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發布時間: 2024-10-19 06:33:44

1. 以我去學校的路上為題目,寫一篇英語作文,介紹到校的方式


Different students like different ways to go to school.As for me, I like to go to school on foot the most.There are four reasons.


Firstly, y home is not far away from my school.It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school.Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is heavy.There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars.I think it's safe to go to school on foot.Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport.It』s good for my health.Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking.It's fantastic, but a little dangerous.


These are the reasons why I like to go to school on foot the most.What about you?



2. on my way to school的英語作文怎麼寫50字快一分鍾六年級水平

Today I got up very early in the morning. After I finished breakfast, I went to school. On my way to school I saw something lying on the ground. I picked it up and found it was a mobile phone. I was afraid I would be late for school. I had no time to wait for the owner. So I gave it to the policeman.
Shortly after I reached my school, the headmaster came to my class and praised me in front of the class. How could he knew all about it? I guess it must be the policeman who told him what I did.
I am very happy that I have done a good job.
Since my school is not far from where I live. I often walk to school. Along
the way, I can see many interesting things. Right after I step out of my house,
I can see many elderly people jogging around. As I pass the park, I see some
people doing tai chi. Occasionally, I may also find a few students of my age who
are reciting lessons while walking along.
Morning is a precious time to plan
for the day. I am proud of being a member of those early risers and of spending
as much time as I can equipping myself for a better tomorrow.



3. 以「走路上學」為話題,寫80單詞的英語作文要用到be good for,with fiends.s

I stay twenty kilometres from school. Even I stay this far from school, I still like to walk to school. I had tried to ask friends to walk to school with me, but they chicken out. Everyday, I save five yuan by walking o school.

4. 求一篇英語作文 題目:去學校的路上

Today is a sunny day. I am very happy to go to school. But on my
way to school ,an unfortunate thing happened. when I crossed
the street , I suddenly heard a bang.There were two vehicles crashing into each other. Obviously, a car driver violated the traffic regulations. I think that such an accident would have totally avoided. I also urged people to observe traffic regulations.今天是個晴天。我上學時感到很快樂。但是就在上學的路上有一件回不幸的事發生了答。在我過馬路時,我突然聽到一聲巨響。原來是兩輛車相撞。很明顯是一輛車的駕駛員違反了交通規則。我覺得這樣的事故本來完全可以避免。我也呼籲大家要遵守交通規則。

5. 寫一篇關於my journey to school(去我學校的路上)的英語作文(50個單詞)

Hello,my name is .My school is .I get up at seven o'clock every day .And then I go to school at a quarter past seven.I always walk to school.But on rainy days,I go to school by bus .I arrive at school at a quarter to eight .This is my journey tu school.




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