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發布時間: 2024-09-27 03:27:04

⑴ 這邊請,我們這里有很多新鮮的黃蘑菇,的英語翻譯怎麼說

This way,please,here we have a lot of fresh armillaria luteo-virens.

⑵ 這邊請,我們這里有很多新鮮的黃蘑菇,的英語翻譯怎麼說

This way please,there are many yellow mushrooms here.


⑶ 誰能幫我翻譯幾個西餐英語句子


1 請問您叫什麼名字?
May i have your name, please?

2 您在3號桌。這邊請!
Table 3, this way, please

3 您還需要別的什麼嗎?(點菜時問的)
What else would you like ?

4 您是用什麼方式結帳?簽單、刷卡、還是現金?
How do you settle your account( bill), sign bill, credit card or by cash?

5 請把您的姓名和房間號簽一下!
Would you please sign your name and your room number?

6 對不起,您的余額不足!
sorry, your credit card remaining sum is insufficient

7 歡迎下次光臨!

welcome back again


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