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發布時間: 2024-10-03 17:35:50

『壹』 鑻辮緲昏瘧!

Where are you going this afternoon?
I'm going to the bookstore.
What are you going to buy?
I am going to buy a comic book.
When are you going?
I am going at 3 o'clock.

What are you going to do this weekend?
I'm going to plant trees.
Plant trees?
Yes. I need some plants. So I'm going to the plant shop.What else?
Let me see....
Are you going to use any books?
Yes.I'm going to the bookstore. I'm going to buy a magezine about plants.
That's great!
I want to be a science teacher one day


『貳』 今天下午我要去買一本漫畫書翻譯成英語

I'm going to buy a comic book this afternoon.
I'll go to buy a comic book this afternoon.

『叄』 小學六年級上冊英語重點詞句。還要有翻譯。

Unit 1:by (經……,乘……) foot(腳) bike(自行車) bus(公共汽車) train(火車) how(怎樣)
go to school(上學) traffic(交通) traffic light(交通燈) traffic rule(交通規則)
stop(停;停車站) wait(等;等待) get to(到達) by plane(乘飛機) by ship(乘輪船)
by subway(乘地鐵)

Unit 2:library(圖書館) post office(郵局) hospital(醫院) cinema(電影院) bookstore(書店)turn(轉彎) then(然後) where(在哪裡,到哪裡) please(請) next to(與……相鄰) turn right (向右轉) turn left(向左轉) go straight(筆直走) north(北) south(南) east(東) west(西)

Unit 3:next week(下周) this morning(今天上午) this afternoon(今天下午) this evening (今天晚上) comic book(漫畫書) post card(明信片) newspaper(報紙) buy(購買)

Unit 4:hobby(愛好) ride a bike—riding a bike(騎自行車) play the violin—playing the violin(拉小提琴) dive—diving(跳水) make kites—making kites(製作風箏) collect stamps—collecting stamps(集郵) live—lives(居住) teach—teaches(教) go—goes(去) watch—watches(看) read—reads(讀,看) does(助動詞,無義) doesn』t=does not

Unit 5:singer(歌唱家,歌手) writer(作家) actor(男演員) actress(女演員) artist(畫家)
TV reporter(電視台記者) engineer(工程師) accountant(會計) salesperson(銷售員)
policeman(男警察) cleaner(清潔工) where(在哪裡;到哪裡) work(工作)

Unit 6:rain(雨;下雨) cloud (雲;雲彩) sun(太陽) stream((小)河;(小)溪) come from(來自……;從……來) seed(種子) soil(土壤) sprout (苗;芽;嫩芽) plant(植物;種植) should (應該) then(然後)

a pair of(一雙) always(總是;一直)dictionary(詞典;字典)magazine(雜志) tomorrow(明天)excuse me (對不起) fun(快樂;樂趣) go to the cinema(去看電影) look(看上去) month(月份;月) read a magazine(閱讀雜志) science museum(科學博物館) shoe store(鞋店) show(展覽;演出;表演;節目) take(乘坐) take a trip(去旅行) tell(告訴) tonight(今晚) vapour(蒸汽;水汽) want(想要)with(同……;和……) know(知道) minute(分鍾) again(再一次;又;再)

Unit 1
How do you go to school, Sarah? 薩拉,你怎樣去上學?
Usually I go to school on foot. 通常我步行去上學。
Sometimes I go by bike.有時候,我騎自行車去。
How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 我怎樣能到達中山公園?
You can go by the No.15 bus.你可以乘15路公交車去。
Unit 2
Where is the cinema, please? It』s next to the hospital.請問,電影院在哪裡?它與醫院相鄰。
Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It』s on the left. 在電影院處向左轉,然後直行。它在左邊。
Unit 3
What are you going to do on the weekend? 周末你打算干什麼?
I』m going to visit my grandparents this weekend.這個周末我打算拜訪我的祖父母。
Where are you going this afternoon? I』m going to the bookstore.今天下午你打算去哪裡?我打算去書店。
What are you going to buy? 你打算買什麼? I am going to buy a comic book.我打算買一本漫畫書。
Unit 4
What』s your hobby? 你的愛好是什麼? I like collecting stamps. 我喜歡集郵。
He likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜歡集郵。
Does she teach English? No, she doesn』t. 她教英語嗎?不,她不教。
Does she teach you math? Yes, she does. 她教你數學嗎? 是的,她教數學。
Unit 5
What does your mother do?你的媽媽是干什麼的? She is a TV reporter.她是一位電視工作者。
Where does she work?她在哪裡上班? She works in a school.她在一所學校上班。
How does she go to work? 她怎樣去上班?She goes to work by bus.她坐公交車去上班。
Unit 6
Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.雨來自哪裡? 它來自於雲朵。
How do you do that? 你怎樣做那件事呢?
What should you do then?接下來,你應該做什麼呢?
1. My home is near. 我的家很近。
2. What about you?你呢?
3. Look at the traffic lights.看交通燈。
4. Remember the traffic rules.記住交通規則。
5. Stop at a red light.紅燈停。
6. Wait at a yellow light.黃燈等。
7. Go at a green light. 綠燈行。
8. Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It』s not far. 我能步行去嘛?當然,如果你喜歡。它不遠。
9. Where is the …? It』s near the …
10. Excuse me, is there a … near here? Yes, there is.打擾一下,在這附近有沒有一家…?是的,有。
11. Is it far from here? No, it』s not far.它離這兒遠嗎? 不,它不遠。
12. –Thank you. –You』re welcome.謝謝,不客氣。
13. Where is the …? …在哪裡?
It』s east/west/south/north of the …它在…的東邊,西邊,南邊,北邊。
14. When are you going? I am going at 3 o』clock.你打算什麼時候去?我打算3點鍾去。
15. Can he go with us? Sure.他能和我們一起去嘛?當然。
16. Let』s go together.讓我們一起去吧。
17. There is a stamp show on Sunday.在星期天,有一個郵票展。
18. She is a teacher. She teaches math.她是一位老師,她教數學。
19. Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?你的筆友住在上海嗎?
No, he doesn』t. He lives in Beijing. 不,他不住上海。他住在北京。
20. Where does she work? She works in a car company.她在哪裡上班?她在一家汽車公司上班。
21. How does she go to work? She goes to work by bus.她怎樣去上班呢?她坐公交車去上班。
22. Where does the … come from? It comes from the … …來自於哪裡?它來自於…
23. How can the water become vapour?水如何能變成蒸汽呢?
The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.在太陽的照射下,水就變成了蒸汽。
24. How do you do that?你怎樣做那件事呢?
First, put the seeds in the soil.首先,把種子放進土壤里。
25. It』s easy.它很簡單。
26. What should you do then?接下來你應該做什麼呢?
Water them. In several days, you can see a sprout.給它們澆水,幾天後,你就能看見一株幼苗。
27. First, …Then, …Next, …At last, …首先,然後,接下來,最後,

1. 直接加ing:do—doing draw—drawing cook—cooking answer—answering
read—reading listen—listening fly—flying sing—singing play—playing
2. 去掉末尾的e加ing:write—writing dance—dancing take—taking have—having make—making ride—riding dive—diving
3. 雙寫末尾字母加ing: get—getting run—running swim—swimming sit—sitting
你正在干什麼? What are you doing? I』m answering the phone.
他/她/它正在干什麼? What is he/she/it doing? He』s/She』s/It』s …
他(她、它)們正在干什麼?What are they doing? They are …

二、一般將來時態 (be going to/will + 動詞原形)
表示一般將來時的時間狀語有:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, tonight, this weekend, on the weekend, next week, next month, next year, next weekend.
(今晚)你將要做什麼?What are you going to do (this evening)?
I』m going to the cinema.
I』m going to visit my grandparents.
你將什麼時候去? When are you going?
I』m going at 7:10.
你將怎樣去呢? How are you going?
I』m going by bus.
今天下午你將要去哪裡?Where are you going this afternoon?
I』m going to the bookstore.
你將要買什麼呢? What are you going to buy?
I』m going to buy a comic book.
你將和誰一起去? Who are you going with?
I』m going with my parents.

1. 一般情況加s,如:read—reads;live—lives;play—plays;sing—sings
2. 動詞末尾以s,x,ch,sh或部分以o結尾的加es。(記住課本中出現的這幾個:watches, teaches, goes, does, washes, passes)
3. 輔音字母+y結尾的把y變i再加es,如:fly—flies;study—studies
4. 特殊情況:have--has
5. 第三人稱單數包括:he; she; it; my father/friend; Amy/Hangzhou等一個人名或地名。
He likes drawing pictures.
She works in a car company.
It comes from the clouds.
My father goes to work on foot.
Li Lei often plays computer games after lunch.
6. 一般疑問句記住:前面助動詞加了es,後面動詞就不變化了。例如:
Does she teach English?
Does your pen pal live in Hangzhou?

記住課本中出現的要用an的單詞:an actor;an actress;an artist;an engineer;an accountant;an English book;an orange;an apple;an old woman

1. 動詞後面加er:work—worker;teach—teacher;sing—singer;TV report—TV reporterclean—cleaner
2. 動詞後面加or:act—actor;doctor
3. 末尾以e結尾的直接加r:write—writer;dance—dancer;drive—driver
4. 動詞後面加ist:art—artist;tour—tourist
5. 職業男女有區別的:警察policeman—policewoman;演員actor—actress

which (哪一個) what (什麼) when (什麼時候) where (哪裡)
whose (誰的) why (為什麼) how (怎麼樣) who (誰)

I—my(我—我的) you—your(你;你們—你的;你們的) he—his(他—他的) she—her(她—她的) we—our(我們—我們的) they—their(他們/她們/它們—他們的/她們的/它們的)

What can you do?
I can cook the meals.
He can fly kites.
She can play the violin.

『肆』 漫畫書用英文怎麼說

comic book

英 [ˈkɒmɪk bʊk] 美 [ˈkɑːmɪk bʊk]


1、Li Lin showed me her new comic book, but she didn't lend it to me.


2、You said you were taking me to the comic book convention.



英 [ˈkɒmɪk] 美 [ˈkɑːmɪk]







3、comic指像喜劇一樣滑稽可笑。 witty強調機智而饒有風趣。


comic strip n. 連環漫畫,連環圖畫,連載漫畫

comic book n. 連環漫畫冊

comic opera 喜歌劇

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