當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 我就是想對你好英語怎麼翻譯


發布時間: 2024-10-16 19:42:45

A. 翻譯成英語:因為我愛你,所以我要把所有最好的全都給你。 我答應過你,要你幸福,所以,如果你可以幸...

Becaue I love you, I am willing to give you all my best things. I have promised you to make you happy, so if only you can be happy,I would give up everthings even including you! I dont want you to suffer from any sadness and unfairness, let alone to tears. What you dont know is that your pains would be times pains in my mind. You may give up yourself, but I dont. The most helpless and haertaching thing is to see your sadness flooding while I can do nothing to help. You dont know how sad I am now. I am only nice to you and bad to you. The scenery is versatal, but I dont care; the scenery is bueatiful, but I can only see you and think of you. I will wait you here, waiting for holding your hand, for your full and warm hug, for your mild smile, for your words to me: 「I love you too.」 At that momont, I would not help myself to weep, a weep of no reason. Love is ordinary, just like fresh water. But I am willing to drink this water together with you for my whole life. I am your exclusive angle. Dont worry, with me being here, I will protect you from any harm. Under my plain expression, there lies my deep attaching and love to you. Seeing your joyness, I am also happy。Loving you is to pet you.

B. 幫我翻譯成英文

Here I 'd like to give my sincerely wish to you guys, and wish you will be enjoy the happiness forever. Maybe I shouldn't look for your "BLOG" unstopply that day. Neverthless that day is only the begining of a mistake.If I have a opptunities to make another choice, I rather play few hours of CS. Since there is no regret tablet in this world, I will admit this mistake and keep going.
Some has said that tragedy is always happened when you did wrong thing that in a wrong place with wrong time. That's how I met you. Anyway I will be out to practise in 6 months time, my only comfort is that I will not seeing by that time, It may helps me to forget you just like forgot her 3 years ago.
You used to ask me why treat you so nice.Ok, I wll tell you now. Becasuse I am in love with you.Never believe those kinds of bullshit of treating someone nice without any reason. So regret that I met you while I am still a student, If I am already a mature socialize man, things may be different, I guess.
I will fufill my last promise to you, even that you already forget it, but I will always remmber.I am not going to disturb you anymore.
My sincerely wish to you guys, once again.
I believe that you may not understand this, maybe even not read it at all, hehe.
Farewell..my love.


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