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發布時間: 2024-10-09 21:08:45

『壹』 關於設計婚禮的高中英語作文

Todayis my sister』s wedding. I take part in it with my parents. We get to the hotelat about 6:00 p.m.. My sister and her husband is waiting for the guests infront of the lobby. She is so beautiful today that I have never seen. Of courseher husband is handsome, too. I met him before, and he is so kind to me. Theceremony starts at 7:00 p.m.. They exchange their rings and vows and thank for theirparents. And then we enjoy the wedding feast. The dishes are so delicious that Ieat too much. I show my best wishes to them, hoping their love last forever anda happy life.

『貳』 婚禮的儀式感英語作文

1. China, with its diverse population of 56 ethnic groups, boasts a rich tapestry of wedding customs.
2. Despite variations across nationalities, the wedding ceremonies often share a common complexity.
3. The traditional Chinese wedding encompasses six essential steps: matchmaking, betrothal, exchange of gifts, meeting the bride, the three bows, and the drinking of wedlock wine.
4. In contemporary China, after an engagement, the next step is selecting a wedding date. Many couples opt for dates that coincide with public holidays or Chinese festivals to ensure a larger turnout.
5. However, some, particularly in rural areas, may consult a fortune teller for a fortunate date, typically an even number, seeking "Double Happiness" in their marriage.
6. The wedding ceremony itself is often concted with warmth and concludes with a lavish banquet where toasts are raised to wish the couple a long life, everlasting love, happiness, and the birth of a healthy child.
Before the Chinese Wedding Day:
7. Prior to the wedding celebration, a Chinese bride traditionally retreats with her closest friends for a period of solitude.
8. This custom provides the bride-to-be a time of reflection, symbolizing her farewell to her single life and the loss of her freedom.
9. The groom's family traditionally brings wedding gifts in red baskets and boxes to the bride's house.
10. These gifts include "uang susu" or 'bride price' and personal items for the bride, ensuring her belongings are present in the groom's home on their wedding day.
11. The bride reviews these gifts in a separate room, sorting through them carefully.
12. Three days before the wedding, the women from the bride's family visit the groom's family with gifts, including some 'returns', all wrapped in red.

『叄』 中西方婚禮風俗差異(英語作文)

中西方婚禮風俗差異The western wedding customs vary眾所周知,當今世界正在向全球化的趨勢發展,各國之間的關系也變得更為緊密了。今天無論是「借鑒」還是「拿來」西方的禮儀,或者是我們自創一套自己的禮儀系統,這在形式上都不難。難的是我們也能有一個完整而自洽的價值體系,有對自身文化的高度認同和深刻的覺悟。 As everyone knows, the world today is to the trend of globalization, the relations between various countries are also becoming more closely. Whether it is" reference" or" used" the western etiquette, or are we created a set of their own etiquette system, this form is not difficult. The difficulty is that we can have a complete and consistent value system, have to their own cultural identity and profound consciousness of height.自古以來,婚姻就是人的一生中至關重要的一項活動,幾乎在每一個社會文化中,都有舉辦婚禮的習俗。人類似乎天生就有這么一種需要,用婚禮將丈夫和妻子的關系公開並確立下來。而最重要的是人們可以透過紛繁絢麗的風俗來更清楚的認識人類社會歷史,探究人類社會的發展歷程和規律,因此我門從這方面著手只到整個禮儀系統的學習。 Since ancient times, marriage is vital to people's life in an activity, in almost every culture in society, has held the wedding customs. Humans seem to be born with this kind of need, with the wedding will be husband and wife relationship public and established. And the most important thing is that people can through numerous beautiful custom to better understanding the history of human society, to explore the development of human society and the law, so me from this respect proceed only to the etiquette system study.婚禮同時也體現了中西方文化的碰撞。中國有著5000年燦爛而悠久的傳統文化,這是世界各國有目共睹的,而婚禮文化在中國經歷了歷史的變遷後,已經有非常悠久的歷史。而西方的婚禮文化也是隨著社會的進步在不斷地發生變化。Wedding but also reflects the western culture collision. China has a bright 5000 tradition culture, this is be obvious to people all over the world, and the wedding culture in China has experienced changes in the history, has a very long history. While the western wedding culture is also along with the progress of the society is constantly changing.現在社會上流行中式婚禮西方化,西式婚禮中國化,都在說明著婚禮的形式在不斷的發生變化,這體現了婚禮文化的豐富,中西方兩種文化的碰撞,以及中西方文化的交融。而文化的進一步交流也必然帶動各國之間經濟的合作發展,沒有了文化上的沖突,政治也會變得相對穩定。 Now the popular Chinese wedding western, Western-style wedding in China, are in the form of a wedding in constant change, which reflects the rich western wedding culture, the collision of two kinds of culture, as well as the western culture blend. And cultural exchanges between countries also will promote the economic cooperation and development, no cultural conflict, political will become relatively stable.中國的婚禮形式在我門年輕人的眼中都覺得很煩瑣,首先介紹個對象不說,還得各個親戚看看是否「通過」,那我就簡單說幾句吧,相親,是我們國家的俗稱,大多數是男的相女的,哈哈,接下來就是「見面」、「遞貼」、「換號」,後邊才結婚呢,結婚當天也不是那麼簡單的,「通路」、「接親」等等,就是事情比較多,也比較麻煩!現代的婚禮形式受到西方文化的影響,一般是在教堂或酒店裡,男女雙方在結婚公證處領取結婚證後就是喜宴,在喜宴上新娘要輪流向每位客人進酒,不管男女老少,都要喝一口新娘進的酒。有時雙方的朋友會刁難新娘,新娘若回答不出他們的提問就要送一大堆的喜糖作為交換。喜宴結束後,大多數情侶會去度蜜月。 無論是古代還是現代都體現了中國婚禮的特點:隆重,熱鬧,喜慶。Chinese wedding in my young people feel very cumbersome, first introced the object does not say, still have various relatives have a look whether" through", I would simply say something, to date, is our country most commonly known as, is male is female, ha ha, the next is"."," stick", pass" change", behind only wedding, wedding day is not so simple," the passage", "the kiss" and so on, is a thing more, have more trouble! Modern wedding has been the impact of western culture, is in the church or in a restaurant, both men and women in marriage notary office received a marriage certificate is the reception at the wedding reception, bride to rotate towards each guest wine, regardless of people of all ages and both sexes, to drink the bride into wine. Sometimes the friends will create difficulties for the bride, bride if you can't answer their questions was to send a lot of candy in exchange. After the wedding reception, the majority of couples take a honeymoon.Whether ancient or modern reflects the Chinese wedding features: grand, lively, happy.西方的婚禮是屬於浪漫型的,整個婚禮從一開始就充滿了浪漫的氣息。一般有以下步驟:1來賓入席。2奏結婚進行曲。親友點上蠟燭,牧師領唱詩班進場,宣布婚禮開始.伴郎伴娘和新郎陸續進場,女方家長陪新娘進場全體起立.3女方家長入席。新娘挽著父親的手,步入大堂,伴娘和花童一同進入會場,全體來賓起立,父親鄭重的把女兒交給新郎,女方家長就坐,全體來賓就坐。4牧師證婚。新人進行結婚宣誓,宣告願意結為夫妻。5新郎新娘互戴婚戒,宣誓。6獻詩。來賓在唱詩班的帶領下,唱祝福歌。7禮成。奏樂,新郎站右邊,新娘站左邊,兩人一起走出教堂,伴郎伴娘隨後,家屬以及來賓隨後退場。8茶會或晚宴。Western wedding is a romantic type, the whole wedding party from the beginning is full of romantic atmosphere. The general has the following steps: 1 guests attend. 2 played the wedding march. Friends and relatives of a candle, the priest a choir approach, announces the beginning of the wedding. And groom groomsman Bridesmaid enters the arena in succession, the wife's side parents to accompany the bride enters the standing ovation . 3 female parents sitting. The bride in her hand, stepped into the lobby, flower girl bridesmaid and they entered the hall, all the guests stood up, father solemnly put the daughter to the groom, wife's side parents sat, all the guests sitting. The 4 priest. The new marriage oath, declaring to be married. 5 the bride and groom each other wearing a wedding ring, oath. The 6 choir. Guests at the choir 's lead, sing a song. The ceremony is over 7. The bride, groom on the right, stand on the left, along with two people out of the church, a groomsman Bridesmaid subsequently, families and guests then exit. 8 party or dinner.

『肆』 寫一篇英語作文

China was one of the longest history countries in the world. We have many traditional cultures. Wedding ceremony is a part of culture.

Last day was the date of my classmate』s wedding that was the same class in primary school. She was the first one to get marry; I got a surprise at first. And also it was the first time as myself to receive invitation. It said:」 Inviting Lin and BF go to XXX…」 I really found I was grown-up, not only body but also age. I am old enough to get marry now.(I also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.)

If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding, you must prepare money, time and capacity for alcohol.

There are many steps of wedding: Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, Send Dowry, Installation of new bed, Hair Dressing Ritual,Tea Ceremony and Home Coming Ritual. For example ,in the first step- Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, bride should pay :

Money, usually ends in $9, $99 or $999 (meaning forever!), put in the Tie Box
Jewelry, such as a pair of dragon-phoenix bangles
Tie Box, containing lai-see, dried loongans, dried lychees, walnuts, peanuts, lotus seeds,
cypress leaves, sesame, red & green beans, red dates, a pair of dragon-phoenix candles,
Dried mushroom, 「fat-cai」(dried black moss), dried seafood such as dried abalones, dried shrimp, dried scallops, dried squids, etc., in combination of 4,6 or 8.
Western cake coupons and Chinese cakes or cake coupons

See, that is just a part of wedding, it really needs huge of $.

Inviting friends and relatives to have dinner is a traditional and normal way to show public that U are doing wedding now. My classmate invited us to a Chinese restaurant. There were about 200 people to attend. And every attendances would gave a sum of $ as gift to couple. $ is not everything, but in China if U give other kinds of gift, U also had to give $ at last.

Having a drink of alcohol is another way to celebrate wedding. Couple will go to every table to cheer up. There were 20 tables yesterday. Our table was the last one. So we have enough time to prepare playing tricks on bride. We put chicken』s arse, a lot of spice and soy, and lots of un-known thing into alcohol. I was sure it must be a bad drink. But at that time, the bride was drunk, so my classmate took most of this drink. I was afraid of her, but finally I thought they were couple in law, so they had ty to share happiness and woe from each other. I hope they will live to old age in conjugal bliss.

I felt I was nearly drunk tooooooooo.

『伍』 急求一篇關於中國古代婚禮的英語作文

我來回答China was one of the longest history countries in the world. We have many traditional cultures. Wedding ceremony is a part of culture. Last day was the date of my classmate』s wedding that was the same class in primary school. She was the first one to get marry; I got a surprise at first. And also it was the first time as myself to receive invitation. It said:」 Inviting Lin and BF go to XXX…」 I really found I was grown-up, not only body but also age. I am old enough to get marry now.(I also feel may be I am the last one to get marry.) If you want to enjoy a Chinese traditional wedding, you must prepare money, time and capacity for alcohol. There are many steps of wedding: Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, Send Dowry, Installation of new bed, Hair Dressing Ritual,Tea Ceremony and Home Coming Ritual. For example ,in the first step- Presentation of Betrothal Gifts, bride should pay : Money, usually ends in $9, $99 or $999 (meaning forever!), put in the Tie Box Jewelry, such as a pair of dragon-phoenix bangles Tie Box, containing lai-see, dried loongans, dried lychees, walnuts, peanuts, lotus seeds, cypress leaves, sesame, red & green beans, red dates, a pair of dragon-phoenix candles, Dried mushroom, 「fat-cai」(dried black moss), dried seafood such as dried abalones, dried shrimp, dried scallops, dried squids, etc., in combination of 4,6 or 8. Western cake coupons and Chinese cakes or cake coupons See, that is just a part of wedding, it really needs huge of $. Inviting friends and relatives to have dinner is a traditional and normal way to show public that U are doing wedding now. My classmate invited us to a Chinese restaurant. There were about 200 people to attend. And every attendances would gave a sum of $ as gift to couple. $ is not everything, but in China if U give other kinds of gift, U also had to give $ at last. Having a drink of alcohol is another way to celebrate wedding. Couple will go to every table to cheer up. There were 20 tables yesterday. Our table was the last one. So we have enough time to prepare playing tricks on bride. We put chicken』s arse, a lot of spice and soy, and lots of un-known thing into alcohol. I was sure it must be a bad drink. But at that time, the bride was drunk, so my classmate took most of this drink. I was afraid of her, but finally I thought they were couple in law, so they had ty to share happiness and woe from each other. I hope they will live to old age in conjugal bliss.


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