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發布時間: 2024-09-29 10:29:06

1. 寫一篇記敘文英語作文

line, with strong determination to become the champion. It seems that he could rest for a while to enjoy the ecstasy of victory. However, straight ahead lies a sign which indicates a new "starting point" and urges him to continue rushing to the next destination.
Undoubtedly the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress. Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another. Once a person stops making progress, he can hardly maintain his past glory and survive in this competitive world. As Deng Xiaoping, the great Chinese leader said, "development is the only way." No matter how powerful a country is, no matter how successful a specific institution, it will definitely seek new development in high speed. Generally speaking, neither a country nor a person can remain stagnant.
A case in point is the successful launching of "Shenzhou V Spacecraft" which sets china in a high position of aviation and space flight. Although it means a great achievement for us Chinese, we are facing new challenges in the future and need to do further research in space technology. Another illustration is closely related to us, the examinees. If we pass this test and are fortunately admitted by a university, we shall not stop making efforts. Instead, we are confronted with the challenge of conquering the difficult graate courses. We still have to strive for success in our future academic study, employment and career. On the whole, these examples effectively clarify the saying that "destination is another starting point." (317)

2. 英語作文怎麼寫











3. 英語作文,300詞,記敘文,帶中文翻譯。謝了~~

After a long year of hard work and anticipation, I finally managed to save up enough money to go on the first and most important tour of my life. Destination Beijing; our nation』s capital. The forbidden palace, the flag raising ceremony, the Ming tomb and the great wall. All these had been on my mind ever since when I was a child.
Day one; after 18 hours of an arous train ride, I received an overwhelmingly warm welcome the minute I stepped out of the station. Brokers of all sorts of low price hotels surrounded me. Not knowing what was going on, I was lead to a hotel in a small alley and paid three hundred Yuan for a room the size of my bathroom at home. Between being hungry and tired, I decided to quench my hunger first; I chose the smallest restaurant next to the hotel, knowing that the cost of living in Beijing is about three times that of my home town. After a bowl of noodle with unidentifiable meat and vegetable, to my greatest regret, I learnt how high the cost of living really is in Beijing. 18 Yuan for a bowl of noodle which might cost two fifty in my home town.
Back in my cubicle of a room I took a nap of two hours while learning that the cockroaches are much bolder here than at home. One of them entered my nose.
For the next four days, I joint a local tour operated by a coach driver and a tour guide at a price unimaginably low. Three hundred Yuan, they would take me to all those places I dreamed about. My tour group spent forty minutes at the forbidden palace; no complain; for that was the longest time the group spent at one particular spot. Ming tomb? We spent 25 minutes at the gate. Please do not bother to ask me about the rest of the tour, for I have spent a total of seven hours in tourist shops where my guide took us.
On my return trip, I have decided where to go for my next vacation; stay home.

4. 求篇大學英語作文。要記敘文!250字以上。要有事情完整的事情的敘述……

My first stay at home alone was memorable. When I was twelve, once both of my mother and father were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. My parents left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarms respectively at 6:00, 6:10, and 6:15. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for Mother to do it. I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.


5. 我的大學英語作文



countless nights had passed in this way ring my infancy. in my naive heart, mothers voice was deeper and softer than the nightingale. even now i still remember quite clearly that cradlesong she used to sing before i fell asleep. those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away.to me, mothers companionship was the most important thing in my childhood.

mother is an incurable romantic, passionately in love with life and with the mystery of the universe. she taught me to open up all the channels of my senses to touch and feel what lies all a round me, and discovered with me the beauty of nature, the joy,ecitement and mystery of the new and the unknown. she is quite at home in literature because of her active and imaginative mind. every new eperience, every new discovery concerning the world could delight her.

i went off to college, but mum is still always in my memory. i could hear her voice every time i fell short in anything.from breast to cradle to reassuring hug, mum has shared all the happiness and depression of mine. however, she never epressed herself. upon my entry into university, when she and father were going back home, she hurriedly turned back to run along, even without a look at me. i knew she dared not, for fear that tears should fall down in my presence. this separation would last nearly five months ring which she could not see me. she was just trying to stop me from seeing her crying. i was refraining myself, too, because the long time living with her had made me an eact person like her. later, father told me she kept wiping her eyes on the bus to the railway station. i knew that, because i love you, mum, and you already knew that too.

我的.大學英語作文 篇4

In recent years, it is a prevalentphenomenon inChinathat many students go abroad to study at their early age. Just as the sayinggoes, 「so many people, so many minds.」 It is quite understandable that views onthis issue vary from person to person.


Some people contend that oversea at anearly age has proved to bring many disadvantages. They claim that those who goabroad at an early age will feel difficult to adapt to the foreign surroundingsbecause studying abroad requires higher language ability. In addition, thosestudents who are sent to foreign country will not be easy to learn improve abilityand knowledge if they have not mastered their native culture. What』s more,studying abroad will have some bad impacts on students』 morals, values andbeliefs.


However, the others stand on the oppositeside. They argue that studying abroad at an early age is another choice forstudents to development, compared with the college entrance examination. Furthermore,students can get in touch with various cultures when they are studying abroadso that they can broaden their horizon.


As a matter of fact, I amconvinced that its disadvantages far outweigh than its advantages. I considerthat studying abroad is more suitable for college students because they havesome ability to cope with their own matters.


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