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發布時間: 2024-10-08 18:19:21

A. 介紹山東的旅遊景點的英語 山東旅遊英文


Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province
Taishan Mountain in Shandong was included as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by UNESCO in Dec 1987.
Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982, Taishan Mountain was up into the list of State key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of World Natural and Cultural Heritage in 1987. It becomes a precious heritage of human being.
Taishan Mountain locates in the east of North China Plain and the middle of Shandong province erecting from the Shandong hills. It is prominent around other hills. The prominent peak, Yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. The south of Taishan Mountain is higher than the north. Its south foot of mountain begins from Tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in Jinan City, the distance between which is 60kms. In Taishan Mountain, the transportation is convenient with the Jinghu railway passing by in the west. In its north is Jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". The distance between Taishan Mountain and Qubu is 70kms. Many roads and railways such as Taifei, Taixin, Taining, and Taiji meet in Tai'an city, which just locates in the south of Taishan Mountain.
答案補充 山東泰山被列為「世界文化和自然遺產」教科文組織在1987年12月。
泰山,一個典型的代表,中國著名的傳統的山區,是一個山區具有悠久歷史和特殊的歷史地位。 1982年,泰山被分為名單國家重點風景名勝區,並已正式列入目錄的世界文化和自然遺產在1987年。它成為一個寶貴的遺產的人。
泰山位於東華北平原和山東省中部豎立山東丘陵。這是著名的周圍還有其他山峰。著名的高峰,玉皇山頂,是一五四五米高,座落在東117.6度,北36.16度。南部泰山高於北方。其山腳下的南開始由泰安市和山腳下的北站濟南市之間的距離是60千米。在泰山,交通便利的京滬鐵路經過在西部。在其北面是濟南市,它的另一個名稱的「春城」 。之間的距離泰山和Qubu是70kms 。許多公路和鐵路等Taifei , Taixin ,泰寧,和太極泰安市舉行,這只是位於南部的泰山。


Zhanqiao Pier 棧橋
Little Qing Isle 小青島
Xiaoyushan Park 小魚山公園
May 4th Square 五四廣場
Music Square 音樂廣場
Seashore Sidewalk 濱海步行道
Catholic Church 天主教堂
Naval Museum 海軍博物館
National Shilaoren Tourist Resort石老人國家旅遊度假區
Laoshan Scenic Area 嶗山風景名勝區
Zhongshan Park 中山公園
Qing Zoo 青島動物園
Zhanshan Temple 湛山寺
No.1 Bathing Beach 第一海水浴場
Huiquan Square 匯泉廣場
Huilan Pavilion 回瀾閣
Donghai Sculpture Road 東海路雕塑街
Qing Municipal Museum 青島市博物館
Former Residence of Kang Youwei 康有為故居


Mount Tai, located in the east of Shandong Province, is a famous place of interest of China.
Every year, a large number of tourists from home and abroad go visit there.
It takes two hours to get there from downtown by bus, or you may take a train.
The best time to climb Mount Tai is autumn.


The element has "the world fairyland" name Penglai, is the nationallevel scenery scenic spot area and the provincial level historicalcity. The Penglai old name ascends the state, in the history the personoutstanding earth deities, the civil official military commandercelebrity pours forth, because Martial emperor of Han dynasty Yucilooks in the sea the Penglai mountain to acquire fame. Penglai also isthe emerging modernization port city. The Penglai port old nameascends the state port, when the Tang Dynasty on with Quanzhou,Yangchow and hands over the wave (namely Ningbo) and is called theChinese four big ancient ports, the modern times is China one of fourbig foreign trading ports. Penglai also is well-known the Chinese and foreign Binhai touristattraction. Has "mirage" the marvelous sight and "the Eight Immortalscross ocean" the beautiful fable, in Shandong Province "the Confucian,Dai, the immortal, the sea" in four big traveling resources system,Penglai monopolizes according to the immortal, the sea gathers asuperiority. Here historical culture accumulates richly, the PenglaiChinese style pavilion, Penglai Shui Cheng, Qi memorial arch, is acountry level of cultural relic preservation organ.


山東: Jinan, the capital city of Shandong since Ming dynasty, renowned for its 72 Famous Springs. Baotu Spring, a culturally significant artesian karst spring, declared as "Number One Spring under the Heaven" (天下第一泉) by the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qian Long. Daming Lake, the largest lake in Jinan, whose water is from the springs of the area. Marco Polo described its beauty in his works. Thousand Buddha Mountain, renowned for its numerous Buddha images which have been carved out of the hill's rock faces or free-standing structures erect since the times of the Sui Dynasty and its Xingguochan Temple. Lingyan Temple, one of the 4 most famous temples(四大名剎) in Tang dynasty, in which there are 11th century Pi Pagoda and the Thousand Buddha Hall which houses a Ming Dynasty bronze Buddha statue as well as 40 painted clay statues of life-size luohan from the Song Dynasty. remant of Great Wall of Qi, the oldest existing Great Wall in China, which is built in 685 BCE and stretches from Jinan to Qing. Penglai, a town on the north of the Shandong peninsula famed in Taoism. Qing, beach resort city on the south of the peninsula famous for its Tsingtao beer Ba Da Guan, made up of eight streets named after the eight great military forts of the ancient times. Zhan Qiao, a long strip pier stretches into the sea and was the first wharf at Qing. Laoshan, a scenic area and Daoist centre to the east of Qing. Qingzhou, an ancient trading and administrative centre with some famous archaeological discoveries. Weihai, a former British port city important in the second Sino-Japanese War. World Heritage Sites: Temple and Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu Tai Shan, sacred mountain, in Tai'an 青島: Little Qing Isle (小青島) Tian Hou Temple (天後宮), Qing Folk Museum Ba Da Guan (Eight Great Passes, 八大關), the older area of town with some surviving German and Japanese architecture. Lu Xun Park, named after Lu Xun (魯迅), a famous modern Chinese writer and critic, who lived and taught in 1930s. Zhongshan Park, named after the style name 'Zhongshan' of Sun Zhongshan (孫文,字中山), a famous modern Chinese politician. Xiao Yu Shan (Little Fish Hill, 小魚山) Qing Botanical Garden Qing Zoological Garden The twin-spired St Michael's Cathedral, (天主教堂), one piece of the famous Neo-romanesque architecture in Qing, designed by German architect Alfred Frbel, completed in 1934 [9] Flower-floor (花石樓), the place for previous German governors to fish, hunt or rest. Qing Underwater World, Qing Aquarium Jiaozhou Governor's Hall (提督府), office building of former German governors [Gouverneurspalast] and former municipal government Guest House, a classic German Castle Signal Hill (信號山) Astronomical Observatory Hill (觀象山) Tuan Dao Shan|Tuan Dao Shan (Dumpling Peninsula Hill, 團島山) Underground World of Chinese Mythology, life-size figures and groups depicting scenes from the Chinese mythology. The Protestant Church(基督教堂) Qing Bathing Beaches, there are 6 well-known beaches with complete facilities.

有關青島旅遊景點的英文介紹~~ 急啊急。。

Xuejia tourist resort is a provincial tourist resort approved by the people's Government of Shandong Province in November 1995. It is located in Qing Economic and Technological Development Zone. With a planning area of 9.8 square kilometers, the resort is a long and narrow peninsula with a coastline of 54 kilometers. The northeast is a mountainous area, the central part is a plain, and the southwest part is a hilly area. Like a phoenix flying, it lies on the shore of the Yellow Sea.
Xuejia tourist resort is also one of the twelve provincial tourist resorts in Shandong Province. "Sunrise of Huang'an", "ancient temple of Chaohai", "Xiaozhong of Shangquan", "snow wave of Yuzui", "sea singing of stone sparrow", "Phoenix playing pearl", "sunset of Zhimen" and "scenery of Phoenix Mountain" add attractive charm to Xuejia island.
Qing polar ocean world is located at No.60 Donghai East Road, Laoshan District, Qing City, Shandong Province. It is a large-scale ocean world complex integrating leisure, entertainment, shopping and culture. It was completed in July 2006. The first phase of the core project polar ocean animal exhibition and Performance Hall, Ocean Expo and popular science exhibition hall are now national AAAA tourist attractions.
主要分為石 門寺景區、珠山秀谷景區。景區自然景觀和人文景觀薈萃,旅遊資源豐富,先後被評為青島市森林公園、山東省農業旅遊示範點、全國農業旅遊示範點、國家AAAA級旅遊景區。
DAZHUSHAN scenic area is located in the southeast coast of Huang District, Qing, with 486 meters of the main peak, Dazhai top, and a total area of 65 square kilometers.
It is mainly divided into Shimen Temple scenic area and Zhushan xiugu scenic area. The scenic spot is rich in natural and cultural landscapes and tourism resources. It has been successively rated as Qing Forest Park, Shandong Agricultural tourism demonstration point, national agricultural tourism demonstration point and national AAAA level tourist attraction.

B. 濟南是山東省的省會用英語怎麼說



C. 英語作文 介紹濟寧

Ji'ning,lies in the SouthWest of Shandong province of China,is my hometown.Even in those ancient times,it had enjoyed a high-level of civilization and was praised as "a second SuZhou","the homeland for Kongzi and Menzi" and "a county of decorum".
Here in Ji'ning,there is an agreeable weather and four distinct seasons through the whole year.And also,numerous scenic spots around this place and I am willing to use this oppotunity to express my expectation to your coming.Not only do we have a beautiful natural landscape,the habitants live here also are of good qualities.(這里不是高質量,是高品質,高人格)
Please allow me to introce my hometown,Ji'ning,to all of you.In ancient Chinese,uncountable saints and celebrities played pivotal role in shaping the nation and five of them,Kongzi,Menzi,Yanzi,Zengzi,Sizi,were born here in Ji'ning.The sorrowful,touching love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu yintai has passed down for thousands of years,moving us Chinese from generation to generation.It is also titled as a Chinese-style "Romeo and Juliet".(梁山伯這里加了點東西,展現了歷史文化時間長)
108 heroes in Song Dynasty of ancient China,also known as the biggest anti-government group at that time which fought for the freedom of their lives against the oppression of the King(把水滸最簡單的說明了一下)
Lost the sense of tranquility?I figure you may regain them after going to the WeiShan lake,and I guarantee you a colorful summer if you go there do a lot of things as fishing,picking the lotus,campfire party,delicious meet from various wild animals.各種野味我不知道怎麼翻,這里只能這樣說,老外以為我們是專殺野生動物的.勸你放棄這句.
all varieties of snacks are available here,a well-known Chinese saying goes like this,"It is a wise choice to be born in Suzhou,to travel in Hangzhou,to pursue the fashion in Guangzhou and to taste delicious snacks in Ji'ning.you may tell how famous Ji'ning is for its snacks.I love my hometown,my fantastic memories stored there,and hopefully you can pay a visit to this place,I am willing to be your guide.Ji Ning,my hometown,which is located in the southeast of Shan Dong province,is historically known as "little Suzhou north of Yangze River" and "the village of Mencius and Confucius and the state of protocol".The four seasons are previously devided here and the weather is comforting.Cause brilliant scenery and many places of interest exist here,so welcome all the people go sightseeing to my hometown.Besides the beautiful view,the people at my hometown are more beautiful.What`s more,the five most great people that are Confusius,Mencius,Yanzi,Zengzi and Sizi all belong to here.In my homeown,a story of love happened between Liang sanbo and Zhu yingtai,108 worriers rise up at Moutain Liang,many adages of Confusius are inherited by our Chinese,and Wen Shang,the centre of Buddhism,stands still here.

D. 本科英語自學考的實踐考核,求翻譯一下句子。

1。因為佛教提倡隱居生活,佛教僧侶,刻下了許多石窟的平靜和偏遠山區以cinct佛教rites.2.the莫高窟位於敦煌縣東南部25公里,並有在麥積山石窟中最大的china.3.the地形險峻。建立在一個錐形山,大部分洞穴都削減了懸崖絕壁在20到80 meters.4.the 53洞仍然存在今天高度向西沿山延伸超過1公里,有51000地雕刻在這些洞穴,這是雕刻在china.5.taishan山最大的集團在山東省中部的黃河南部,是中國第二大河。它的最高峰,玉皇頂海拔1545米,但絕對高度和相對高度最高的一周在中國的任何宗教的追隨者kilometers.6.buddhism聲稱最幾千的范圍內,隨著時間的推移,那裡來四山的忠實崇拜:五台山在山西,四川峨嵋,九華安徽,和普陀有四峰zhejiang.7.wutai若有所思地奠定了自然母親根據指南針,自然點,在middle.8.emei五分之一位於四川西部N省,它具有許多吸引人的地方,尤其是高峰,或「金峰」。峰是在許多不尋常的自然場景如「佛光,」當地的猴子,和峨眉家電話會習慣於visitors.9.in冬天雲下降到地球和蘆山的弱點的嘗試徒勞的穿透地層,暫時只有成功被吞並了。蘆山也是眾所周知的夏日度假設施。

E. 請問五嶽分別在哪幾個省











嵩山,古稱「外方」。嵩山位於河南省西部,地處登封市西北部,西鄰古都洛陽,東臨古都鄭州,屬伏牛山系 。介於東經112°56′07″~113°11′32″,北緯34°23′31″~34°35′53″。


五嶽的思想是糅合夏代、商代以來的四方神和戰國初期的五行觀念而形成的山嶽崇拜。五嶽是封建時代帝王加封的。南朝 裴駰《史記集解》載:「天高不可及,於泰山上立封禪而祭之,冀近神靈也。」翻譯:上天是高不可及的,在泰山上舉行封禪祭祀的活動是接近天上的神靈的。帝王們為了「報天之功」,常以雄偉險峻的大山為祥瑞,在峰頂上設壇祭祀,舉行封禪大典。

第一個舉行大規模封禪儀式的是秦始皇。秦始皇親自祭祀的地方只有泰山一處。到了唐代和武周武 皇武則天,封禪活動在中原中嶽嵩山。經過封建帝王的封禪歷史,五嶽的地位更高了。

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