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❶ 上網的好處與壞處英語作文

The positive effect of a network
1、網路有助於創新青少年思想教育的手段和方法。利用網路進行德育教育工作,教育者可以以網友的身份和青少年 在網上「毫無顧忌」地進行真實心態的平等交流,這對於德育工作者摸清、摸准青少年的思想並開展正面引導和全方位溝通提供了新的快捷的方法。此外,由於網路信息的傳播具有實時性和交互性的特點,青少年可以同時和多個教育者或教育信息保持快速互動,從而提高思想互動的頻率,提高教育效果;由於網路信息具有可下載性、可儲存性等延時性特點,可延長教育者和受教育者思想互動的時間,為青少年提供「全天候」的思想引導和教育。還可以網上相約,網下聚會,實現網上德育工作的滋潤和補充,從而及時化解矛盾,起到溫暖人心,調動積極性,激發創造力的作用。
1, the network has the means and methods contribute to theinnovation in Ideological Ecation of young people. Moralecation by using network, equal communication ecators in the Internet "free" to the true state of mind to the user's identity and young people, the moral ecation to find out, Mozhun thinking of young people and carry out positive guidance and all-round communication provides a new quick method. In addition,the characteristics of the network with real-time dissemination of information and interactive, adolescents may be at the same timeand a number of ecators or ecational information to maintain a rapid interaction, so as to improve the thought interactionfrequency, improve the effectiveness of ecation; because the network information is available for download, can store characteristics such as delay, can prolong the ecators and ecation researchers thought interaction time, provide "all-weather" the ideological guidance and ecation for the youth.Meet can also be online, offline meetings, to achieve onlinemoral ecation work moistening and supplemented, to resolve contradictions in a timely manner, to the warmth of the people,mobilize the enthusiasm, creative role.
2, learning by providing a new channel. At present in China's ecational resources can not meet the demand, the network provides a broad campus learning, learners are able to accept the higher ecation at any time, any place, to learn all the courses, students Xiuman credits, obtains the degree. This is exam oriented ecation system in young people is undoubtedly one of the best relief, it is not only beneficial to their physical and mental development, but also concive to the family and even social stability.
3, a global vision to develop young people, improve the comprehensive quality of youth. Access young people's political vision, knowledge, more open areas, which contributes to the formation of their global consciousness. Similarly, young people and improve the overall quality. Through the Internet, you can train them and their ability of every kind of communication;through online access all kinds of useful books, by analogy, to improve their cultural literacy.
二 網路的負面影響
The negative effects of two network
1, "three views" for teenagers to form a potential threat.Teenagers are very easy to contact the capitalist propaganda and rhetoric, culture and ideology in the network, ideological extreme contradictions, confusion, the outlook on life, values occur easily tilt, which lead to bad thoughts westernization,hedonism, money worship, worship etc..
2, the Internet has changed the lives of youth in work andinterpersonal relationships and lifestyle. Teenagers online open,frankly published opinion, requires equal dialogue, and youth workers to challenge the authority, make the ideological and political work often can not achieve the desired effect. At the same time, the Internet enables young people to easily create aself-centered way of life, the collective consciousness, spread of indivial liberalism.
3, information garbage weakening the ideological and moral consciousness of young people. The expert survey, online information 47% and pornography, into about six teenagers on the Internet inadvertently exposed to pornographic information.There are some illegal organizations or indivials are posted to disrupt the black political economic information, to confuse young people. This information is garbage will weaken the ideological and moral consciousness of young minds, pollution,misleading adolescent behavior.
4、網路的隱蔽性,導致青少年不道德行為和違法犯罪行為增多。一方面,少數青少年瀏覽黃 色和非法網站,利用虛假身份進行惡意交友、聊天。另一方面網路犯罪增多,例如傳播病毒、黑客入侵、通過銀行 和信用卡盜竊、詐騙等。這些犯罪主體以青少年 為主,大多數動機單純,有的甚至是為了「好玩」、「過癮」和「顯示才華」。另外,有關網路 的法律制度不健全也給青少年 違法犯罪以可乘之機。
4, the hidden nature of the network, increasing causes theimmoral and illegal juvenile crime. On the one hand, a few young people to browse pornographic and illegal websites, the use of false identities for malicious personals, chat. On the other hand,the network crime increase, such as the spread of viruses,hackers, through banks and credit card theft, fraud, etc.. Thesubject of crime by teenagers, most pure motives, and some even are for "fun", "fun" and "talent show". In addition, the network's legal system does not sound juvenile delinquency also to an opportunity.
內容三 上網青年的各種「症狀」
The contents of three Internet youth "symptoms"
First, "fast food inration" -- on cognitive disorder
對於眾多步履匆忙的青年而言,互聯網好比知識快餐一樣,大大激發了他們急於求知的強烈慾望,在滑鼠輕點之間就能立刻在浩如煙海的信息海洋中找到自己所需的信息,從而大大提高了單位時間里的學習、工作效率。 而對網上各種時髦展品,他們在好奇心、求知慾驅使下流連忘返,從不審視、懷疑它的構造成份和運轉功效,整個大腦於囫圇吞棗之際成了一個受動而麻木的機器,致使許多硬結不但吞噬著青年人本應充滿活力和主見的青春大腦,而且阻塞著他們對真知的內化。
For many young people walking in a hurry, Internet is likeknowledge fast food, greatly stimulated the desire they eager toseek knowledge, in the mouse click will immediately in themultitude of information of the ocean to find the information they need, thereby greatly improving the unit time in learning, the work efficiency. While a variety of fashion online exhibits, theircuriosity driven by curiosity, inlge in pleasures without stop in,never look, structural composition and operation effect of doubtit, the brain to read hastily and without thinking comes into apassive and numbness of the machine, causing many inrationdevouring young people should not only full of vitality and strong minded youth brain, but blocking them for knowledgeinternalization.
Second, emotional "collapsed -- apathy".
對於那些至今尚未完全擺脫父權主義、順應主義教育的青年來說,雖然在現實中其情感表露總要受到他人及社會的左右,但他們身上被壓抑的諸多情感卻可以在網路世界中肆意暴發。上網交友,網上聊天、在BBS中高談闊論成了人們忘記權威壓制、排遣孤獨,宣洩不滿的暢通渠道。只是我們觀察到,盡管互聯網在一定程度上有助於青年緩解壓力、平衡心理、但過多虛擬的網上情感交流無疑讓許多青年在放飛情感的同時,總想試圖將自己真實的情感深埋心底,不願向真實世界坦露,並懶得與活生生的人進行情感交流。 生活中,這些人沉默寡言、不善言談、不為世間情感
For those who have not yet been completely get rid ofpatriarchy, conform to the ecation of young people, although in reality the emotions of others and society have been around,but lots of emotional repressed them can in the network worldwantonly outbreak. Online dating, online chat, in BBS talk with eloquence made people forget the authority to suppress,loneliness, smooth channel air discontent. We just observed,even though the Internet is helpful to a certain extent, ease the pressure on young people, psychological balance, but too muchvirtual online communication will allow many young flyingemotion at the same time, always trying to hide their true feelings, reluctant to reveal the real world, and lazy and living people emotional communication. In life, these people be scanty of words, poor speech, not the emotion

❷ 寫網路好處的英語作文 在線急。。只要關於好處的

Recently, more and more people stay at home watching TV and surfing the Internet, which leads to obesity and even get serious illness.
This is no doubt that sport is good for our health. A person who takes exercises regularly will keep fit. What』s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and confident. If you usually take exercise with your friends, you will be close to them. After all, sports can make your life more colorful.
Nothing is more important than doing sports. It's time to take actions to stay away from the TV and computer and to take part in sport activities.

❸ 上網的好處英語作文

Much of modern communication is done through the Internet as it transmits all kinds of information. Teenagers compose a major group of the Internet users, as we use it to research for papers, chat with friends and read e-mails.Obviously, we use the Internet because we need it. We need the quick access to information and knowledge. We need to communicate with our friends via QQ or Skype. We need the convenience that the cyberspace offers.
Now we can save our time buying things through the Internet, but we lose the chance to talk with people face to face. And what we only get is spending more time on the Internet! It numbed our feelings. I don』t suppose an emoticon is better than a real smile, or a real hug. Because we human beings are made of flesh, not mental.


❹ 用英語介紹一篇關於《網上學習的好處》的作文

With the development of science and technology, tele-ecation has sped up in our country. And many people speak highly of its advantages.
For one thing, tele-ecation makes it possible for people in remote areas to learn the subjects they are interested in. For another, people have a wider range of choices as to teachers and lessons through tele-ecation, because they can listen to the best lessons by the best teachers in the country, or even in the world.
As far as I am concerned, we should develop tele-ecation more rapidly to benefit more students. Meanwhile, we can design some programs to help teachers and students to contact each other.

❺ 關於互聯網好處的英語作文。。。(急用)

With the arrival of the knowledge economy age, Internet, as a new media, has come into our life. Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and teachers. Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?

The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information. Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away. E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity. It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately. Besides, Internet has some other uses. Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world. Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance ecational system via Internet. Finally, businessman can conct E-commerce or E-business on the net.

With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway. In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.

翻譯:進入知識經濟時代,互聯網,作為一種新的媒體,已進入我們的生活。 Nowadays, getting on line and surfing the Internet for information has become popular in China, especially among college students and teachers.如今,越來越線和上網的信息已成為在中國流行,尤其是大學生和教師。 Why is Internet getting so popular in such a short time?為什麼互聯網得到如此受歡迎在這么短的時間?

The popularity of Internet results from its great convenience and easy accessibility to information.在互聯網普及的結果極大的方便和容易獲得的信息。 Thanks to the Internet, a world of information is just a click away.由於有了互聯網,世界信息僅僅是一次點擊就能搞定。 E-mail is another contributing factor to its popularity.電子郵件是另一個促成因素其受歡迎程度。 It can transmit your letter quickly, safely and accurately.它可以你的信轉交快速,安全,准確。 Besides, Internet has some other uses.此外,互聯網有一些其他用途。 Doctors may use it to diagnose and treat their patients by discussing or exchanging experiences with doctors in other parts of the world.醫生可以用它來診斷和治療病人的討論或交流經驗,醫生在世界其他地區。 Students may obtain new knowledge from a national long-distance ecational system via Internet.學生可獲取新知識從國家遠程教育系統通過互聯網。 Finally, businessman can conct E-commerce or E-business on the net.最後,商人可以進行電子商務或電子商務對凈。

With so many uses and advantages, there is no doubt more and more people will be wired to the Internet-the information expressway.由於如此眾多的用途和好處,但毫無疑問,越來越多的人將在有線互聯網的信息高速公路。 In short, with its high speed and efficiency, Internet will be more popular in China in the near future.總之,憑借其高速和效率,互聯網將是更受歡迎的中國在不久的將來。

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