當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 他做了什麼英語怎麼翻譯


發布時間: 2024-10-10 00:12:04

『壹』 「他在做什麼」用英語怎麼說

What is he doing? I 是第一人稱用am。you 是第二人稱用are。 he/ she/ it都是第三人稱,全都用is。
What am I doing?
What are you doing?
What is he/she/it doing?

What are they doing?
What are those boys doing?
What are these dogs doing?

『貳』 英語翻譯:他發生了什麼事

What's happened to him?
What's going on with him?
What the hell is going on with him? (他TMD怎麼了,比較隨專便屬)
What's the matter with him?
What's wrong with him?
Anything wrong with him today?
What's his problem?
What's the case on him?
Did he encounter anything?
Is he in the trouble?

『叄』 他做什麼工作 英文翻譯

What's his job?
What job is he doing?
What job does he do?

What does work as?

What's his occupation?

What's his career?

What does he do?

『肆』 「我不知道她在說些什麼」和「誰也不知道他都做了些什麼」用英語怎麼翻譯

我不知道她在說些什麼:I don't know to what she is saying
誰也不知道他都做了些什麼:Nobody knows what he is doing

『伍』 1他是做什麼工作的2她乘地鐵去上班3她有時教我跳舞4她在一個汽車公司工作5她喜歡唱歌和跳舞 全翻譯成英語.

1.他是做什麼工復作的 What does he do?
2她乘制地鐵去上班She goes to work by subway.
3她有時教我跳舞 She sometimes teaches me to sing.
4她在一個汽車公司工作 She works in an automobile company.
5她喜歡唱歌和跳舞 She likes sing and dancing.

『陸』 英語翻譯:他是做什麼工作的

What does he do?或
What is his job?或
What is he?

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