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發布時間: 2024-09-27 22:15:56

1. 翻譯英語1.當我們和人們交流的時候,應該遵守基本的社交規則,尤其是在正式場合;2.責任感對每個公民都


  1. 當我們和人們交流的時候,應該遵守基本的社交規則,尤其是在正式場合

    When we communicate with people, we should follow basic social rules, especially in formal occasions

  2. 責任感對每個公民都很重要

    Responsibility is very important to every citizen

  3. 中國7-16歲的孩子都有受教育的權利

    In China, children aged between 7 to 16 have the right to ecation

  4. 四川位於中國西南部,歷史悠久,以眾多名川大山而聞名(非限)

    Located in southwest of China, Sichuan, which has a long history, is famous for its great mountains and rivers.

  5. 這位導游詳細給我介紹了香港的文化和財經,這給我留下了深刻的印象

    This guide has introced to me the culture as well as finance of Hongkong, which impressed me a lot

  6. 讓我吃驚的是,他對數學-他最喜歡的學科,失去了興趣

    To my surprise, he lost interest in math - his favorite subject

  7. 司機粗心和酒駕導致了這場嚴重分車禍

    This severe accident is caused by a drunk and careless driver

  8. 成功絕非偶然。我們應努力學習,不辜負父母的厚望

    Sucdess is never by chance. We should study hard and never fail our parents.


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