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❶ 案例分析怎麼寫如何預防學術Essay摘要撰寫錯誤






















❷ 牛津高三英語讀寫作文教學案例

1. 求高考英語作文讀寫任務事例物桐亮素材

呵呵 廣東考生 這部分的每個事例的字數大概80 - 100之間罩寬為佳 下面提供幾個你參考一輪吵下友誼類 There was a time when I was addicted to playing puter games, unwilling to spend time on study. I was so absorbed that I did poorly in study. Luckily, it was my friend Li Lei that noticed my problem and managed to prevent me from playing puter games. In addition, he encouraged me to take part in some outdoor activities. Eventually, I succeeded in quitting my addiction and devoted myself to study.堅持類 Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, managed to bee one of the most successful writers in the world. As a child, she learned to spell and recognize word by word with the help of her teacher. She overcame a great many difficulties to be able to read and write barely with her ffingers. It was her perseverance and insistance that enabled her to bee one of the greatest women in the world.目標類 There was a time when I got tired of study. Unable to concentrate on my study, I often blanked out when reading a book. Luckily, it was my partner who pointed out that it was mostly e to my lack of motivation and aim. She encouraged me to find a goal, such as attending a key university or performing well in the ing exam. Thanks to her, I regained my confidence and worked hard on my study.對待失敗的態度類 Once I failed in an important petition. I was so upset that I began to doubt myself. "Am I too stupid? Am I not good enough to catch up with others?" One day, I watched a movie called Forest Gump. I was moved and inspired by Gump's insistance and optimi *** , therefore deciding that I should move on. I began to pick up confidence and graally, I made great progress.團結類 There was a time when my team was asked to acplish an assignment by my teacher. Not knowing how to do it, some of us worked separately while others just stood aside watching. Graally, those hard workers began to plain and those lazy ones continued to resist. Luckily, it was my teaher who noticed our problem and showed us how to cooperate as a united team. After dividing ourselves and assigning tasks clearly, we set about working immediately and finally, we were the first to acplish the task and did it well.。

2. 牛津高中英語模塊2的第1單元reading課文 原文 謝謝幫忙

Boy missing,police puzzled

Police in america have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year--old boy who went missing o days ago in Dover,Now Hampshire,People have shown great interest in his disappearance e to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance.

Justin Foster,a high school student,went missing last Friday night.At first,Justin's mother,who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache,thought that the teenager was spending the night with a friend.Mr Foster ,who was working that night,was surprised that his son did not tell anyone that he was staying out late.When Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day,Mrs Foster became worried and told her hu *** and to call the police.

However,police found that Justin did in fact return home on Friday night at about 11 p.m,That evening at 8 p.m.,Justin left home to play baseball with o friends,who both say Justin went home after the game.Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45p.m.

3. 高中英語教案怎麼寫

高一 Unit 17 Great women reading 教案教學內容分析本單元的中心話題是「著名(傑出)女性」,話題涉及談論著名及你最崇敬的女性「婦女獨自南極探險」,「美國電視著名黑人女主持人奧普拉·溫茀麗的故事」等,語言技能和語言知識都圍繞中心話題而設計。

本節課為此單元的第二課時——閱讀課。「讀前」(Pre-reading)設計了三個有關旅行和南北極的問題,具體涉及極地探險、動物等內容, 能夠誘發學生的探索精神和想像力。

通過學生的討論、探究,自主地發現下面閱讀故事的背景,有助於學生正確理解文章的深層意思,真正體會主人公Helen Thayer的偉大。「閱讀」(Reading)材料是一篇記敘文,故事描敘的是作者Helen Thayer在她60歲時,獨游南極洲的冒險經歷。


Teaching Aims:1.Train the students'reading ability.2.Learn and master the following words and phrases;1) Words: mile Antarctic threaten optimistic somehow shelter regret extreme climate value2) Phrases: struggle through threaten to do sth lie down be thankful for in good health struggle to one's feet make a decision Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students' reading ability.2.Enable the student to understand the text better.3.Let the students have strong wills and determination by reading the passage.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to improve the students'reading ability.2.The use of some useful expressions.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion before reading to make the students be interested in what they learn in class.2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.4.Indivial, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a map of the world2.a tape recorder3.a puterTeaching Proceres:Step I Greeting and speech Greet the students as usual and the student who is on ty give a speech before class.Step II Lead­-in 1.Do you like travelling ?Where do you like to travel best ? How will you travel ? 2.Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you ?3.Why do polar bears never eat penguins ? Step III Fast – reading。

4. 【高中英語作文請你根據以下提示,結合生活中的一個事例,用英語寫

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor RooseveltIt took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes. ~Sally FieldDon't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance. ~Author UnknownOur remedies oft in ourselves do lieWhich we ascribe to heaven.~William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends WellA successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. ~David BrinkleyIt's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. ~Author UnknownWe have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. ~Roderick Thorp, Rainbow DriveIt ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to. ~W.C. FieldsWhether you think you can or think you can't - you are right. ~Henry FordI quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down. ~Allen H. NeuharthIf you hear a voice within you say。

5. 【請教高中英語作文讀寫任務要怎麼寫好

一般說來,學習英語寫作有三個步驟,這三個步驟是不能截然分開的. 第一, 學習這門語言的基本的詞彙和語法.此時的學習者對這門外語的基本用法還未掌握,因此尚處於學習語言的基礎階段.這時寫作訓練一般沒有,即使有也只是為練習詞彙和語法服務.這種練習一般說來內容都非常簡單,強調的是學習者所使用的詞彙和語法必須正確. 第二, 語言和內容並舉.此時的學習者已經掌握了該語言的一些基本的詞彙和語法,可以用該語言表達自己的簡單的思想.這時的寫作練習可以達到兩個目的:(1)繼續增強對語言的掌握;(2)用英語表達一定的思想.在具體的學習實踐中,這兩者實際上是不可分的.有許多初三的學生開始用英語記日記,其實他們就正處於這一階段. 第三, 主要強調內容.當學習者對一門外語的詞彙和語法有了一定的掌握,可以用它來表達相對復雜的思想時,就基本進入了第三階段.此時的語言已經不是最大的障礙,如何寫出好的內容成了頭等大事.這一階段的學習者所注重的是如何選材、如何組織文章之類的問題.有人說只有這第三階段的寫作才是真正的寫作.這一說法可能失之偏頗,但成功的寫作是必須達到這第三階段的. 如果你發覺寫出完整的句子尚有困難,這說明你還處於第一階段.此時你不要急於寫出長篇大論,即使你有些想法可能非常深刻.這時你應該做的是注意語言的積累,留意常用詞和句型的用法.另外,適當做一些翻譯練習也可以幫助你提高運用語言的能力,從而為提高寫作能力做好准備.我們的翻譯板塊中有許多練習實際上對你們的寫作能力的提高也是大有裨益的.除此之外,多做一些閱讀,培養對語言的感覺也能為提高寫作能力做一些准備. 因此,你在現階段可以從以下三個方面著手:積累語言素材、多做翻譯練習、多做閱讀練習.隨著你的語言能力的提高,你會逐步進入第二階段,到那時你就不愁寫不出句子了.。

6. 走進高三英語作文100詞左右

Grade 3,I have e.When the new term began,I became a student of Grade 3.I know that I will have to face more difficulty in the new term.I think I will try my best to work harder.My parents and my teacher often encourage me to study hard and make great progress.I have made up my mind to spend more time learning.I will follow our teachers to review my lessons.Our teachers are so experienced that they are sure to help us to know much about how to bee better.I hope I can make greater progress in Grade 3 and I am sure to succeed in the entrance exam next year.I believe I can!。

7. 【高中英語作文怎麼寫我考的是讀寫任務,就是先用30個詞概括短文,

高中的作文目的性比較強,只需要先總結出中文意思,然後翻譯就行.但是有個問題就是那個一句中文我們估計得用好幾句英文去翻譯,有時候甚至還翻譯不出來,這就需要平時的積累了.所以平時需要被多記一些句型和短語.我看你上面說的平時寫作業的時候用了很多句型,我想知道的是那些是你自己寫的還是是你在哪篇文章中看到的然後找到它抄了過來.我上高中的時候每天早上背誦一篇英文短文並且默寫,背誦的目的是記住,默寫的目的是為了把那些句子變成是自己的.有些東西多背幾遍就行,並且要隨時復習 直到變成是你自己的話.如果怕記不住我告訴你一個便捷的方法.一天記一個好的句型.然後這周所有的作文都用到它,然後每周復習一次.我想你就可以記住了,徹底把那些句子當成是自己的。

❸ 一篇關於英語的shopping online,作文,不少於60最多100字



With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers,shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular.Many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays.
Shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent.You just click the mouse can you get all information you want,so that you don』t have to go to the shop personally.In addtition,the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.
However,everything has two sides.You can not see the procts or check their qualities and some of the sellers on the Internet is not so honest.In my opinion,shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages,there will be more people to shop on the Internet.




As the fast development of social economy and science and technology,people's living standardhas improved conspicuously,meanwhile,the living pace has becoming faster and faster.People are starting to shop online.

Now online shopping has become a kind of fashion, online shopping has many advantages.Online shopping broadens people's range of choices.People can buy things according to their preferences.Online shopping greatly saves people's time and is very convenient.People can receive things without leaving their homes.At the same time, there are many problems in online shopping.Because we can't see the real thing on the Internet,So there is a quality problem with what we buy.We also pay attention to online payment security.Packaging also increases the amount of garbage proced.

In my opinion, I think people should treat online shopping correctly.We should not overspend on the Internet and cause unnecessary waste.Take the right way to deal with the generated garbage.





❹ 求一篇英語作文關於公司簡報

背景: Wu是北京諾森公司的市場部經理,此公司專門生產時尚太陽鏡。鑒於目前中國市場的發展前景,他做了一個行銷企劃。今天,他要向部門全體成員做一個簡報,描述市場現狀以及未來發展前景。
Good morning everyone and thanks for coming. For those of you who don』t know me, my name is Jackson Wu, and I』m the Marketing Manager in Beijing for Notson Limited. I』m here today to present our new marketing plan, which is designed to introce our procts to the wealthy Chinese market. Our research shows that there are big profits waiting to be tapped here in China, so we』re excited at the opportunities we see for Notson. I hope that some of our excitement and enthusiasm will rub off on all of you.
I』d like to start off by outlining a few facts and figures about the consumer market in China. Then, I』ll go over the standard types of advertising that have been successful for similar procts in China in the past, including some recent campaigns that you may have seen. After that, I』ll introce our analysis of the current opportunities that exist in the Chinese market as we see them. Finally, I』ll finish by explaining how we will go about entering the Chinese market, based on conclusions from our research. A booklet on the marketing plan will be handed out after the presentation, and it will give you all the details that we』ll be discussing here today.
There will be time at the end of the presentation for questions and a general discussion, so please leave asking your questions until then. Ok, as we』re all running to a tight schele, I』d like to get to the first point, the current state of China』s consumer market.
① marketing plan 行銷計劃
A:約翰,明天可以把本月行銷計劃給我嗎?B: Sure.
② facts and figures 實際情況與數據
B: I am awfully sorry this. I』ll change it at once.
③ standard type 典型;標准類型
B: I still need to think it over.
④ tight schele 很忙;沒有空餘時間
A: I know everybody has a tight schele, anyway, we have to spend time discussing this serious problem.
A: All right. Let』s begin.
⑤ current state of目前的情況
A: The current state of the economy is good.

❺ 如何分析一篇英語文章

就寫著五個點是高還是低,或者是中等, reliablity 和 authority 看封面, 關於可靠性和權威性, 可靠看文章的出版機構, 權威性看文章的作者。 Currency 一般就是看他的Reference 的時間,是不是和現在相差太多。 Academic Conventions看的是文章是不是學術性,可以用單詞, 文章結構, example去分析,應該還有一個叫 objective or subjuctive吧, 這個點就要看文章的整體了, 看這個作者是偏向某個觀點,還是很公正的去分析。

Dear David,

I'm responding to your post on the Internet seeking help on learning Chinese. As a native Chinese speaker, I would love to help you improve your language skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the Chinese culture.

I have some tips and tricks that make you more efficient and effective on your learning journey. First, you can take advantage of the Chinese corners in your area to practice verbal skills - it is a good way to find fellow learners and share experience. Second, you should check out some good books outside of school work - depending on your level of fort, I can remend a list of Chinese novels which may be more fun to read than textbooks.

I am wondering if you will be available for an online chat session this weekend. It would be a lot easier to understand your needs and concerns if we can interact in real time. I will be happy to adjust my schele based on your availability.

Looking forward to speaking to you very soon!

英語閱讀需要學生具備兩個條件,第一是能力,第二是思維,那麼在能力不足的情況下(如單詞量不夠、句子讀不太明白),我們只有加大思維比例,就能快速做題。本文教長,分六個小節,因為有許多案例說明,篇幅過長, -所以希望大家耐心看完一、閱讀能力不足如何克服1、學會讀長難句,不做結構分析 長難句如何讀?一般句子分析主謂賓、定狀補(不可取,因為有可能讀錯,並且沒時間)。應當先拿到意思,不管語法。 語言類學科基礎應當是拿下意思後,積累語言特性,才學語法,因為語法是屬於語言鑒賞范疇,作為高中生所學的初級英語,出於考試角度出發,對英語長難句中的語法認識即可,弄清大意為首要。只有當考察到這句話在表述修辭手法上有什麼特點沒有,我們才做結構分析,大家想想看,高考會出這樣的考題嗎?只有語文才會考。因此,大家在最緊要的時間關頭,少做結構分析。 如大家常做的句子分析,一句話中既有主謂賓,又有定狀補,通常老師會告訴你主謂賓才是重要的,並且謂語動詞是關鍵,這本身就違背語言學科。那麼我們舉個例子:I belive that +某個賓語從句,按照結構分析,I是主語,belive 是謂語,如果說belive最重要,這句子和沒讀一樣。再舉一個例子,有個東西has remain for many years,在結構分析是通常把fot many years省略,當把這部分時間狀語省略後,意思就變成這東西在不在,保存不保存,這句話強調的是保存時間的長短。再舉個例子,Bread are widely consume(麵包廣泛消費),如果大家省略的話,通常都省略副詞widely,省略後就變成了消費不消費麵包,整個意思就變了,過多的做句子的結構分析有時可造成讀錯原文,導致丟分,因此,我們在英語考試時,即得抓住意思,拋掉結構分析,一句話讀下來即可。 2、快速讀懂閱讀文文章方向(篇章性能力main idea),放棄細節 以往大家做題通常都是從頭到尾讀完,能讀懂多少就讀多少,但是做題的時候發現選項都差不多,甚至某些錯誤選項和原文的某處細節一模一樣,所以做這類題時細讀原文毫無意義。大家記住,在做方向題時,細節性問題可以不看。 二、加大思維比例點,用思維方法去做題1、客觀性思維 客觀性思維,與主觀思維相反。通常我們學習語文或者英語時,習慣帶著主觀思維,如一句話是不是給後 *** 鋪墊,隱含了什麼意思,這就是我們通常做題方式,一般傳統的英語閱讀法通常是將一篇文章讀完後在總結中心,但是這句話是否鋪墊、是否中心思想只有作者才明白,我們憑什麼對別人的文章做判斷、總結?因此允許自己總結,但絕不要把自己總結的扣作者腦袋上,從而這項工作也不必要浪費時間去做。很多人做英語閱讀的時候經常遇到what can you infer from……(從某段得出什麼)很多人將infer等詞讀成推論、暗示,那麼就被完全誤導了,因為答案只有一個,推論、暗示什麼,是根據不同的人的主觀思想三去揣測,理解得角度不同就能得出不同的答案。比如說有個人花500塊錢買了件衣服,設置答案:A、這衣服很便宜,B、很貴。有錢人認為便宜,窮人認為很貴,這就是主觀意識不同,所形成不同的答案,因此雖然這道題大家都讀懂了,但是完全沒有意義,所以英語閱讀沒必要完全讀懂。 英語一定要對應字面意思,客觀指的是在接受原文所給信息時,只能是接受字面意思和字面意思存在的前提。如一道高考題: *** 的某個政策,使GDP增長了0.5%,這是原文里的一句話,這句話後邊對應的一個選項為「 *** 這個政策用處好像效果不明顯」。主觀的人可能認為0.5%代表不明顯, 或者也有人認為0.5%比較高的,但是原文......




that the reason for the 「great surprise」 felt by Schetelig upon noting the resemblance between Polynesian and Formosan skulls
如何用英語總結一篇文章的大意(英文中常用的分析語句) 20分

❻ 如何學好英語作文




Plan for English Learning

I'm a middle school student. I love English, but it's hard for me. Now I have a good plan to learn English。

I have a pronunciation problem. I can't pronounce so well. So I plan to listen to the tape and read after it. I can't read English passages quickly and can't write a passage clearly. Now I plan to read more and practice writing often. As for listening, sometimes I can't understand what others are saying. So I plan to improve myself by listening to the radio and TV. Grammar is the most difficult for me. I have no idea of it, but I think my English teacher can help me with it。

With this English-learning plan, I'm hoping for great progress。








How to learn English well

English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don』t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you』ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It』s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.








The Way To Learn English

Many people study English today, as English is widely used around the world. We can find many institutions that are out of school for English study. Learning English has become a trend, everybody wants to obtain the ability of speaking English. There are many ways to learn English well, first, watching American movies and TV series. It is a good way to have access to the local language, you can hear the original accent, sometimes, what the teacher tells you is not the right thing. Second, speak English as can as possible. Never be shy of saying English, the language is useful only you speak, everybody is not perfect, we have the right to make mistakes, so when you are laughed at by others, never mind it and let it go. Someday you can possess the ability of speaking perfect English.




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湯姆喜歡他的新學校英語怎麼說 發布:2024-10-19 08:25:01 瀏覽:741