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發布時間: 2024-09-30 23:09:23

㈠ 英語作文。 一個人得了流行感冒,要安慰他和告訴他保持健康的意見。怎麼寫

How to keep healthy What is the most important thing in the world?I think it is health.You can take away our money,house,car,or even our clothes and we can survive.But if our health was taken away,we would surely die.That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.In order to eat healthily,I usually avoid eating food high in fat,like French fries or cookies.I also eat little meat.I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body.Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.What』s more,I think friends are an important part of one』s health.Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don』t.I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone.When I am with my friends,I always laugh.Laughing is also an important part of health.I like to laugh with my friends.By eating properly and exercising regularly,I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy.By spending time with my friends,I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.These things sound easy to do,but not many people can manage them.I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.如何保持健康什麼是世界上最重要的東西?我認為這是健康的.你可以拿走我們的錢,房子,汽車,甚至我們的衣服,我們可以生存.但是如果我們的健康被帶走,我們肯定會死.這就是為什麼我們總是嘗試健康飲食和經常運動.為了吃的健康,我通常避免吃高脂肪食物,如薯條和餅干.我也吃一點肉.我吃很多的蔬菜和富含維他命的新鮮水果.每天鍛煉有助於我們建立一個強壯的身體.經常鍛煉是保持健康的重要組成部分.更重要的是,我覺得朋友是一個人的健康的重要組成部分.許多研究表明,人與廣泛的社會聯系生病少於誰不.我總是感覺更好,當我比朋友當我獨自一人.當我與我的朋友,我總是笑.笑也是健康的重要組成部分.我喜歡和我的朋友一起笑.通過適當的飲食和定期運動,我可以讓我的身體在一個適當的體重和保持健康.通過花時間與我的朋友,我可以讓我的心以及我的身體.這些事聽起來容易做,但不是很多人可以管理他們.我認為堅強的意志是必要的如果我們想要保持健康.

㈡ 同學小明患了重感冒,發燒,請為他提出盡早康復的建議,包括三條該做和三條不該做的不少70詞的英語作文

Dear Xiao Ming,

I am sorry to hear that you are ill now,I really hope you can feel better soon.

to make you feel more comfortable,I came up with some good advice for you,I think if you follow these advice,you'll be well soon

first,In order to get over the fever,I think you should drink more water,so that you can keep your body temperature low.

second,I think it's good for you to relax,all you need to do now is resting,look after yourself well,about the school work,I will help you after you getting out of the hospital

It's also good for you to take some medicine according to the doctors' advice,I know you hate it,but believe it or not,It is good for you.

now,let me talk about something I think you shouldn't do the three things following

first,don't stay up late,I know you love your iPad,but now you have caught a cold,so sleeping more is good for you

second,don't talk to much,have a rest,talking makes you feel tired,and that's bad!

the last thing you shouldn't do is eating fast food,that can only makes you feel worse,stop asking your mother to buy you fried chickens,it's not good for you,trust me!


㈢ 當你感冒了你會怎麼做英語作文



i have a terible cold this week.

so i asked for a three-day's leave,and my teacher agreed.

then a went home and stayed in bed.i thought i might get better if i had a good rest.

the next day,it got worse.i began to cough a lot.and my nose ran much.

so i went to my doctor.he gaveme some medicine.when he was telling me how to take that medicine,i sneezed before i could cover my mouth with a handkerchief.

on the last day of my absentation from school,it was even worse,so i telephoned my doctor and asked him if he could e to see me.he told me that he couldn't ,because he had a bad cold too.


Sore throat,nasal congestion,runny nose,cough,and fatigue are the symptoms of a cold.Remember that there is no cure for a cold,but the following remedies can ease the suffering caused by these symptoms and speed up recovery.Stay hydrated because fluids can break up congestion and prevent dehydration.Gargling salt water relieves a sore and scratchy throat.Also,nasal saline drops can remove virus particles and rece congestion.Clean steam proced by a well-cleaned humidifier eliminates the dry conditions in which colds thrive and can break up congestion.Long thought of as just a creature fort for the sick,homemade and canned chicken soup has been tested and proved to rece inflammation and help the immune system recover faster and break up congestion.While some of these remedies may be unpleasant,nature's candy,otherwise known as honey,is a pleasant and effective way to rece coughs associated with colds.


I catch a bad cold these days. I feel tired and sleepy. Appetite is not good these days also.Last Sunday, it was raining heavily. I had a qurrel with my friend. She said I was selfish. And I cursed that she was stingy.Then we ruined the friendship which we have kept for years. My heart broke and run into the rain. The next day I got a bad cold.Fever, headache, tinnitus etc, all the bad feelings

suddenly.The doctor gave me some pills and tell me to stay in bed for few days and never rush into rains. I think I's better take his advise.




㈣ 英語作文 你的朋友jack沒有來上學,他生病了感冒,嗓子疼,你告訴他應該怎樣做

I know you are sick, you should drink some hot water, and lie down to rest.it will help you to restore health,and you must eat vegetables and fruits, because it can help you keep healthy,exercise is also very important for you.
I hope you are a happy boy .



㈤ 英語作文:感冒應該怎麼辦

If you have a cold,maybe you should drink a lot of water,it is good for your illness.Of course,you can lie down and rest,too.If you do not feel well,you must go to see a doctor.The doctors will give you some good advice to feel better soon.Maybe you should take some medicine and you have to pay lots of money for them.


㈥ 我有一個朋友生了病,患了重感冒,請你寫一封電子郵件,並給他一些建議。要寫的是一篇英語作文

Dear Emily,
I'm sorry to hear that you get a cold. The winter is coming, so it's necessary for you to wear more clothes and drink enough water. Don't forget to do more exercise. I hope you can get well soon. If you have time ring the winter holiday, you can come to China and have a visit here. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Wishes!

㈦ 請寫一篇關於感冒了應該怎麼做的英語作文

i have a terible cold this week.
so i asked for a three-day's leave,and my teacher agreed.
then a went home and stayed in bed.i thought i might get better if i had a good rest.
the next day,it got worse.i began to cough a lot.and my nose ran much.
so i went to my doctor.he gaveme some medicine.when he was telling me how to take that medicine,i sneezed before i could cover my mouth with a handkerchief.

㈧ 假如你的朋友感冒了,出於關心,你會給他提出哪些建議呢寫一片英語作文


Last week I caught a cold, so I had to stay at home from school. My mother thought I had a flu. She asked me to see the doctor. I hoped I would get well soon, because I didn't want to miss school.

First my head started an ache,and then I had a fever,so my mother put a cold comperess on my forehead. She also gave me some aspirin and some medicine for my sore throat. I had a running nose. I turned all night long and did not get much sleep.

Staying at home is comfortable in a while. Butthe flu is not good. Next time I will be more careful. I will keep a little distance from the sick,and not to go to the public place.





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