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發布時間: 2024-10-16 14:34:46


杭州市天長小學創辦於1927年,歷史悠久,底蘊豐厚,人才輩出,是學生騰飛的搖籃,教師成長的沃野 她坐落於美麗的西子湖畔,佔地6400平方米,環境優美,精緻亮麗,是杭州市實驗小學 浙江省文明單位 浙江省先進單位,浙江省教育科研先進單位,全國紅旗大隊,全國百所名校之一 學校擁有一支團結 實干 高素質的具有開拓精神的教師隊伍,曾培養和造就了一大批優秀教師,有全國優秀班主任 全國優秀體育教師 全國優秀教育工作者 浙江省優秀教師以及倍受矚目的十名浙江省特級教師!呈現特殊的 天長現象 !教師們憑著開放的教育思想,領先的科研,以良好的素質,進取的態度,奉獻的精神和踏實的作風培養了一批又一批優秀的學生 學校以 開發潛能 發展個性 為育人理念,從整體改革實驗到差異教育的

Hangzhou last primary school was founded in 1927, has a long history and rich culture, intellect and feeling is the cradle of rapid students, teachers' growing asked of her located in the beautiful west lake, covers an area of 6400 square meters, a beautiful environment, delicate bright beautiful, is hangzhou city zhejiang province experiment elementary school civilized unit advanced unit of zhejiang province, zhejiang province ecation scientific research advanced unit, the red flag brigade, the national hundred school of school have a united action of high quality with a pioneering spirit of teachers, who train and bring up a large number of outstanding teacher, with the national outstanding teacher in charge of national excellent sports teacher of national excellent ecation workers zhejiang excellent teachers and high-profile ten zhejiang super teacher! Present special last phenomenon! Teachers with open ecation thought, leading scientific research with good quality and enterprising manner, a spirit of devotion and steadfast style cultivate a group of and a group of outstanding students schools to develop the potential for ecational idea to develop their personality, from the overall reform experiment to differences of ecation。

⑵ 根據這篇文章這句話怎樣翻譯成英語


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