當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 我的學校就在這附近英語怎麼翻譯


發布時間: 2024-10-09 04:36:45

1. 我的學校在我家附近。用英語怎麼翻譯

1.My school is near my home.
2.My school is next to my home.

2. 你怎樣去上學我經常步行去,因為我家就在學校附近翻譯成英語

How do you usually go to school?
I often go to school on foot as I live near the school.

3. 我的學校在我家旁邊。英語翻譯

①、抄My school is near my home.
②、襲My school is next to my home.
③、My school is aside my home.
(*^__^*) ,祝學習進步!

4. 我住在學校附近」用英語怎麼說

您好、可以這么翻譯: I live near the school"希望我的回答可以幫助您、望採納、謝謝

5. 我住在學校附近的一個房子 英文翻譯i live a house of near the school可以么

不可以哦 其實去掉of 然後live 後面加個 in

或者說 the house i live in is near my school


6. 我住在學校附近」用英語怎麼說

您好、可以這么翻譯: I live near the school"希望我的回敏滲答橋喚脊可以幫鏈坦助您、望採納、謝謝

7. 在學校附近英文怎麼說


Near the school.

There is a bookshop near the school.

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