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發布時間: 2024-10-15 01:24:25

A. 麻煩懂門牌英語的給翻譯下!~~

Radio Room
Counsellors Office
Small classroom
PC room management
Ordinary PC rooms
Secretary of room
Conference Room
Premier Room
Vice president of Room
The Still Life
Art Design Center
Reading Room
Network Equipment Room
Digital Media Project Room
Instrial Design Laboratory figures
Exhibition Room
House History Room
Multimedia classroom management
Teaching Ministry
Hospitals Office
Assistant to the President's Office
Multimedia Classroom (fixed projection)
Small classrooms (mobile projectors)
Student Associations
Coffee bar
Print lab
Materials Room
Electronic Control Room
Shou Fashi
Room to defend
The basis of comprehensive laboratory
Digital Media Laboratory
Images capture the laboratory
Like dection room
Female toilets

B. 表示職業的英語單詞

Accounting Assistant 會計助理
Accounting Clerk 記帳員

Accounting Manager 會計部經理

Accounting Stall 會計部職員

Accounting Supervisor 會計主管

Administration Manager 行政經理

Administration Staff 行政人員

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Administrative Clerk 行政辦事員

Advertising Staff 廣告工作人員

Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座員

Airlines Staff 航空公司職員
Application Engineer 應用工程師

Assistant Manager 副經理

Bond Analyst 證券分析員

Bond Trader 證券交易員

Business Controller 業務主任

Business Manager 業務經理

Buyer 采購員

Cashier 出納員

Chemical Engineer 化學工程師

Civil Engineer 土木工程師

Clerk/Receptionist 職員/接待員

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文書打字兼秘書

Computer Data Input Operator 計算機資料輸入員

Computer Engineer 計算機工程師

Computer Processing Operator 計算機處理操作員

Computer System Manager計算機系統部經理


Deputy General Manager副總經理

Economic Research Assistant經濟助究助理

Electrical Engineer電氣工程師

Engineering Technician工程技術員

English Instructor/Teacher英語教師

Export Sales Manager外銷部經理

Export Sales Staff外銷部職員

Financial Controller財務主任

Financial Reporter財務報告人

F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk外匯部職員

F.X. Settlement Clerk外匯部核算員

Fund Manager財務經理

General Auditor審計長

General Manager/ President總經理

General Manager Assistant總經理助理

General Manager's Secretary 總經理秘書

Hardware Engineer (計算機)硬體工程師

Import Liaison Staff 進口聯絡員

Import Manager 進口部經理

Insurance Actuary 保險公司理賠員

International Sales Staff 國際銷售員

Interpreter 口語翻譯

Legal Adviser 法律顧問

Line Supervisor 生產線主管
Maintenance Engineer 維修工程師

Management Consultant 管理顧問


Manager for Public Relations公關部經理

Manufacturing Engineer 製造工程師

Manufacturing Worker 生產員工

Market Analyst市場分析員

Market Development Manager 市場開發部經理

Marketing Manager 市場銷售部經理

Marketing Staff 市場銷售員

Marketing Assistant 銷售助理

Marketing Executive 銷售主管

Marketing Representative 銷售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市場調研部經理

Mechanical Engineer 機械工程師

Mining Engineer 采礦工程師

Music Teacher 音樂教師

C. 求辦公室日常工作的英文翻譯

In charge of the daily work of office.Making working plans of office,making arrangement of work of inside department.In charge of advising,checking and supervising the work done by the staff in the office.In charge of making draft of whole working palns,assisting the general manger to arrange the executive mangement,and also to supervise the working out of request by the general manager.To make draft or revise the regulations suited to the development of the company;to check the regulation &systyme draft by all departments.Check or make draft of importmant letter ,in the name of the company,all kinds of report,meeting memo or application,and make comment of advice on the letters from other company. And in charge of arrangement of important meeting.

D. 「在辦公室」用英語是at the office 還是in the office

英文中的at雖然是「在」的意思,但一般用語在什麼時間點,或者在一個點位置上面或者旁邊,比如at 9 o'clock, at the table;
而in指在一個時間段或者在一個地域內,比如in the morning, in the office。

E. 英語在線翻譯OFFICE

office ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]
n. 辦公室;政府機關;官職;營業處
[ 過去式officed 過去分詞officed 現在分詞officing ]

in the office 在辦公室里

in office 執政,在位

head office 總公司;總行

post office n. 郵局

office building 辦公大樓(等於office block)

office furniture 辦公器具;辦公室設備

office automation 辦公自動化

representative office 代表機構;辦事處

office equipment 辦公設備

office space 辦公地點

general office 辦公廳;總務處

branch office 分支機構;分局;分社

box office 票房;售票處

government office 機關,政府機構

administrative office 辦公室,行政管理辦公室

home office (英國)內政部

office work n. 辦公室工作;事務;內業

editorial office 編輯部;編輯室

patent office 專利局

information office 咨詢處

bureaux, government agency

office phone辦公電旦信余話

Office Clerk職員;辦事員;文員;辦公室文員

Head Office總公司;總部;總行;總局

Business Office營業部;商務辦公室;辦公室;營業處

Branch Office分公司;分署;分支機構;分區辦事處

post office郵局;港口處;郵政局;郵電局

The Office辦公室;爆笑辦公室;工作室;辦公室風雲

luggage office行李房

Information Office新聞辦公室;問詢處;情報室;消息辦公室

office ['ɔfis; 'ɔ:-]
1. 事務所,營業所,辦事處
2. 辦公室
3. 業務組織;處,局,社,行,公司
4. [美國英語]診所
5. [O-]
6. [總稱](企業的)職員
7. 公職,官職
8. 職責,職務;功能
9. [常用復數]勤務,任務,雜務;家務
10. 權威地位,管理職位
11. [常用復數]為別人做的事;幫忙,照料,服務
12. 【宗教】
[亦稱作 divine office] 日課的內容
13. [復數][主英國英語]從事家務的房間,下房(如廚房、洗衣間、貯藏室等)
14. [英國委婉模滾語]廁所
15. [the office]暗號,信號坦灶;暗示
16. [俚語](飛機駕駛員的)座艙
17. 【證券】一般辦公室(證券經紀人的部門互相轉賬)
1. 為…提供辦公室:
My firm was officed in the city.


2. [美國英語]在辦公室辦公
3. [美國俚語]用動作向…示意,向…發出暗號
1. 有辦事處
2. [美國英語](在辦公室)辦公
function . position .
office ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]
1. place of business where professional or clerical ties are performed
he rented an office in the new building

2. an administrative unit of government
3. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
4. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power
being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage ring his first year in office

5. professional or clerical workers in an office
the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard

6. a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities
the offices of the mass

7. a job in an organization

Please come to my office now.

You are not the office sage.

Tests the office humor quotient.


F. 他是一名辦公室人員(用三種方法翻譯)英語

He is an office worker.

He is an officer.

He works in an office.

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