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發布時間: 2024-10-08 12:01:58

1. 「我的生命只屬於你,只有你才是我的歸宿」用英語怎麼翻譯

my life belongs to you. only you are my best choice.

2. 「他們給予我們生命,撫養我們長大」英文翻譯


They gave birth to us and raised us up ,或者They gave birth to us. They raised us up.

也可以翻譯成They gave us life and raised us up,或者They gave us life. They raisd us up.

重點短語:gave birth to us(生下我們)

gave us life(給了我們生命)

raised us up(把我們養大)


They gave birth to us. They raised us up.這兩句話屬於並列句,可以用and連成一句話。


兩個或兩個以上的簡單句用等立連詞或用分號、冒號、逗號等連在一起構成的句子叫並列句。常用的等立連詞有and, or, but, so, for, neither, nor, while, whereas等。


1) It was a cold snowy day.

He had no money left for food. (and)

2) Hurry up.

You』ll be late. (or)

3) It rained heavily last night.

I went to the show anyway. (but)

4) I enjoy classical music.

She enjoys classical music, too. (so)

5) He must be ill.

He is absent today. (for)

6)Some people waste food.

Others haven』t enough. (while)

7) She is fat.

Her husband is thin. (whereas)

8) She cannot read.

She cannot write, either. (neither)

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