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A. 有關對雙十一淘寶購物看法的高中英語作文

How do you think that it was go to shopping double eleven's date?

I think that you were have more money at first.我想在購物方面,首先,你要有足夠的錢。Acutally,I don't like suff the Internet and go out to shopping more time.事實上,我不喜歡瀏覽網頁並且去長時間的購物。When I was a young girl,my mother master of the shopping,bought some clothes and made some clothes.Therefore,don't have more stylish clothes before,I have already wear more kinds style of clothes.當我是一個年輕的女孩子的時候,我的母親精通與購物,買一些衣服和做一些衣服。因此,早在這個社會還沒什麼新潮款式的衣服以前,我已經穿過不少款式的衣服。Actually,if I was shopping for quite a long time later,I can't make a choice and I don't know what kind of clothes I really like it.I hate shopping,if I had enough money and I really want to buy something.事實上,如果我在長時間的購物以後,我將會無法做出正確的選擇,並且我真的不知道我想買什麼了。I will use a half hour buy something,very quickly,and I will very clear to know what kind of clothes and shoes I need for that.So double eleven's date to me,that means no meaning.我將會用半個小時買完我要的東西,非常快,並且我會非常清楚的是知道什麼樣子的衣服和鞋子是我需要的。所以,雙11,對於我來說,那基本上就是一個沒有意義的事情。I saw many clothes within my mother's clothes shop.So I also can wear many kinds of clothes.So I really don't like shopping on the double eleven's date.And I was not keep in the material desire.我曾經在我母親的服裝店裡看到過很多的衣服。所以,我也穿過許多種類的衣服。所以,我真的不喜歡這種雙十一購物節的氛圍。並且我也不是物質欲非常強的人。

B. 對雙十一購物看法的英語作文 150字左右

親,您好! 我不知道您所需要的是大概什麼水平的150字的文章。。希望對您有所幫助。
The Opinion towards the shopping rush of the double eleven
It is a common thing which has been accepted that more and more people intend to join such Shopping Club when November 11th comes every year, especially for the extremely increasing number of the consumers online.
Undoubtedly, Online shopping has already spreaded into every corner of the world, Not just becasue the convenience and comfort that shopping could offer , but also a more powerful research system which really help everyone get what he wants on the Internet with few minutes.
What's more, in some cases, it is really much cheaper comparing to the same item what we buy in the mall. From my point of view , it is the essential reason to explain why the rush shopping of the double eleven has been such a hot trend .

C. 關於雙十一搶購的看法的英語作文



It is undeniable that we can indeed buy high-quality and low-cost procts on the double-11. To achieve rational consumption, the best way is to predict the consumption demand in the coming months in advance and formulate corresponding consumption planning.


When looking for procts, we should avoid the impulsive behavior of "being attracted by the low price and adding it to the shopping cart". For example, when purchasing electronic procts with limited life, e to various reasons such as the delay of the "double 11" logistics, the benefit effect of the proct and the purchase cost can not be perfectly matched, which is just a kind of capital loss in vain.


For the shopping carnival, sober and rational, in fact, reflects the rationality of their own consumption concept, the correct way to deal with the double 11, can also be used to manage their own daily consumption behavior. Whether it is daily or carnival, we need to restrain consumption desire.


Think twice before buying to restrain the desire to consume, so as to enhance self-control and cultivate the ability to manage money independently, so as to be thrifty and diligent. This is equivalent to saving money for yourself in the future.


D. 英語作文題:你在雙十一買了東西,但是寄過來的時候,你發現東西有破損,或者與顏色不符,請寫一封抱怨

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a customer who bought a SO200 type cell phone from your company on 2010-9-1.I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of this proct.
After using the cell phone for two days several problems have been found.First,the cell phone could not send text massages any more.If I sent massages,it would suggest that there were some problems with the cell phone,which have made a lot of trouble to me.Second,the camera couldn』t work as well as before.As soon as I took pictures,it would turn into black color and there were no pictures kept in the picture files.
This kind of problem caused me a lot of troubles.I have gone to your company to explain the problem twice.But because of some reason,the problem has still not been solved.
I prefer to tell you directly in the hope that you will do something to solve my problem.I will be appreciative if you either make a refund or sent me a replacement.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future.

E. 雙十一的來源80個字的英語作文

It was a sun shine day, so my family decided to go hiking. We prepared some food and drinks such as sandwich and water, before we were going to depart. The road of driving to the wild reserved part was a bit pumping, and we had managed it. However, there was an accident while we had reached the destination, that one of car tyres was out of service. Therefore, we chose to find a dry spot to have a picnic instead of hiking.
Yes, we still absorbed fun from the picnic as long as we did it with family.

F. 英語作文 隨著互連網的發展,網購在中國變得越來越流行,甚至成了生活的一部分。相信有些同學在剛剛過

With the development of Internet, online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China, even become a part of life..
But different people have different views on this point. After all, every coin
has two sides.

Online shopping has advantages as well as disadvantages. Firstly, nowadays, the
Internet has become a must. As convenient as it is, people depend on online
shopping as it caters for those who are busy with work or other things. And it
can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical
store. What』s more, it contributes the Internet to the further development.


However, it is also a risk of online shopping as we pay the bill online by our
credit cards, we may be cheated by the dishonest shoppers. Sometimes the quality
of what we buy online is much worse than we could imagine.

In my
opinion, when we are shopping online, we should keep wise to prevent us from
treating. And we』ll find that online shopping has advantages over


G. 英語作文: 你對「雙十一」購物節有什麼看法

「雙十一」不僅讓電商熱衷於促銷,就連運營商也開始搞促銷活動了。2015年11月9日至11月19日,中國聯通在聯通網上營業廳、手機營業廳、天貓旗艦店及京東商城等多個平台同時開展「11.11沃4G狂歡節」活動。2014年11月11日,阿里巴巴雙十一全天交易額571億元。2015年11月11日,天貓雙十一全天交易額912.17億元。[1] 2016年10月24日0點,天貓雙11紅包正式開搶,時間為2016年10月24日00:00:00至2016年11月10日23:59:59。[2] 2016年11日24時,天貓雙十一全天交易額超1207億。

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