go, ah, you are the fish, is the water of the animals, if the land up, it would mean the loss of life ah!" But fish in the door not only did not listen to advice, but also scolded those who were ignorant of seagrass. River could not help but feel anger at last, stern voice said: "Do not control them, let them go by!" To the land, the state of the door at first the fish is also very good, but the fish are very thirsty, his voice all smoke, and all of a sudden, almost dying fish and the river it? At the time of the terrible quiet ring the day is not to mention. River began to regret it. One day, a kindly old lady came to the riverside walk and saw a lot of "fish", but not yet dead, on the one hand and put them back into a river. However, back to the river, and only 10 others have died. No dead fish were very sad, but also be aware of her own errors, where the river ran an apology. Stream it? Apologize to them. Since then, the river and fish on and become inseparable friends.

⑶ 用英語介紹魚 小學六年級作文怎麼寫

Generally speaking,fish is a kind of species which usually lives in the water.There are various kinds of fish in the world.Some are very common while others are very precious.In fact,fish has many functions and is of vital to people's life.Some countries like Japan
have great dependence on fish.And fish is the main food for Japanese.
Actually,I am very fond of golden fish because it is so beautiful and usually used as a decoration.In a word,fish is very important to human beings.

⑷ 關於描寫魚的英文詩句


I am a girl of eleven. I like animals. Of all the animals, I like fish best.

Fishes are animals in water. They swim in water freely. Some fishes are small. The smallest one is as big as a fly. While some are big. The biggest fish grows up to more than 60 feet long.

They have different kinds of colors, such as red, yellow, and black. And they have many shapes, too. Some are long, but some are round. Some have gib heads, but some have long tails.

I wish I could be a fish and swim in the sea!



this is a kind of animal. there are many kinds of this animal. it is colorful and lovely.

it lives in water. without water it is going to die.

this animal could be eaten by people or other large animals.

please make a guess of what is this animal.



Since the ancient times, fish have been living in the water, so fish and water has always been a good friend.

Spring girl wearing green clothes came quietly, head fish are floating on the sea surface, watching the spring for the "movie." There is a small fish to speak of: "How beautiful ah!" The fish have all said: "yes ah!"

After listening to their conversation stream, very angry and said: "Well, since you view it like to land up ah! My house you can not tolerate the" eyed. "In this way, they are the busy noisy.

The next day, the fish have a good clean up their own "baggage", ready to start it! When led poisonivy ready to say "start", the seaweed they have to persuade: "Do not go, ah, you are the fish, is the water of the animals, if the land up, it would mean the loss of life ah!" But fish in the door not only did not listen to advice, but also scolded those who were ignorant of seagrass. River could not help but feel anger at last, stern voice said: "Do not control them, let them go by!"

To the land, the state of the door at first the fish is also very good, but the fish are very thirsty, his voice all smoke, and all of a sudden, almost dying fish and the river it? At the time of the terrible quiet ring the day is not to mention. River began to regret it.

One day, a kindly old lady came to the riverside walk and saw a lot of "fish", but not yet dead, on the one hand and put them back into a river. However, back to the river, and only 10 others have died. No dead fish were very sad, but also be aware of her own errors, where the river ran an apology. Stream it? Apologize to them.

Since then, the river and fish on and become inseparable friends.


Bass 海鱸魚,




catfish 鯰魚,


cod 鱈魚,

Cod Fillets 鱈魚塊


Conger (Eel)鰻魚


Croaker 白花魚,跟黃花魚是一類,肉質很嫩,清蒸



flounder 比目魚,又叫龍利,

FLOUNDER-龍利, 比目魚一類的魚,

grouper 石斑魚

Haddock 北大西洋鱈魚

Halibut 大比目魚

Herring 青魚,鯡 ,

Herring roes 鯡魚子

Mackerel 鯖


mullet 胭脂魚

orange 香橙魚

Octopus 鱆魚

perch 河鱸魚


Red Mullet 紅鰹

red snapper 紅鯛魚

ribbonfish 帶魚.

salmon 三文魚(也叫?鮭魚?或大馬哈魚

Sea Bream 海鯉

shark 鯊魚

swordfish 劍魚,


tilapia 羅非魚,又叫吳郭魚,非洲鯽魚,









I really like goldfish.My home have a lot of a goldfish.See they are in the water swim, I was very happy.I often think, if I can like them that way free this much good.And all day, no trouble.Every morning, my first thing is feeding goldfish.Whenever I am in a bad mood, I will and goldfish together.I hope there could have been with them together.But I later college after, probably won't stay at home.Thought of here, I feel very sad.


Fine Sunday


猴子和鶚魚的英語故事 不知道鶚魚算不算是魚The Crocodile and The Monkey Once upon a time, a crocodile and a monkey became friends. However, the day came when the crocodile, who by nature was changeable and cunning, thought of betraying his friend. 「The King of the Crocodiles has asked me to invite you to a great feast which he is having for his daughter's marriage,」 the crocodile told the monkey. 「But, your king lives far away up the river,」 answered the monkey. 「As you know, I don't know how to swim, so how do I get there?」 「That's alright,」 answered the crocodile. 「I shall carry you on my back. That will be no trouble for me, since I am such a powerful swimmer.」 When they reached the middle of the river, the crocodile looked up and spoke to his friend, 「I am sorry to tell you that we are not going to any wedding. The fact is that the King of Crocodiles was told that he will live to a great old age only if he eats the heart of a monkey.」 The poor monkey's heart almost stopped beating when he heard the crocodile's words. But the monkey was very smart, and didn't look afraid. 「Dear friend,」 he answered the crocodile, 「I didn't think I would be needed my heart on this journey, so I left it behind in that tall tree by the river bank. Let's go back so that I can collect it and take it to your king.」 The crocodile, who wasn't very intelligent, believed what the monkey said. So, he turned around in the middle of the river and started to swim back to the shore. As soon as they arrived at the shore, the monkey jumped off and climbed up the nearest tree, where he sat laughing loudly. 「What are you laughing at?」 asked the crocodile, who was rather slow at times. 「I am laughing,」 said the monkey, 「at someone so foolish that he believes an animal can just take out his heart and leave it in a tree. You may have big teeth and powerful jaws, but you have a brain the size of an ant!」 And the monkey went on laughing and laughing at this escape from his former friend the crocodile.。






5、方池如鑒碧溶溶,錦鯉游揚逐浪中。 竚看三春煙水暖,好觀一躍化神龍。


7、才飲長沙水,又食武昌魚。 萬里長江橫渡,極目楚天舒。








15、別浦鯉魚何日到,錦書封恨重重。 海棠花下去年逢。 也應隨分瘦,忍淚覓殘紅。



































1、一恨鰣魚多刺 二恨海棠無香 ,三恨《紅樓夢》未完。 ——張愛玲



4、你要做一個不動聲色的大人了。不準情緒化,不準偷偷想念,不準回頭看。去過自己另外的生活。你要聽話,不是所有的魚都會生活在同一片海里。 ——村上春樹


6、北冥有魚,其名為鯤。鯤之大,不知其幾千里也。化而為鳥,其名為鵬。鵬之背,不知其幾千里也。怒而飛,其翼若垂天之雲。 ——《莊子》

7、羈鳥戀舊林,池魚思故淵。 ——陶淵明 譯文


⑸ 以釣魚為題寫一篇英語作文

Bait fishing is one of the easiest ways to catch fish. The approaches to catching fish are many--fly fishing, spinner fishing, jig fishing, trolling, and snagging to name a few—t fishing is a good method for the beginning fisherman or fisherwoman. Bait fishing offers both simplicity and effectiveness for anglers. It is simple in that one only has to t up a hook and throw the line in the water, and it is effective because the presence of live t is a temptation that hardly any fish can resist!
It is said that if you give a man a fish he』ll eat for a day. If you teach him how to fish, however, he』ll eat for a lifetime. This article can help keep your belly full of fish for years to come!
Choose a location. Make sure to fish in water that actually has fish in it. If there aren』t any fish, you aren』t going to catch anything. Many newspapers have local fishing reports that will list locations and tell you what fish, if any, are biting and what they』re biting on. You can also ask around at angling shops, marinas and camping supply stores in the area. You can also check by throwing in food scraps and waiting a few minutes.

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