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發布時間: 2024-10-07 13:58:45

⑴ 英語高手來

1. My firm belief advantage is the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give my mother(因該是我的媽媽,不是她的媽媽,所以應該是my mother.)a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

金融專業大三的學生:Junior financial professionals to students

專業證書:Professional Certificate
二樓的那人翻譯的很好,就是第五句那是以你的口氣來翻譯這篇文章所以應該是my mother)

⑵ 英語中的中國人名、地名、城市名,如何表達

1、人名用拼音就可以,一般把名放在前,姓放在後。開頭第一個字母大寫。如:Xiaoying Sun ,孫小英。


都江堰市 Dujiangyan City(四川);綏芬河市 Suifenhe City(黑龍江);武夷山自然保護區 Wryishan Nature Reserve(福建)。



英文的名(first name)在前,姓(last name)在後,如現任的美國總統Donald Trump (唐納德特朗普),前面的Donald (唐納德)是名,後面的Trump (特朗普)是姓;「孔乙己」英語翻譯為Yiji Kong(乙己孔)。


峨眉山 Mount Emei(四川);五台山Wutai Mountain(山西);象鼻山 the Elephant Hill(廣西桂林);

東海 the East China Sea;邛海 the Qionghai Lake(四川西昌);大灘海 Long Harbour(香港)

⑶ 涔濈敤鑻辮鎬庝箞璇

September the ninth september鏄涓涓鑻辮鍗曡瘝錛岀敤浣滃悕璇嶏紝鍙浠ョ炕璇戜負涔濇湀涔濇湀September鐨勮嫳璇緙╁啓鏄鏄瘲eptSeptember 鑻 sep#712temb#601r 緹 s#603p#712t#603mb#602n涔濇湀錛沶ine 鑻眓a#618n緹巒a#618nnum涔 涔濅釜 絎涔漬涔濓紝涔濅釜adj涔濈殑錛屼節涓鐨勭綉緇 鐜栧嶆暟nines褰㈣繎璇峃ine銆

鑻辮鐨勪節鏄痭ine 璇婚煶鑻 na#618n錛岀編 na#618nnum 涔濅節涓 n 涔濓紝涔濅釜 adj 涔濈殑錛屼節涓鐨 n Nine浜哄悕濉炲凹鍐 璇嶇粍鐭璇璶ine out of ten 鍗佸垎涔嬩節錛岀櫨鍒嗕箣涔濆嶮 cloud nine n錛涘熀鏁拌瘝nine錛屼緥濡俷ine people 9涓浜哄簭鏁拌瘝ninth錛屼緥濡倀he ninth person 絎9涓浜猴紱1涔濈殑鑻辮鍐欐硶鏄痭ine錛岃婚煶涓鴻嫳 na#618n 緹 na#618n2澶嶆暟 nines3渚嬪彞Youll have your work cut out to get there by nine oclock 鎰忔濇槸浣犱節鐐歸挓鍓嶈刀鍒伴偅閲屽彲涓嶅規槗錛涗節鑻辮鏄痭ine錛屽簭鏁拌瘝鏄痭inth闊蟲爣nain涔漬ine鐨勫畾涔塏ine is the natural nimber following 8 and preceding 10涔濇槸鍏涓庡嶮涔嬮棿鐨勮嚜鐒舵暟鐢ㄦ硶n 涔濓紝涔濅釜錛屼節鐐歸挓錛屼節宀 num 涔濅釜錛屼節 adj銆

涔濈敤鑻辮錛岀帠 nine錛 na#618n n 涔濓紝涔濅釜 num 涔濅節涓 adj 涔濈殑錛沶ine 鑻 na#618n 緹 na#618n闊寵瘧涔冩仼 nine 鑻 na#618n 緹 na#618nn 涔濓紝涔濅釜 num 涔濅節涓 adj 涔濈殑錛屼節涓鐨 n Nine浜哄悕濉炲凹鍐 緗戠粶鐭璇璑ine Lives 涔濇潯鍛斤紱涔濅釜涓緇勭殑浜虹墿灝ゆ寚媯掔悆闃熶節宀 涔濈偣閽 涔濈偣鐨勭墝the Nine 甯岀炰節涓鏂囪壓濂崇 nineholes `naInhEJlznpl 鐢ㄤ綔鍗曚節瀛旀垙 鍥板 be dressed up to the nines 絀跨潃鍗庝附鐨勮。鏈嶏紝 鎵撴壆寰楁紓浜錛沶ine錛 鍦ㄨ嫳璇璇嶆牴閲宯ov涔熻〃紺轟節錛沶inenain numn涔 pronad涔濅釜錛屽彧渚嬪彞涓庣敤娉 1I#39ll leave for Shanghai at nine涔濈偣閽燂紝鎴戝皢璧翠笂嫻2I have nine dolls in the bedroom鎴戠殑鍗уら噷鏈変節涓甯冨▋濞3As a pop star she錛銆
9鐨勮嫳鏂噉inenine 鑻 na#618n 緹 na#618nnum涔濅節涓絎涔漬涔濓紝涔濅釜adj涔濈殑錛屼節涓鐨勮瘝奼囨惌閰1nine to five鏈濅節鏅氫簲2nine pins涔濇熅婊氱悆鎴3nine needles涔濋拡4nine錛涜嫳璇璶ine 璇婚煶鑻眓a#618n緹巒a#618n鎰忔漬um 涔濅婦渚婭 arrive at the hospital at eight o#39clock錛 but I don#39t go on ty until nine鎴戝叓鐐歸挓灝卞埌鍖婚櫌浜嗭紝浣嗘槸涔濈偣閽熸垜鎵嶅幓鍊肩彮鍏跺畠錛沶ine 鑻眓a#618n 緹巒a#618nnum 涔 涔濅釜 絎涔漬 涔濓紝涔濅釜adj 涔濈殑錛屼節涓鐨勫叾涓錛宎#618鐨勮婚煶鏄鑻辨枃瀛楁瘝I鐨勮婚煶錛屽叾浠栫殑灝辨寜鐓ц鏂囩殑鎷奸煶璇匯

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