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① 所訂的貨已發出 大約一周到達希望能與對方合作 的英語作文

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② 關於過去式的五年級英語作文(9句話)


1、以字母y結尾的名詞變復數,如果字母y的前面是母音(a, e , i, o, u),就在y後面直接加s。如:boy—boys. 如果字母y前面是輔音,則把y變為i, 再加es. 如:lady—ladies city—cities story--stories.

2、動詞的第三人稱單數:(所謂第三人稱單數,就是指既不是你也不是我的另外一個人,可以是具體的人名,他,她,或它,也可以是稱呼類,如my mother, my friend等。當一個句子中的人物是第三人稱單數,並且這個句子又是一般現在時態時,該句子中的動詞要使用第三人稱單數形式。)

have—has like—likes do—does go—goes watch--watches

3、詞語變化:fun(形容詞形式)――funny funny(名詞形式)――fun know(同音詞)――no


反義詞:tall—short long—short young—old new—old strong—thin fat—thin

kind—strict active—quiet

4、be like與do like: 在本單元中,What』s …like?的句型是主句型,這里的like是「像…一樣」的意思. What』s …like?是問某某長得什麼樣子,同學們千萬別和like的另一個意思「喜歡」相混了。它的答語一般用:He/She/ It is…(後面跟描寫人的外貌特徵的詞語),如:What』s your father like?你爸爸長得什麼樣子?。而在do like的句子中,like的意思才是「喜歡」的意思。如:What does your father like? 你爸爸喜歡什麼?


1、當詢問別人喜歡哪些課程時,classes應當用復數形式,因為別人喜歡的課程可能不止一門。What classes do you like? 你喜歡哪門課程?


week 星期,周。(一周包括七天)

How many days are there in a week? There are 7.一個星期有幾天?七天。


How many days are there in a weekend? There are 2.一個周末有幾天? 2天。

在英語國家中,一個星期的第一天是星期天Sunday. The first day of a week is Sunday.

3、當介詞in, on ,at 後面跟表示時間的詞語時,表示在某年或某月(當只有年和月的時候),用in.如 in May在五月。In 1988,在1988年。表示在某段時間,如在上午,下午,晚上也用in.如in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. 表示在某日,在星期幾時,用on。如on Monday, on Sunday . 表示在幾點幾分,在具體時間時,用at. 如at 6:30, at 9 o』clock.


5、play with 和…在一起,with後面常用人稱代詞的賓格形式。 如:I can play ping-pong with you.我可以和你一起打乒乓球。

6. I like Mondays. John likes Sundays. 這里的likes是like的三單形式,在一般現在時的句子中,如果主語是第三人稱單數,注意動詞要變成三單形式。

7、Today is Sunday. I like Sundays. 在這個句子中,前一個星期日Sunday是特指「今天是星期一」,所以用單數形式,而後一個星期日Sundays是泛指所有的星期日,所以用復數形式。


1、What would you like for lunch? 你午飯想吃什麼?「for」:為了。後面要接名詞或人稱代詞的賓格形式。 如:I』d like some tomatoes and mutton。我想吃一些西紅柿和羊肉。


(1)巧記:肯定句中用 some,請求邀請委婉時,some 用於疑問句;

否定疑問用 any, 肯定句中用 any,任何一個接單數。


some 用於肯定句。但當表示請求、邀請、語氣委婉,希望對方得到對方肯定回答時,可用於疑問句,此時句中常出現情態動詞 can, may, could, would. any 用於否定句和疑問句。 如:

A:Could I have some meat?

B:Sorry, you can't have any meat. There isn't any.

(3)如果名詞前有冠詞、指示代詞、物主代詞等限定詞修飾時,則只能用 some of,表示「……中的一些。

Some of the apples are hard to reach.

Some of your teachers are not young.


any 也可用在肯定句中, 此時後面接可數名詞的單數, 意為 「任何一個」。如:

You can ask any student in our class.

You can choose any subject.

3、I have eggplant and tomatoes for lunch. 我午飯吃茄子和西紅柿。


一日三餐的英語說法: breakfast 早飯 lunch 午飯 dinner 晚飯

西紅柿tomato 和土豆potato在指一道菜的時候,一定要用復數形式。

如:I have tomatoes and potatoes for lunch on Mondays .


salt― salty(鹹的) health― healthy(有用的) taste― tasty(好吃的)

5、同義詞:have to (不得不)---must(必須)

同義句: What』s your favourite food? ==Which food do you like best?

6、What』s your favourite food?後面一般跟表示集合的名詞,如:food食物 fruit 水果 drink飲料 colour顏色 class課程 book書 sport運動 vegetable蔬菜 animal動物number數字 day天,日子


1、當你想詢問別人會干什麼時, 用What can you do? 答句有肯定形式:Yes, I can . 否定形式:No, I can』t.

當你想知道他人會干什麼時,可用What can he do ? 或者What can she do ? 答句有肯定形式:Yes, he can ./ Yes, she can. 否定形式:No, he can』t./No, she can』t.

2、I can …變為一般疑問句:Can you …? He can…或She can …變為一般疑問句:Can he …/ Can she …? 其中的he , she 也可以變為其他具體的人物。如 My mother can cook the meals. 變為一般疑問句:Can your mother cook the meals?

3、help (形容詞形式)――helpful helpful (動詞形式)――help



1、There be 句型包括There is a …句型和there are …句型兩種。There is a …句型表示有一個,後面跟名詞單數。如There is a mirror on the wall.

There are …句型表示有多個,後面一般接具體數字或some , many,再後面跟名詞復數,如 There are two end tables near the bed.

There be 句型又叫存在句型,它一般表示在某地有某物。在翻譯中文句子時,一般情況下,只要中文句子表達的是「存在」性質的「有」,就要用there be 句型來翻譯。如:有一個垃圾桶在門的後面。There is a trash bin behind the door.

There be 句型和一般句型可以相互轉換。如:

(1) 把下列句子用There be 句型改寫:

The computer is on the desk.

――There is a computer on the desk.

(2) 把下面的句子改為一般句型。

There is a mirror over the bed.――

The mirror is over the bed.

2、There be 句型中使用單數句式還是復數句式遵循就近原則。即離There 最近的名詞是單數時用There is a ….離There 最近的名詞是復數時,用There are …,不管最後面的名詞是單詞還是復數,都不去管它,如:

(1)有一個講台和許多課桌在教室里。There is a teacher』s desk and many desks in the classroom.

(2) 有許多課桌和一個講台在教室里。There are many desks and a teacher』s desk in the classroom.

3、on 與over的區別:on 在…上面。表示與下面的物體互相接觸,緊挨著。


20、There be 的單數形式在變為一般疑問句時,將助動詞be提前,與there交換位置,如句中有第一人稱代詞,變為第二人稱,將句末的句號變為問號,其他不變。如:There is a closet near the bed.----Is there a closet near the bed?

There is a river in my village.----Is there a river in your village?

There be 的復數形式在變為一般疑問句時,將助動詞be提前,與there交換位置,然後將句中some或many變為any, 如句中有第一人稱代詞,變為第二人稱,再將句末的句號變為問號,其他不變。

如:There are some fish in the river.----Are there any fish in the river?

4、There be 句型表示「有」和have, has表示「有」的區別:

There be 句型表示「有」的意思,表示在某個地方有什麼,它表示的一種存在。如:There is a bag on the desk. 有一個書包在課桌上。

There are many book on the desk. 有許多書在課桌上。

Have, has 表示「有」的意思,表示一種佔有,擁有的關系,一般表示某人有某物。當主語人稱是第三人稱單數時用has, 其他時候用have.如:

I have a new pen. 我有一支新鋼筆。

He has a big schoolbag. 他有一個大書包。

5、示在樹上時,in 與on 的不同用法:

當表示人或其他動物在樹上時,用in. 當表示樹本身的東西如樹葉、果實在樹上時,用on。如:The bird is in the big tree and the apple is on the small tree.


(1)what什麼,用來問是什麼,叫什麼,干什麼,什麼樣等。如:What is this? 這是什麼? What』s your name? 你叫什麼名字? What』s your father like?你爸爸長得什麼樣子? What』s your mother?你媽媽是干什麼的?

(2)Where哪裡,用來問在什麼地方。如Where are you from?你來自哪裡? Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪裡?

(3)Who誰,用來問人物是誰?如:Who』s that man?那個男人是誰?

Who』s your math teacher? 你的數學老師是誰?

(4)Whose 誰的,用來問東西是誰的。如:Whose book is this? 這是誰的書? Whose father is a farmer?誰的爸爸是農民?

Whose bike is blue?誰的自行車是藍色的?

(5)What time什麼時間。用來問具體時間是幾點。

如:What time is this?現在幾點了?

(6)What colour什麼顏色。用來問物體是什麼顏色的。

如:What colour is your bag?你的書包是什麼顏色的?

(7)When 什麼時候。用來問時間,後面常跟動詞。

如:When do you get up?你什麼時候起床?

(8)How 怎麼樣。用來問人的身體狀況。

如:How are you? 你好嗎?

How is your mother?你媽媽好嗎?

(9)How many多少.用來問物體的數量。

如:How many books do you have?你有多少本書?

How many days are there in a week?


(10)How much 多少錢。用來問商品或物體的價格。

如:How much is your schoolbag?你的書包多少錢?

How much is this book?這本書多少錢?


如:Which class do you like best?你最喜歡哪一門課程?

Which Class are you in ?你在哪個班級?I am in Class two.我在二班。

Which Grade are you in ?你在哪個年級?I am in Grade six。我在六年級。

Which Grade is your sister in ? 你妹妹在哪個年級?

She is in Grade 4.她在四年級。

(表示年級或班級的單詞Grade, Class在答語中必須大寫第一個字母。)

7、以系動詞be( am , is , are ) 和助動詞can , do等開頭的一般疑問句,在答語中首先要用 yes或no做出正誤判斷,後面必須出現問句開頭的系動詞或助動詞,當問句中出現第一人稱代詞時,還要變為第二人稱。

如: Are you a student? Yes, I am. (No, I am not.)

Is your sister a teacher? Yes, she is. ( No, she isn』t.)

Am I a teacher? Yes, you are. ( No, you aren』t.)

Do you have new teachers? Yes, we do. ( No, we don』t.)

Does Amy have new teachers ? Yes, she does. (No, she doesn』t.)

Can you wash the clothes? Yes, I can. (No, I can』t.)

Can your brother set the table? Yes, he can. (No, he can』t.)

Can your friend make the bed? Yes, she can.
( No, she can』t)Last summer, I went to Hangzhou with my parents. We visited my parents' friends first. We went to the West Lake together. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery there. There were so many people in the park near the Wast Lake. We were happy.
Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates sang, danced, and some played volleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch, we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired, we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon, we retuned to school by bus.

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