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Ⅰ 求英語作文中常用的關聯詞和句式

一、 舉例論證:
1. for example/for instance後面直接論述你自己的例子。(當然,如果有更好的說法,「盡量避免在文章中使用for example, such as, take……for example,因為口語化」
2. a variety of scientist/philosophy/cases illustrate this point/issue/phenomenon(well)
它的意思是:to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance,可以看出,illustrate本身就必須和examples聯系起來。
(1)A single example will serve to illustrate the point.
(注意,serve to和illustrate結合使用)
(2)To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.
(3)Could you illustrate this question with some examples?
(4) I think this can serve to illustrate New Democracy.

3. sb./sth. /serves/can be used as/ a /typical/representative/ /example/illustration/.
4. a case in point is that……
5. as to the realm of ……(填入某一領域), the case of……(你所要舉的例子)serves as a good example to illustrate.
6. While such examples are rear, the do occur occasionally, for example……(填入你的舉例)
7. Paragons such as……, respectively, come immediately to my mind.
8. /History/The society/ /is replete with/abound in/brim over with/ examples of ……或者改寫為There is abundant examples of…… in our life.
9. take a case of …… as an example
10. such as……
11. namely,adv. 即, 也就是(用於具體舉例):
例如:(1)Only one person can do the job, namely you.
(1)He knew nothing regarding the case.
13.as regards……(短語)
(1) As regards the second point in your letter...
(2)As regards economic issues, he agreed with our view.
(3)As regards that matter I'm quite of your opinion.
14.as to whether ……(句子)
(1)They are divided as to whether it is worth doing.
(2)He's very uncertain as to whether it's the right job for him.
(3)She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay at school or get a job.
15.in terms of……(加短語)
(1)To perceive in terms of past experiences.
(2)wealth reckoned in terms of money.
16.in respect of……(加短語)
(1)Her work is good in respect of quality but bad in respect of quantity.
17.with respect to……(短語)
(1)To be like with respect to specified qualities.
二、 引用:
(一) 引用的對象:
(二) 如何引用:
1. As sb. once said(and I paraphrase)
2. according to sb.,……(插入語,對這個sb.進行介紹), once said……(名言),which is to say……(自己的論證)
3. (先引用名言)接下來說:Although I』m not a /student/specialist/ of ……(某行業/專業), my understanding is that……(對名言的解釋)
三、 引申論證:
四、 反證法:
五、 論證中的轉折過渡:
1.……(正面說)however, as universally acknowledged, any good thing will become bad if going to its extreme,……(反面說)
2. …… serves as a two edged sword……
3./overextended/une/ …… serves to be counterproctive or even harmful.
4.as a coin has two sides,……
5…… however, like anything /inchoate/incipient/……(說明弊端)此句用於說明新生事物的缺點

1. at this time
2. to begin with…… to sum up/in sum
3. previously
4. for one thing…… for another 用於說一個事物的兩個方面
5. firstly……secondly……finally 其中finally也可以單獨使用,表示最後一點的論述
6. simultaneously=at the same time
7. eventually=in the end=at last
8. last but not least
9. following this
10. proceeding this
1. being that:因為(寫作中盡量少使用,因為是方言性質的詞彙)
2. owing to=e to: because of, as a result of(是比較正規的表示「由於、因為」含義的詞彙,建議多用e to因為出現的時間較晚,比較貼近現實)
3. for the reason that
4. in the view of=in regard to : in consideration of 考慮到,由於。
5. therefore
6. consequently=as a consequence=in consequence
7. hence : because of a preceding fact or premise=THEREFORE
8. accordingly=so=consequently
9. thereupon=whereupon=consequently
10. whereupon
11. because=because of
12. since
13. so
14. thus
1. yet=but
2. nevertheless=nonetheless: in spite of that=however(nonetheless出現的比nevertheless出現的晚)
3. however
4. despite that=in spite of
5. regardless of=in spite of(regardless of比in spite of 出現晚)
6. and yet
7. but yet(6,7類似於yet)
1. naturally :(當然) according to the usual course of things : as might be expected 例句: We naturally dislike being hurt。
2. granted=granting that(假定……, 就算……)例句:Granted that you have some progress, you should not be conceited. 翻譯:即使你有了一些進步,也不該驕傲。
3. of course
4. admittedly 例句: Admittedly, we took a chance. 翻譯:必須承認,我們有投機心理。
5. provided=on conditions that
6. while it is true that……
1. and
2. as well as
3. both……and……
4. either……or……
5. neither……nor……
6. again
7. also
(注意:借用表達同時含義的詞也可以表達並列關系,如:at the same time, simultaneously)
1. furthermore=besides : in addition to what precedes
2. moreover=besides=what is more
3. not……but……
4. in addition
5. additionally=furthermore
6. on one hand……on the other hand……(此片語也可以表示年個里並列、對比的含義)
7. not only……but also……
8. ……meanwhile……=meantime
9. likewise
1. in like manner
2. in comparison with
3. compared with
4. likewise=in like manner=similarly
5. in the same way
6. similarly
7. equally
8. just as
1. while
2. notwithstanding 例句:notwithstanding their inexperience, they were an immediate success
3. rather=instead 例句:It was no better but rather grew worse
4. rather than
5. on the contrary
6. whereas(而、卻、反之) 例句:He is ill, whereas I am only a little tired.
7. in contrast=on the contrary

1. in fact(其實,事實上)
2. especially(在後面直接跟上你要強調的內容)
3. particularly
4. in particular=specifically
5. moreover
6. in reality(實際上,事實上)
7. what is more important
8. indeed=in reality
9. not to mention(更不用說)
10. undoubtedly(毫無疑問的)
11. no doubt
12. without doubt
13. certainly
14. absolutely
1. once…… :一旦 例句:If one once losses confidence, he can never expect to do his work well. 翻譯:一旦失去信心,就別想做好工作。
2. unless…… :如果不,除非 例句:We shall not call the meeting unless absolutely possible. 翻譯:除非絕對必要,我們將不召開會議。
3. if……(這個詞我們太熟悉了,我就不舉例子了)
4. lest……: for fear that 用法:often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension 例句I was worried lest she should be late.
I hesitant to speak out lest he be fired.
5. provided (that)…… 例句:provided that circumstances permit 翻譯:如果條件允許的話
6. if possible……(如果可能的話)
7. if so……(如果這樣的話)
1. to sum up
2. in sum
3. on the whole: 1) : in view of all the circumstances or conditions : all things considered 2) : in general : in most instances : TYPICALLY
4. in short: by way of summary=briefly
5. therefore
6. consequently
7. in brief
8. in conclusion
9. in summary
10. to conclude
11. in conclusion
12. at length : 1) : FULLY, COMPREHENSIVELY 2) : at last : FINALLY
13.to summarize
14. to put it in a nutshell
15. all in all
16. in all

Ⅱ 求一個英語作文,口語考試要用的。任選其一,能說三分鍾即可。要自己寫的,詞彙簡單一些最好。

純手工 望採納 望加分謝謝

Credit Cards
Recent years, credit cards have been more and more popular among young alts. The concept of consumption becomes fashinable and accessible. Many credit card companies lower down the standard of evaluation for customer's credit. So it is quite easy for a college student to apply one or even more credit cards.
It is exactly convenient for credit card holders to buy what they want, especially when the price is high, which brings great inconvenience for cash payers. With credit cards, people do not have to bring cash in their wallets. However, the paying machines are not quite popular in China, so sometimes cash is still necessary.
For an ordinary college student, the disposable allowance is limited. Therefore, it is not possible to buy a relatively expensive thing without a credit card. On the other side, credit card holders can easily buy what they want and pay the rest of money in the following months.
However, drawbacks for holding credit cards are obvious. Young alts, especially college students are mostly supported by parents finacially. Some of them do part time job or interin work to earn money but it is still limited to pay the debts. The ability of college students to pay dets is doubted. Besides, some of the young alts abuse the ultility of credit cards. They cannot control their desire in consumption every month even though they do not have the capacity to sevive the debts.

Ⅲ 高考英語作文「舉例」的高級說法


Ⅳ 關於泰坦尼克號的英語作文



Titanic was the largest passenger ship with the most luxurious internal facilities in the world at that time, and had the reputation of "unsinkable".


Unfortunately, on her maiden voyage, however, the Titanic was doomed - she set out from Southampton, England, for New York, USA. At about 23:40 on April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg, resulting in the rupture of the starboard bow to the middle of the ship and the flooding of five watertight compartments.


At about 2:20 a.m. on April 15, the Titanic's hull broke into two pieces and sank to 3700 meters at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Of the 2224 crew and passengers, 1517 were killed, of which only 333 were recovered.






Ⅳ 英語作文,中舉例子用first,second還是firstly,secondly

這種情況下first 和 firstly可以通用。

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