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1. 求一篇給排水相關的英文文獻及翻譯



1) 系統中的流動是非充滿流動
2) 水平流動的某些管段存在滿管流
4) 滿管流出現在垂直段,系統內壓力降低
1) 運行依靠三個相互作用的部分:屋頂、集水槽、水管
2) 綠色屋頂可以減少流量,美化城市
3) 出口對系統的性能至關重要
4) 虹吸式排水系統在大型工程中有較大的優勢,但是必須考慮高昂的維修費用
5) 設計虹吸式排水系統應該考慮額外的容量和操作問題

Recent and future advances in roof drainage design and performance

Recent and future advances in roof drainage design
and performance
S Arthur BEng (Hons) PhD and GB Wright MEng PhD
School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
The past 10 years have witnessed significant changes in the way roof drainage
systems are understood and designed. In particular, there has been a stepchange
in the confidence with which siphonic roof drainage systems may be
specified and expected to perform. These changes have occurred whilst urban
drainage design in general has been revolutionized by wider acceptance of
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and greater public concern regarding
pluvial flooding within the context of climate change. This text considers, in
detail, both how roof drainage systems are designed and how they should be
expected to perform. Particular attention is drawn to weaknesses in accepted
design methods. Consideration is also given to 『innovative』 roof drainage related
approaches such as green roofs and rainwater harvesting.
Practical application: Over the past few years there have been many changes in
how roof drainage systems are specified and designed. On large buildings,
technologies such as 『siphonic roof drainage』 are now commonplace and there is
an ever increasing demand for 『green roofs』 to be specified e to their potential
to 『green』 developments. Based on ongoing research, this paper details how
these different types of roof drainage solutions can be efficiently designed and
what levels of performance can be expected.
1 Introction
Over the past decade urban drainage systems
have moved towards what are now commonly
known as 『Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems』
(SUDS) or 『Best Management Practice』
(BMP). Fundamental to the implementation
of these systems is addressing both runoff
quantity and quality at a local level in a
manner which may also have the potential to
offer amenity benefits to stakeholders. This has
led to a change in the way new developments
now look and interact within catchments.
However, despite the availability of such tools
to rece, attenuate and treat urban runoff,
substantial areas of the urban environment are
still 100% impermeable and drain rapidly;
namely roof surfaces. Normally, roof drainage
systems do not always receive the attention
they deserve in the area of design, construction
and maintenance. Although the cost of a
system is usually only a small proportion of a
building』s total cost, it can be far outweighed
by the costs of the damage and disruption
resulting from a failure of the system to provide
the degree of protection required.
Address for correspondence: Scott Arthur, School of the Built
Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS,
UK. E-mail: [email protected]
Building Serv. Eng. Res. Technol. 26,4 (2005) pp. 337 /348
# The Chartered Institution of B©u i2l0d0i5n SgASGeEr PvuicbeliscaEtionngsi.n Aelel rrisgh2ts0 0re5served. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. 10.1191/0143624405bt127tn
Downloaded from http://bse.sagepub.com at Heriot - Watt University on January 31, 2007
There are basically two different types of
roof drainage system, namely conventional
and siphonic (see Figure 1). Conventional
systems operate at atmospheric pressure, and
the driving head is thus limited to the gutter
flow depths. Consequently, conventional roof
drainage systems normally require a considerable
number of relatively large diameter vertical
downpipes, all of which have to connect
into some form of underground collection
network before discharging to the surface
water drain. In contrast, siphonic roof drainage
systems are designed to run full-bore
(turbulent gutter conditions mean that there
will always be a small percentage of entrained
air within the system, typically 5%), resulting
in sub-atmospheric system pressures, higher
driving heads and higher system flow
velocities. Hence, siphonic systems normally
require far fewer downpipes, and the depressurized
conditions also mean that much of the
collection pipework can be routed at high
level, thus recing the extent of any underground
Both types of drainage system comprise
three basic interacting components:
. the roof surface;
. the rainwater collection gutters (including
. the system pipework.
Each of these components has the ability to
substantially alter the runoff hydrograph as it
is routed through the system. This text will
focus on the role and performance of each of
these components. As the principles of siphonic
drainage are generally less well understood,
and certainly less well documented,
particular emphasis will be placed on the
performance of siphonic roof drainage systems
in this text.

2. 求洗衣機上英語標示的中文意思,謝謝!

1、delicates 輕洗柔洗

2、extra rinse:漂清


4、delay star:延時



7、water level:水量





12、super reset:最多

13、extra rinse:外加漂洗








21、speed of:旋轉速度








3. 專業英語翻譯,幫幫忙,急用!

Measures and measures and proposals
Ecology and soil and water conservation measures
Construction projects are hydropower development, construction, mainly to consider the impacts on ecology, the project should speed up after running the restore vegetation to prevent and stop the construction period of the harm brought about by soil erosion.
Construction period to the attention of civilized construction, rationally arrange the construction zone, the prohibition of blind expansion of the construction area, to prohibit the construction personnel deforestation, destruction of vegetation around the works area.
Construction projects as far as possible to avoid the rainy season, in particular, are easy to proce engineering behavior of soil erosion should be arrangements for construction ring the dry season, while the bare construction site should be short time, so as to rece soil erosion ring construction period.
Slope of the resie to be timely resumption of soil vegetation, and soil erosion protection accordingly.
Strengthening construction management, is prohibited everywhere亂倒abandoned stone earthwork, Spoil want reunification Spoil piling up to the specified field can not be allowed to form a pile of soil Hill, should be timely and grass berm.
Each completed a project, should be immediately cleared the construction site, on-site remediation, improve drainage facilities, timely greening, restore vegetation as soon as possible.
Surface water protection measures
Brief barrage, disconnect the water supply, drainage works and thus slow down the water quality of the domain Caiyanghe pollution.
The construction site required the construction of aqua privies, the use of supply staff, resulting in droppings carried out by hand清掏for fertilization field is absolutely not allowed to directly into the domain yang river.
Wastewater generated at the construction project to build the grit chamber or set pools, or for reuse as much as possible venues to spend, use up to the precipitation before efflux.
Power plant built and put into operation, the office area and living area must be used rain, sewage diversion, domestic sewage directly into the domain are not allowed to Caiyanghe must precipitation, biological self-purification after efflux. Sedimentation tanks and septic tanks at the end of the regular Java清掏for farmland or near the green plant fertilizer.
Rece the environmental impact of air measures
Construction site to rece the st impact on air environment, at work or noodle market is expected to be taken by water spray and coverage measures.
Project area ring the dry season when roads should be carried out sprinkler pressure st, transport vehicles used in confined compartments transport, rece the delivery of materials caused by灑落secondary pollution.
Rece the solid waste impact on environment
Make full use of slag heap field, strictly positive domain directly into the river and promptly clean up the water courses in the sludge to ensure that the river flow line.
Take effective measures to prevent erosion by the slag formed after the loss and the body slide into the river in Java, Java games on the slag mps and other body necessary to carry out slope reinforcement treatment, and slag at the edge of masonry block walls, set up retaining walls, drainage trenches, at渣土surface greening.
Put into operation after the power plant is built at the area of life must be set up to collect trash or garbage apparatus room, in situ burning is prohibited, unity to the waste disposal market.
Measures to prevent noise impact
Construction machinery, transport machinery to comply with the relevant national noise standards. Level high noise equipment should be arranged ring the day operation. At high noise level of equipment next to the work of construction personnel should wear earplugs or anti-noise masks.
Power plant is built to run after the generator turbine noise on long-term ty must be the impact of office noise noise rection measures should be taken.
Population health and safety measures
Attention to construction personnel and the factory workers drinking water and food hygiene. At the construction site and factory set up clinics to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases, strengthening the management of floating population. Construction blasting at the time to choose an appropriate time, the attention of the crowd activity and construction personnel.
Recommendations of local water conservancy department to manage domain yang of comprehensive utilization of water resources, river basin water and soil conservation, vegetation protection. Caiyanghe dry season so that domain is not dry, the wet period without floods, making up the basin of the four classes can be the normal operation of power plants.
Power proction areas, living area, water drains, roads into the plant to prevent soil erosion in addition to the green, we should also consider the requirements of the landscape, the different topography of the green to take a different approach, in the green at the same time taking into account the plants and the environment up at the unification of ecological adaptation.

4. 高分懸賞~~~水利水電專業英語翻譯,謝絕軟體翻譯

絕對人工翻譯 花了我好長時間的 樓主多施捨點吧


5. 09年英語四級高頻詞彙(Word版本)

abandon 遺棄;放棄
absorb 吸引…的注意
access 接近
accommodation 住處,膳宿
accompany 陪伴,為…伴奏
accord 一致;諒解
account 記述;帳戶;解釋
accumulate 堆積 累積
accuse vt 指控
achieve vt 完成
acknowledge vt 承認…的權威(或主張);確認;報償
acquaint vt 使認識,使了解,使熟悉
acquire vt 學到,取得
adapt vt 使適應;修改vi(to)適應
adequate a 充足的勝任的
adjust vt 校正,調節
admission n 准許進入;入場券; 承認
adopt vt 收養;採取;批准
advantage n 優點;利益
advisable a 明智的,可取的
advocate vt 擁護;n擁護者;律師
affect v 影響
affection n 喜愛
afford vt 擔負得起;提供
aggressive a 侵犯的;有進取心的
allowance n 津貼,補貼,零用錢
alter v 改變
ambition n 抱負,野心;企望得到的東西
anniversary n周年紀念日
annual a 每年的 n 年報,年刊,年鑒;一年的生的植物
anticipate vt 重視;為…表示感激;充分意識到 vi 增值
approach v 靠近 n靠近;途徑;方式
appropriate a 適當的vt 私占;拔出……供專用
approve VT 贊成;批准 VI(of)贊成
arise VI 產生,出現;(from)(由。。。)引起;起身
arouse vt 引起,喚醒
artificial a 人工的;假的
aspect n 方面;(建築物)朝向;面貌
assert vt 對。。。進行估價;評估,評論
assign vt 指派;指定;分配
assist n 幫助
assumption n 假定;承擔
assure Vt 使確信;確保
attain vt 達到,獲得
attempt n vt 嘗試
attraction n吸引力;具有吸引力的食物或人
attribute vt (to)把。。歸因於 n屬性
available a現成可使用的;可取得聯系的
award vt 授予;裁定 n獎,獎品,獎金
aware a 意識到
balance n 平衡;天平;結存 vt 使平衡;稱;權衡
bargain n 特價商品;協議 vi討價還價
barrier n 柵欄;障礙;屏障
behave vi 表現,舉止端正
belief n 信任;信念
beneficial a 有益的
benefit n 益處;救濟金,保險金 vi有益於 vi得益
boom n 激增;隆隆聲 vi激增;發出隆隆聲
boost vi提高;推動; 替。。做廣告 n提高;推動
bound a 一定的;受約束的;准備到。。。去的
breakthrogh n 突破,突破性進展,重要新發現
breed n 種,品種 vi 繁殖 vt飼養;養育;釀成
budget n 預算,預算撥款 vi 編預算 vt規劃
burden n 重擔;使重負 vt加重壓於,煩擾;負重
cancel vt取消;抵消;刪除
capacity n 容量;才能;身份,職位
certify vt證明;發證書或執照給
challenge n 艱巨的任務;懷疑;挑戰 vt反對,向。。挑戰
circumstance n 環境;境況
claim vt 聲稱;對。。提出要求,需要 n 要求,認領,索賠
clarify vt 澄清,闡明
clue n 線索
collapse vi n 倒塌,崩潰
collision n 碰撞 沖突
comment n評論;閑話 vt評論
commitment n 承諾;信奉,獻身;承擔義務
companion n 同伴,伴侶
comparable a 可比較的;比得上的
comparative a 比較的
compare vt比較『(to)把。。比作 vi相比
compel vt 強迫
competent a 有能力的
competitive a 競爭的;好競爭的;有競爭力的
comprise vt 包含;構成
conceal 隱藏vt
concede vt 承認;承認失敗;允許 vi讓步
conccrn n 關切的事;關心;關系;公司 vt涉及;使關心
concerning prep 關於
concession n 讓步,特許,特許權,承認
conclude vt推斷出;結束 vi結束,終了
condense v 使冷凝;濃縮;簡縮
confess 坦白,承認
confident 確信的;自信的 a
confine vt 限制;使不外出 n界限
confirm vt 證實,肯定;進一步確認,批准
conflict n 沖突;戰斗 vi 沖突
confront vt 迎面遇到;勇敢的面對;使對質
confuse vt 使困惑;混淆;混亂
conscience n 良心
conscious a自覺的;神志清醒的;有意的
consent n准許 vi准許
consequence n 結果;重要性;重大
consequently ad 所以,因此
conservation n保存,保護,避免浪費
conservative a 保守的』樣式等 不時新的 n保守的人
considerable a 相當大或多的
considerate 體貼的
consistent a 堅持的;一致的
constitute vt組成;設立,任命
constrict vt使縮緊,使收縮,壓縮;構築;建造,建設
consult vt請教;查閱 vi 交換意見
contact n接觸 vt與。。。取得聯系
contemporary a當代的同時代的 n 同代人,當代人
content n 內容, a滿意的 vt使滿意
contest競賽;爭奪 vt 爭奪; 對。。。提出質疑
context n背景;語境
continual 不斷的;多次重復的
contract 合同n vt感染,染上惡習
contradiciton n 矛盾;否認,反駁
contrary a 相反的 n相反
contrast n 對比 vt對比 vi 形成對比
contribute vi 捐款; 有助於;投稿 vt 捐,捐獻
controversy n 爭論
convenience n 方便;便利設施
convention n 習俗;公約;正式 會議
convert v轉變 改變信仰
convey vt表達
convince 使確信
coordinate vt調節 n坐標 a同等的
council 委員會理事會n
counsel n 律師,法律顧問;忠告;vt勸告
course n 課程;過程;行動方針;路線;道
credit n 信貸;贊揚,功勞;學分;信任;vt信任;把。。歸於
critical a 決定性的;批評的
crucial n至關重要的
crush vt壓碎,弄皺;鎮壓
cue n暗示,信號;提示 vt提示
cultivate vt耕作,養殖;培養;發展
curiosity n好奇;奇物奇事,古玩
deadline n最後期限
debate n v 辯論
decay vi 腐敗;衰敗 n腐爛,衰敗 狀態
deceive vt 欺騙
decent a 像樣的;寬厚的;得體的
declaration n宣布;宣言;申報
decline n 下降,衰退 vi下降;衰退;謝絕 vt謝絕
defeat 擊敗;挫敗 n戰敗;擊敗
defect n缺點 vi 變節
define vt 給。。下定義,解釋;限定
definite a明確的;一定的
delete vt刪除
deliberate a 故意的 慎重的 v仔細考慮
delicate 易碎的;棘手的; 嬌弱的;精美的
deliver vt 投遞;發表;給(產婦)接生;給予;解放
demonstrate vt論證;說明 vi舉行示威遊行
deny vt 否認;拒絕給予
depart vi 離開;背離
dependent 依靠;取決於。。。的
deposit n 定金;存款; 沉積物,礦藏 vt使沉澱;存放;儲蓄
depress vt使沮喪;減弱;按下
depression n抑鬱;不景氣;窪地
derive vt 取得;追溯。。。的起源來由 vi起源
descend vi 下來; 起源於 襲擊 把身份降低
deserve vt 應受
desirable a 值得嚮往的;可取的
despair n絕望;使人絕望的人食物 vi 絕望
desperate a不顧一切的 極嚮往的;絕望的
destruction 破壞,消滅
devise vt 發明策劃
devote vt 把、、、專用於 將。。。奉獻給
discard vt丟棄
discharge vt解僱;排除;卸貨 vi放電 n獲准離開;放電
discipline n紀律; 訓練;懲罰;學科 vt訓練;懲罰
discount n價格折扣 vt把。。。打折扣
disguise n 使厭惡 vt厭惡
dispose vt排列; 使傾向於 vi去掉;處理
dispute n 爭論 vt對。。。表示異議 vi爭論
distint 有區別的 清楚的 明確的
distract vt轉移 使分心
distress n痛苦貧困危難 vt使痛苦
disturb vt打擾; 使不安;弄亂
diverse a 不同的 多種多樣
document n vt 用文件或文獻等證明,記載
domestic a本國的; 家庭的 馴養的
dominant a 占優勢的;居高臨下的
dominate vt支配; 俯視 vi處於支配地位
donation 捐款;捐贈
download 下載vt
drain vt排走;漸漸耗盡 vi慢慢流掉 n耗竭;排水溝
rable a耐用的
ration 持續,持續期間
ease n 容易;悠閑 v緩和
elegant a 優美的;簡練的
eliminate vt 排除;淘汰
embarrass vt使窘迫
embrace vt 擁抱;包括;包圍 n擁抱
emergency n緊急情況
emingrate vi 移居國外
emit vt 發出,射出
enable vt 使能夠
enclose vt 圍住;把。。裝入信封,附入
encounetr 遇到n vt
enre vt忍受 vi忍受;持久
enforce vt 實施;強迫
engage vt佔用; 使從事;使訂婚 vi 參加
enhance vt 提高,增加
enlarge v 擴大
enlighten vt啟發,開導
enrich vi充實,使豐富;使富裕使富有
enroll vi 入學。加入 vt招收。吸收
entitle vt給。。權利;給題名
entry vt參賽的人;入口處;門廳;河口;登記
episode n一個事件;片段。連續劇的一集
equivalent a相等的 n相等物
ercet a豎直的 vt建造;豎立
essential a 必不可少的;本質的 n要素;必需品
estimate n 估計;評價 vt估計
eternal a 永久的,永世的;無休止的;永恆的。永不改變的
evaluate vt 評估
evidence n 根據
evolve v使演變。使發展
exaggerate v誇大
exceed vt超過。越出
excess n過量;超越 a過量的。額外的附加的
exclusive a奢華的;獨有的;不包括。。。的 n獨家新聞
exceute vt處死;實施
executive n主管;行政部門 a執行。行政的
exert vt用力。運用
expectation n 期待;前程
expense n 價錢;開支。業務費用
exploit vt剝削利用,開發 n業績;功績
explore v 勘探 仔細查閱,線索
expose vt暴露。曝光;揭露
extend 延伸;擴展;提供 vi 伸展
extent vt程度;廣度。寬度,大小
exterior n外部。外表 a 外部的
external a外部的
eyewitness n 目擊證人
facility 設備;便利 n
faculty n 能力; 系,學科,學院;全體教員
fade vi 退去; 逐漸消失 ; 凋謝; vt使褪色
faint a隱約的; 無力的;眩暈的; vi 昏厥 n昏厥
faith n信任;信心;信仰
fantastic a極好的極大的奇異的
fascinating a 迷人的
fatal a 致命的;毀滅性的;重大的決定性的
fatigue n疲勞 v使疲勞
faulty a 有錯誤的,有缺點的
favorable a 稱贊的,有利的
feasible 可行的、可用的a
featuren 特徵;面貌;專題節目;故事片 vt突出,由。。。主演
feedback n反饋,反饋信息
fierce a 兇猛的;狂熱的
finance n財政,金融;財源;資金 vt為。。。提供資金
flash vi閃光; 飛馳;閃耀 n閃光;閃光燈
flee vi逃走 vt逃避,逃離
flexible a 易彎曲的;靈活的
flourish vi 茂盛,繁榮 vt 揮動
focus v 使焦距 n焦點中心
fobid vt不許
forge vt偽造鍛造
forgetful a健忘的不留心的
fraction n小部分;分數
frequency n 次數;經常發生
frown v n皺紋
frustrate vt使沮喪;挫敗
fundamental a 基本的 n基本原則
furnish vt不知,為。。。配備傢具;供應
gap n 缺口;間隔;差距
gaze v n 凝視
gear n 齒輪,排檔 vt使適應使適合
generate vt產生,引起
genuine a真的 真誠的
gesture n姿勢,姿態 v 做手勢
glare vi n 掃視
glare vi 怒目而視; 發射強光 n強光;怒視;炫耀,閃耀
glimpse vt n 一瞥
grant n 撥款,授予物 vt授予
grief n 悲傷,悲痛; 悲傷的事緣由
gross a 總的;嚴重的;粗俗的;臃腫的 vt後的。。總收入
guarantee 保證vt n保證,保證書
guidance n 指引領導
guideline 知道方針
guilty a 內疚的; 有罪的
handy a 方便的手邊的手巧的
harbor n 海港 vt庇護;心懷 怨恨
harden v 使變硬 變得堅強
harmony n 和諧
harsh a 嚴厲的毛躁的
hazard n危險,公害 vt嘗試著做(或提出);冒。。風險
heading n 標題
hial vt 使癒合;調停,消除 vi癒合
hesitate v 憂郁;不情願
highlight vt強調 n最精彩的部分,最重要的事件
horizon n視野
hostile a 敵對的; 敵方的
humble a 謙遜的; 地位低下的;簡陋的 vt 使謙恭
ideal a 理想的;想像的; n 理想;理想的東西或人
identical a相同的;同意的
identify vt 認出鑒定;把。。等同於 vi 認同
idle a 懶散的; 空閑的; 無用的 vi 懶散vt虛度
ignore vt不顧
illustrate vt壽命;給。。作插圖說明
image n形象;印象;圖像;形象的描述
impact n v 影響;沖擊
implement vt使失效,履行 n工具
impose 把。。強加於;征,處以
incidence n 發生率
incident n發生的事;事件
incline v 傾斜傾向於,贊同 n斜坡
incredible a 不能相信的; 不可思議的,驚人的
index n 索引;標志;指數;指標;表明
indifferent a冷漠的; 一般的;表現平平的
indispensable a 必不可少的
ince vt 引誘,勸;引導;導致
inevitable a不可避免的,必然發生的
infer vt推論
inferior 劣等的 下級的 n下級
influential a有影響的,有權勢的
inherent a 內在的 固有的 生來就有
initial a開始的 n首字母
innocent a 清白的; 無害的;沒有惡意的
initiative n主動性 首創精神 主動的行動;主動權
input n輸入 投入; 輸入物 輸入的數據 vt把。。輸入計算機
insert vt插入
insight n 洞察力,深刻的見解
instal vt 安裝;使就職
instinctn 本能;生性
insult vt 侮辱 n侮辱 凌辱
insure vt 給。。保險; 保證
intact a 完整無缺的 未經觸動的,未受損傷的
integrate v 成為一體
integrity n 正直, 誠實,誠懇,完整,完全,完善
intend vt 想要;打算使成為
intense a 強烈的緊張的 認真的熱情的
intensity n 強烈 強度
intention n 意圖 目的
interaction n 相互作用
interfere vi 干涉,介入;妨礙
interior 內部; 內地 a內部的內地的
internal a 內部的 國內的; 內心的
interpret vi 口譯,翻譯 vt解釋說明
interrupt vt打斷,打擾 中止 vi 打斷 打擾
interval n間隔;休息
intimate a 親密的,密切的; 私人的 vt 暗示 提示 n至交
intimidate 恐嚇,威脅vt
invade v 侵入,侵略
investigate v 調查 調查研究
invisible a 看不見的
involve vt 包含 使參與 牽涉
isolate vt 使隔離
issue n 問題; 發行 vt頒布 出版 ;分發 vi流出 發出
justify vt 證明。。。正當 有理
lag vi 落後 n 滯後間隔
landscape n 風景; 風景畫;全景 vt 美化。。的景觀
leak v 漏 滲出 泄露 n漏洞;泄露 走漏
liable 可能的 有法律責任的 易於。。的
liberal a 心胸寬闊的 自由主義的 慷慨的
likewise ad 同樣的
launch vt 發動 使開始從事
layout n 布局,設計
lodge vi 暫住,借宿 vt 供。。以臨時住宿 n鄉間小屋,施捨
magnificent a壯麗的 ;豪華的;極好的;
maintain vt 維持;維修;堅持;贍養 負擔
maintenance n 維修 撫養費 維持
management n管理 管理部門,管理人員
manual 用手的 手工的a n手冊指南
margin 頁面空白;差額,餘地;邊緣
marginal a 微小的,不重要的; 僅以微弱多數票獲勝的
marvelous a奇跡般的
massive a 大而重的 大塊的 大量的
matuer 成熟的; 應支付的a v使成熟
maximum a 最高的,頂點的 n 最大限度,頂點
mechanism n 機械裝置;機制;辦法
media n 新聞媒介,傳播媒介
meidium 中等的 n媒質
modest a 謙虛的;適中的 羞怯的
morality n 道德,德行,品行;道德觀,道德規范
motion n暈倒 手勢 顏色 提議 v 打手勢
motivate vt 作為。。的動機 激勵
motive n 動機
mutual 相互的共同的 a
myth n 杜撰出來的人物 神話
nationwide ad 全國范圍內的 全國性的
neglect vt 忽視 疏忽 n疏忽 玩忽
negotiate vt洽談 順利通過 vi 協商
noticeable a顯而易見的
notify vt 通知報告
notion n概念 意圖
objective n 目標 客觀的a
obligation n 義務
oblige vt 迫使; 施恩於 使感激
obstacle n 障礙物 妨礙
occasion n 時刻 重大活動 時機 起因 vt 引起
occupy vt 占 佔用 佔領 使忙碌 使從事
occurrence n 發生的事情;發生
odd a 奇特的;臨時的;奇數的 剩餘的 n可能性機會
offend vt冒犯 傷害。。的感情 使厭惡 違犯
opening n 扣子,洞 開始; 空缺
opponent 敵手 反對者
oppose vt 發對
optimistic a 樂觀主義的
option n 選擇; 選擇權;選擇的事物或人,逃課
outcome 結果n
outline n提綱;外形 vt概述;描。。外形
outlook n 觀點,展望
output n產量 輸出 輸出功率 vt輸出
outset n 開始
outstanding a突出的 未解決的
overall 總體的; 全部的 ad 總的來說 n工裝褲 工作服
overlook vt 忽視 寬恕 俯瞰
overtake vt 追上 超過; 突然降臨於
overwhelm vt 感情上受不了,使不知所措 征服
panic n 恐慌 v 使恐慌
partial a 部分的 偏愛的; 偏向一方的
participate vi 參與
passion n 激情 酷愛
payment 支付的款項;支付 N
peculiar a 奇怪的;特有的
peer n 同齡,同等地位的人;貴族 vi仔細看
penalty n處罰,罰金
penetrate v透入,滲入;刺入;洞察
pension n養老金 vt發給。。。的養老金
perceive vt 感知;認識到
perception n感知;認識;觀念
permanent 永久性a
permission 允許n
persist vi 堅持不懈;繼續存在
personality n人格 人物
personnel n 人員; 人事部門
perspective n視角;遠景;透視畫法
persuasion n說服 勸說 信念信仰
pessimistic a悲觀主義
phase n 階段 方面 月相 vt 分階段實行
phenomenon n現象;非凡的人;特殊的事物
platform n 綱領
plausible a有道理 似乎正確,貌似可信的
pledge n保證,誓言 vt保證 許諾
plot n 故事情節;計劃 vt密謀;繪制。。的平面圖 vi 密謀
polish vt 磨光 修改,潤色 n擦光劑,上光蠟
poll n民意測驗;政治選舉 vt對。。進行民意測驗
portion n 一部分 ,一份 vt 分配
portray vt描寫,描繪;扮演,飾演
pose vt造成; 提出,陳述 vi擺姿勢
postpone 推遲vt
potential a 潛在的 n潛力
practical a實際的;切合實際的
precaution n預防,警惕
preceding a在先的
preferable a 更可取的
prejudice n偏見 vt 使有偏見; 對。。不利,損害
preliminary a預備的 初步的 n初步做法 起始行為
prescription n 處方,葯方,葯;開處方,開葯方
presentation n 提供;外觀,圖像;報告;表演
preserve vt 保護,維持;保存;腌制
pressure n 壓;強制 vt 對。。。施加壓力或影響 迫使,說服
preview n 預演,預告
previous a先,前; 在。。之前
primitive a原始的;簡單的; n原始人,原始事物
principle n原則 原理 基本信念
prior a優先的
priority n優先權 重點; 優先考慮的事
privilege n特權,優惠
procere n程序
proceed vi 進行;行進,前進
proctive a 多產的,富饒的;富有成效的
profile n 側面;傳略;輪廓;姿態
profit n利潤 vt 有益於 vi得益
prohibit vt 禁止
prominent a 突出的;突起的
promote vt 發揚;提升;宣傳
prompt vt促使,推動,提示 a敏捷的迅速的 n題詞,提示
proof n證據;校樣,樣張 a耐。。的
property n 財產;房產;性質
proportion n 比例;部分,份兒;均衡
propose 提議;提名;打算;求婚V
prospect n前景 景象 有希望的候選人 vt勘探
prosperity n興旺,繁榮
protest 抗議,反對v
prove vt 證明,證實 vi結果是
provided conj 假如
provision n供應;准備;條款;給養
provoke vt 對。。挑釁;激起
publicity n公眾的注意,名聲,宣傳
punctual 嚴守的時刻a
pursue vt繼續;追趕;追求
puzzle v使迷惑;使苦思; n智力測驗;難題
qualify v使勝任 使合格
quit v停止;離開 辭職
quote v引用 n、引文;報價;引導
rack n掛架擱架 vt使痛苦;使緊張;使努力
range n幅度 vi 變動 論及
ratio n比率
rational a理智;合理的
readily ad樂意的;容易的;很快的;
realistic a現實的;實際可行的;逼真的
realm n界,領域;王國
reap vt收割,收獲;得到,獲得
rear n後部;後方 a後部的;後方的 vt撫養,飼養,種植
reasonable a通情達理的; 合理的;公道的
rebel n反叛分子,反對者 vi反叛;反對
recall vt回憶起;召回;收回 vi記得,回想
receipt n發票;收入,進款;收到
recession 衰退,衰退期n
reckon vt認為;指望;測算
recognition n認出;承認;賞識,表彰
recommend vt推薦;勸告;使成為可取
reconcile vt使協調;使和解;使順從,使甘心
recreation n減少,下降
refer vi 涉及;指的是;參考 vt引。。參考 或查詢
refine vt 精煉;使優美;使完善
reform vt 改革,改造 vi改正,改過自新 n改革,改造
refresh v振作有精神,恢復活力
refusal n拒絕
regulate vt管理;調整
reinforce vt增強,增援
reject vt拒絕;退回 n被拒貨物,不合格產品
relay vt傳送,傳達,轉述;中繼轉播,接替,補充,轉運
release n釋放;解除;放開;發布
relevant a有關的,切題的
reliable a可靠的
relief n輕松;減輕;使得到調劑;接替
relieve vt使輕松;緩解;接替
remark vt評論說 vi 談論,評論 n談論評論
remarkable a值得注意的;異常的
remedy n補救辦法;葯品 vt補救醫治
remind vt提醒;使發生聯想
render vt 使得;給予;翻譯
renew v繼續;更新;延長有效期
reproce v復制,再現;繁殖
request n vt請求
resemble 像vt

6. 水溝用英語怎麼說

根據語境ditch; drain; gutterway; gole; raceway都可以
He flushed the drain.

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