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❶ 如何與朋友相處的中學生英語作文

A true friend is sweet, between, should close, have mutual affinity. But to maintain and develop friendship, friends and friends, the key is as follows:1, trust is a bridge of friendship between friends to trust each other, as the saying goes: "people in heart, 5 in half jins of". "People who believe, the following. Can you with sincerity, took out his sincerity, others will also with the same attitude toward you. You ask others to trust you, will adhere to a "sincerity", to meet, loyalty, honesty and frankness subsistence. This is not only a person, but to friends.2 and magnanimous cluster friends: irren ist menschlich? Only the broad-minded, delicate features, can make more friends. Your friend may have shortcomings, may also make some mistakes. You should learn to tolerate munificent magnanimous, the faults of others, and to help each other to counsel, enthusiastic truth. Even between good friends and sometimes difficult to have some differences and conflicts, and, if not misunderstanding, should be more principles, addition, laugh. Generosity is able to friends in the criticism, and can realize outspoken criticism of friends, is a true friend.3, the tribulation of friendship: friend is sincere friendship, like-minded, not by words, or heavy gift. Disgusting, materials, using the exchange, even the people of the treacherous, is that we should carefully TuQi. True friendship, should withstand the test of time, also can withstand the test environment. At a critical moment, affliction, a simple greeting, a practical support to express feelings between friends.4 miles, hair, send isn: bosom friends, is spiritual interaction and communication, often a ShiJian paper, a small souvenir, can make friends to appreciate your eloquently. Visible, friends, and not in the gift exchanges between the weight of the gift, but lies in choosing good gifts. Thus, even a small gift is not high value, will make friends heart, deepen the friendship between.5 and split into enemy: not parents, friends or attitudes.their will happen. No matter what the reason for your friends and don't break, malicious, personalities, and should be good. People say: gentleman handed over the past, not ESheng. If you decide to break off with a friend, also can choose a variety of measures, such as: the conversation candid - can tell him, why can't you be a friend, he can understand you. Text messaging - if you tear open face face, can send a message that ties. You don't have to take from - direct action, but graally alienated each other, if a person is a wise man with long, also can understand. 真正的朋友之間,應該是貼心、知心、心心相印的。但要維護和發展朋友之誼,就要注意與朋友交往的禮儀,其要點如下: 1、懂得信任是友誼的橋梁:朋友間要相互信任,俗話說:「人心換人心,五兩換半斤」。「信人者,人恆信之」。你能以誠待人,掏出自己的真心來,別人也會以同樣的態度對待你。你要求別人信任你,就要恪守一個「誠」字,以誠相見,誠信相待,以誠立身,開誠布公。這不僅是做人的本分,更是交友所必須。 2、大度集群朋:人非聖賢,孰能無過?只有心胸開闊,氣度恢宏的人,才能多交朋友。你的朋友可能有這樣那樣的缺點,也可能會犯某些錯誤。你要學會寬宏大度,能容忍別人的過失,同時要直言相勸,熱情幫助對方。即使是好朋友之間,有時也難有一些矛盾、分歧和誤會,只要不是原則問題,就應該求大同,存小異,一笑置之。大度還表現在能夠聽取朋友的批評意見,能認識到敢於直言批評的朋友,才是真正的朋友。 3、患難中見真情:朋友的友誼靠的是赤誠相見,志趣相投,而不是靠甜言蜜語或重禮來往。肉麻的吹捧,物資的交換,互相利用,甚至是爾虞我詐的小人之交,是我們應該嚴加吐棄的。真正的友誼,應該經得起時間的考驗,也經得起外界環境的考驗。在關鍵的時刻,患難之際,一句簡單的問候,一個切實的支持都能表達出朋友之間的真情實意。 4、千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重:知心朋友之間,看重的是精神上的交往和聯絡,往往一紙詩箋,一個小小紀念品,都能使朋友領略到你的情深意切。可見,朋友之間交往,贈與並不在禮品的輕重,而在於選擇好送禮的時機。這樣,即使是一件價值不高的小小禮物,都會使朋友之間心心相印,加深情誼。 5、絕交不可成仇人:朋友反目,甚至斷絕來往,這種情況也常有發生。不論是什麼原因使你和朋友絕交,都不要惡意相向,進行人身攻擊,而應當好聚好散。過去人說:君子交絕,不出惡聲。如果你決定和某個朋友分手斷交,也有多種辦法可以選擇,例如:談話——可以坦誠告訴他,為什麼你們不能做朋友了,求他諒解你。發簡訊——你若當面撕不開臉皮,可發以簡訊說明斷交的原因。疏遠——你也可不採取直接的行動,只是漸漸地疏遠對方,如果對方是個聰明人,用不了多久,也就會明白的。

❷ 如何與他人相處的英語作文

如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇1

How to Get Alone with Others?

As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But how? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it』s important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What』s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. If we live in the school』s dormitory, we should be careful not to disturb others. Don』t bring friends back to the dormitory in the mid-night after all the roommates are sleeping. Or playing computer games with the music turn up so loud. Such behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your roommates.


In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest ways and try our best not to disturb others. Do not offend others. Only in these ways can we get along well with the others.


如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇2

In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. To get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.


To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win others respect, not to mention "friendship" Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others.


As long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇3

How to Get Along With Your Roommates?

For many university students, the first thing they get is to live with roommates, before university, they live with parents, so they don』t have the experience to live with others. It is a new thing for them, students have to learn to live with their roommates, it is hard for them to create a harmonious environment.


The first thing to get along with roommates is to communicate. Communication is a key word for them, if roommates don』t talk to each other, then they don』t understand each other, when comes to the argument, the situation becomes worse. So students should communicate with roommates often, get to know them.


The second thing is to be considerate. Thinking about this, if your roommate have exam tomorrow, but you get used to play computer late, then you have to make some sacrifice, you need to sleep early tonight, for not to disturb your roommate. Doing this will make your roommate moved, they will be considerate for you, too. If you are in trouble, they will come to help.


The problem of getting along with roommates is not easy, we should learn to tolerate with each other, be more patient and considerate.


如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇4

How to get on well with others?

As we all know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways?

First of all, we should respect others. Everyone has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What』s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way. Only in this way can we get along well with each other and feel happy.






如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇5

Do you want to be loved by everyone? Ok, let me tell you something about how to get along with others. The most important is respect, you should respect other people like respect yourself, or they wont resepct you. Toleration is necessary, sometimes other people may hurt you inadvertently, dont be mad, just forgive them. In addition,if you can help other people with pleasure, take attention on them, show your consideration for them, everybody will like to be with you.

Anyway, remember the point——treat everyone as you want to be treated.



如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇6

As we know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways?


First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. Whats more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.


In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way. Only in these ways can we get along well.


如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇7

Today, many students say they don』t know how to get on well with their classmates. They are in trouble. Now, I will give you some advice. First of all, believe everyone. Believing is very important. Believe others and you can be believed. Secondly, give a hand when your classmates need help.

Last, whenever being on time is very important. If you follow the advice above, I believe you can get on well with everyone.



如何與他人相處的英語作文 篇8

In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. to get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.

To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. after all,honesty is the best policy. second, we have to be humble enough. if we are proud in public, we can hardly win others respect, not to mention "friendship"

Finally, we must not be selfish. we should learn how to show concern for others.

As long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.

❸ 以《如何正確處理好於周圍人的關系》為題的英語作文

How to Get Alone with Others?
As we know,students should learn how to get on well with others.But how?First of all,we should respect others.Everybody has their own way to do things,so we should understand each other.Besides,it』s important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness.What』s more,we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.If we live in the school』s dormitory,we should be careful not to disturb others.Don』t bring friends back to the dormitory in the mid-night after all the roommates are sleeping.Or playing computer games with the music turn up so loud.Such behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your roommates.
In my opinion,we should treat others in an honest ways and try our best not to disturb others.Do not offend others.Only in these ways can we get along well with the others.

❹ 關於如何與朋友友好相處英語作文

和朋友友好相處也是我們常見的疑問,下面的 英語 作文 之中就有它的。下面是我給大家整理了怎樣與朋友友好相處英語作文,供大家參閱!


Dear Bob,

I have known your problems.There are a lot of things you could do .Here are some advice for you.From your letter,I know you have different ideas about your classmates. I think you should have a talk with him,because you can understand each other better. Or maybe you could write a letter to him,give him a birhtday gift.He will feel very surprised.I believe you can find a better way.

Good luck!


in our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. to get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.

to begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. after all,honesty is the best policy. second, we have to be humble enough. if we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" finally, we must not be selfish. we should learn how to show concern for others.

as long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


How to get along with your classmates

Many students may think it to be difficult to get along well with their claamates,however,it's not

so hard as you have imagined.The relation among you should be built on believing and friendly.You can try to talk with them while you're free or in some acitvities,for instance,you can help them once they meet difficult problems in studying,etc.Then,you ought to be concerned with your classmates,and I believe that they shall show you their friendship.It's true that not only in daily life,but also even most fo time you'll get in touch with your classmates,so you shall play with them,give them your enthusiasm.Of course,once you strive,you'll finally succeed.


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