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❶ 有沒有人能幫我翻譯這些麵包在英語里怎麼說

餐包 bread---是否只用這就可以或loaf
法國長棍 French bread---法國或法式需要大寫
甜麵包 sweet bread
菠蘿包回 pineapple bread---ychen1n拼錯
牛油排包 butter bread
全麥吐司答 whole-wheat toast
蛋撻 tortilere---這才是蛋撻吧
吉士(甜甜的一種醬,塗在麵包上烤,能烤脆) 不清楚。。。吉士粉??
麵包圈 bread ring
多拿滋 donuts---唐納茲
佳酥麵包 ???---起酥麵包???
桃酥 nut biscuit
老婆餅 sweet heart cake
奶酥麵包 butter biscuit

❷ 麵包英語怎麼說


❸ 求大俠翻譯西式糕點方面的英文,

芝士火腿吐司 北海道吐司 黃金吐司 富士山 相思乳酪
Ham and cheese toast toast toast Hokkaido Fuji Mountain Acacia cheese
全麥核桃吐司 大北海道吐司 手撕包 一葉情 金磚 蔓越莓吐司
Whole wheat toast toast walnut Hokkaido hand bag a feeling the cranberry toast
提子吐司 全麥無糖吐司 經典白吐司 葡式蛋撻
Raisins toast wholemeal toast without sugar classic white toast Portuguese egg tart
現烤麵包: 骨肉相連 小丸子 手卷三明治 酥皮三明治 布丁杯
We bake bread, pastry as closely linked as flesh and blood: hand-rolled sandwich sandwich pudding cup
水果奶昔 雞蔬堡 丹麥提子 丹麥熱狗 丹麥烤雞串 提子布丁 花生醬香包 鄉村雞蛋 法蘭克福 起司大亨 培根芝士 藍莓物語
Fruit shake the chicken and vegetable Fort Danish raisin Danish Danish hot dogs raisin pudding roast chicken on peanut sauce packet rural egg Frankfurt tycoon Bacon cheese Blueberry Cheese story
美式熱狗 藍莓排包 牛奶棒 炭燒培根卷 芋頭布丁 富士卷
American hot dog blueberry row package milk bar charcoal Bacon roll taro pudding Fuji volume
奶香包 韓國 玉米火腿 肉香滿溢 牛奶泡芙 半月 雞蛋肉鬆卷
Milk sachet Korea corn ham fragrance overflowing milk puff half dried meat floss egg roll
香辣肉鬆 原味肉鬆 摩卡 金槍魚三文治 椰椰香 毛毛蟲 紫菜壽司卷
Spicy flavor of dried meat floss dried meat floss Mocha tuna sandwich coconut coconut caterpillar seaweed sushi rolls
黃金甲 金馬輪 台式菠蘿包 花生奶香包 黑麥 QQ球 火腿三文治
Huang Jinjia Jinmalun desktop pineapple buns peanut milk sachet rye QQ ball ham sandwich
法式奶香片 乳酪片 甜甜圈 丹麥杏仁條
French dairy jasmine scented green tea cheese slices donut Danish almond bar

❹ 麵包的英文怎麼說啊

讀音:英 [bred] 美 [brɛd]

1、n. 麵包;盯桐餅;生計
2、vt. 在…上灑麵包屑
1、slice of bread 麵包片
2、french bread 法式長條麵包
3、garlic bread 蒜蓉麵包;香蒜麵包
4、bread maker 麵包機
例句昌則敏:Or, if you like, we have a special on bread today.

❺ 八年級下冊仁愛英語unit7的課文翻譯【全部】

Unit 7 Topic 1

prepare for 准備

have a food festival 舉行一次美食節活動

make money 掙錢,賺錢

turn to sb/sth. for help


chat with 和……聊天

try one』s best = do one』s best


make tea 沏茶

make some green tea 沏綠茶

cook soup 煲湯

make biscuits 做餅干

I have a sweet tooth 喜歡吃甜食

western food 西方食品

such as 諸如,例如

American chocolate cookies 美國巧克力餅

Greek cheese pie 希臘乳酪派

Indian curries 印度咖喱

Italian pizza 義大利比薩餅

Chinese fried rice and mplings


Japanese sushi 日本壽司

South African beef curry 南非咖喱牛肉

Russian black bread 俄羅斯黑麵包

What』s more. 而且

It』s a pleasure./ That』s OK./ That』s all right./ You』re welcome./ My pleasure. 不用謝

Will you please do sth?=Would you like to do sth? 請你做……好嗎?

tell sb. sth.= tell sth to sb. 告訴某人某事

send sb.sth. = send sth. to sb給某人發送 (send you an e-mail=send an e-mail to you be pleased to do sth. 很高興做某事

keep up = keep on 繼續, 堅持

in order to do sth為了

hope to do sth. 希望做某事

hope that +句子

thank (sb).for doing sth.謝謝(某人)做某事

come from =be from 來自,出生於

a gold medal一枚金牌

a few supplies 一些設施

be pleased with sth. 對某事感到高興/滿意

give one』s best wishes to sb.


come true 實現

Welcome to… 歡迎參加……

Topic 2

make fried rice 炒飯

be glad that+(賓從) 高興……

be glad to do sth高興做……

be proud of 為……而自豪

would like sb. to do sth =want sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事

would like to do sth=want to do sth


would like sth =want sth. 想要某物

cut up…finely精細地把……切小,

cut up 切碎, 制碎

Well done!真棒

fry…lightly 輕微地炒一下

for a few minutes 一會兒

make bone soup 熬骨頭湯

fill sth with 用…..裝滿

70%-80% full 七八成滿

be tired of (doing) sth 討厭

fast food restanrant快餐店


first—then—next—after that—finally


two pieces of bread 兩片麵包

spread sth.on/ over 往……上塗抹…….

put sth together 把…….放在一起

pour sth over 往……倒…..

learn sth. from…從…….學到……

Follow me, please. 請跟我學

be ready准備好

come on 過來

Help yourself (yourselves) to ….自用…….

It』s polite / impolite to do sth.

做某事有禮貌 / 沒禮貌

Not bad. 不錯

eat with one』s arms or elbows on the table 跋在桌子上吃飯

for the first time 第一次

western table manners 西方的就餐禮儀

table manners餐桌禮儀

sit down at the table 准備就餐

sit down at table 就餐

at the table 在 桌旁 at table 在就餐

finish doing sth 完成做某事

on the plate 在盤子里

drink to sb.


take a sip 喝一小口

remember to do sth. 記住去做某事

remember doing sth. 記住做過某事

too much+不可數名詞

too many+可數名詞 太多….

use sth. for…..用……來做……

much too+ 形容詞 太……

have different eating habits


two or more courses 兩道或更多道的菜餚

in the southern part of China = in the south 在中國的南方

in the central and western parts


be far away fron. 遠離

pick up 撿起,

at the same time 在同時

Topic 3

be on sale 出售

such as 例如

kind-heated 好心的

have a wonderful/good/ nice/ time=enjoy oneself(oneselves) 玩得開心

a table for two 兩人桌

時間+later 在……之後,

in+時間 在……之後,表「將來」

Wait a moment. 等一會兒

Sth. smells nice and tastes delicious.


order the meal 訂餐

e-mail sb. 發郵件給某人

write to sb.寫信給某人

send sth to sb/sw

送……給某人 ,送……..到某處

go well 進展順利

sth.be worth 值…..(多少錢)=sth cost … be worth doing sth.值得做

in the end 最後=finally= at last

make money賺錢

make over ¥1,500.賺1500多元

cut ...finely精細地切





serve the food carefully小心地上菜

be healthy 健康

keep a balanced diet 保持均衡飲食

not only…but also…不但……而且……

It』s said that….據說

Not all 並非所有

also, either, too, as well也

(too用於肯定、疑問句, 放句末,逗號割開;either 用於否定句,放句末,逗號割開;

also 較為正式書面語, 放句中;as well放句末)

UNIT 7 The Birthday Party
P53-1a Topic 1
Michael ,do you know Michael Phelps?
Of course I know him.He is my favorite sports star.
When was born,do you know?
B: He was born in June,1986.
A: Where was he born? 他出生在哪裡?
In Maryland,the U.S.A
Wow!You're a big fan of Michael Phelps

P55.B部分1 Wang Qiang: When is your birthday,Kangkang?
Kangkang: May 13th. 5月13日
Wang Qiang: what's the date today?
It's May 8th.
OH, your birthday is coming. That's next Wednesday! 是下個星期三
How do you plan to celebrate it?你准備怎麼慶祝?
Kangkang: My friends want to have a birthday party for me. 我的朋友准備為我舉辦一個生日聚會
Would you like to come? 你願意來嗎?
Wang Qiang: Yes,I'd love to.Thank you.

P57 C 部分1
Michael: What is your present for Kangkang's birthday?
Maria: Guess! 猜猜!
Michael: Is it a model plane?是飛機模型嗎?
Maria: No,guess again.不,再猜一次
Michael: Mm,then what's the shape of your present?
Maria: It's round. 是圓的
Michael: What color is it? 是什麼顏色的?
Maria: It's black and white. 是黑白相見的
Michael: Oh!I get it.It's a soccer ball.
Maria: You are right. 你對了
Michael: Can I have a look? 可以讓我看看嗎?
Maria: Sorry,I'm afraid you can't.
Mrs. Brown was born on May 22nd,1967.
Tomorrow is her birthday.明天是她的生日
Mr. Brown and his daughter,Mary,are planning to celebrate it.
Mary would like to cook a special dinner.
Mr.Brown wants to buy a beautiful light blue dress for Mrs. Brown.
He also wants to buy a birthday cake and some candles.
That would be a surprise for Mrs. Brown.
P61-1A 部分
Jane: Maria,what would you like to do at Kangkang's birthday party?
Maria: I'd like to play the piano and sing some songs. 我願意彈鋼琴並唱歌
Jane: Oh,do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs?
Maria: Chinese songs.Would you like to sing with me? 中文歌。你願意和我一起唱嗎?
Jane: I'd love to,but I can't sing Chinese songs.
I can only sing English songs.我只能唱英文歌曲
Maria: What else can you do?那其它的你能做什麼?
Jane: I can dance and play the guitar.我可以跳舞和彈吉他
Maria: Can you dance the disco or perform ballet?你能跳迪斯科或者表演芭蕾舞嗎?
Jane: I can dance the disco.Can you do it,too?
Maria: Yes,I can..I can also perform ballet.
Jane: Great!I'm sure we'll have a good time at the party.太好了!我相信我們在聚會上會有一段愉快的時光

P63-1a B 部分 1a
Parrot: Welcome!Welcome! 歡迎!歡迎!
Michael: Oh!Polly,you can speak English!
Can you sing an English song?你會唱英文歌曲嗎?
Parrot: Of course I can.當然會
Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you!...祝你生日快樂,祝你生日快樂
Michael: You are so smart!你真聰明
Jane: What else can you do?其他你還會做什麼?
Parrot: I can count.One,two,three,four...
Jane: I'd like to take these flowers to the party.
Can you count them for me?你可以為我數數嗎?

Parrot: Er,no,I can't count so many flowers.

Jane: Aha!

It's time for outdoor activities.
Look!Jane is flying a kite. 看!Jane正在放風箏
She can fly kites very well now.
But one year ago,she couldn't do it at all. 但是一年以前她還不會
Maria is performing ballet.Maria正在跳芭蕾舞
She can perform ballet very well now.她可以跳的很好
But when she was five,she could only dance a little.但是她在五歲的時候,她只會跳一點點
Michael and Kangkang are playing ping-pong.
They could do it before,but not very well.
They both like playing ball games.
Kangkang is good at playing soccer,康康擅長足球
while Michael does well in basketball.
Now the children are all having a good time.
Jenny lives in London with her parents.
When she was three,she could play the piano.
She could draw very well at the age of five,
but she couldn't write at all.
Six years ago,there was something wrong with her eyes.六年以後她的眼睛出現了問題
She couldn't see anything.我看不到任何東西
Life was very hard for her.生命對她如此殘酷
With her mother's help,Jenny could write many words,
and now she begins to write books.並且現在她開始寫書
Many people like her book,A Smart Girl,very much.
She is great!她真偉大!

❻ 夏娜喜歡吃的不是蜜瓜包嗎搞不懂為什麼字幕組要翻譯成菠蘿包

這真心是一個糾纏不清的問題。日語原文是メロンパン,就是英語的melon pan,melon pan直譯成中文就是蜜瓜包。而真正的菠蘿包的英語是Pineapple bun。然而然而,メロンパン在日本指的是表面有條紋或者格子槽的麵包。條紋麵包如下圖,格子槽的麵包就是菠蘿包嘛。(可參考日本維基網路全書)看看夏娜醬吃的實物,其實就是メロンパン菠蘿包。翻譯組並沒有搞錯哦。

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