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發布時間: 2024-09-25 21:34:21

❶ 有關失敗的英語作文

Everyone knows that failure always accompanies us in our life. No matter what we do, none of us can say we will surely succeed, because there is no such thing as plain sailing.
About failure, different people have different opinions. Generally speaking, on one hand, people think "failure is the mother of success". They think we won't understand the profound meaning of success until we go through failure. On the other hand, for some people, failure is frustration. They think if a person goes through too much failure, he will collapse and lose confidence in his life.
In my opinion, If you have never lost it, and always get it easily, you will not cherish what you get and own.

❷ 求大神幫我寫一關於面對困難的英語作文還有其翻譯,謝啦

My parents went out yesterday, they visited their friend who lived far away from us, so they wouldn't come back until night. I had to cook for myself and I couldn't ask them my question in my homework. However, I had to face the difficulties, so I search the information on the internet. Then I'm very happy that I sovled the problems sucess lly by myself.


❸ 成功和失敗的英語作文



We all make mistakes which are inevitable. What is worse is failure to correct own mistakes. While making mistakes is good, repeating mistakes is definitely not. Apart from correcting your own mistakes, we should learn from the mistakes.

You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you have made one. As soon as you start blaming other people, you distance yourself from any possible lesson that could be learned from it. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say "This is my mistake and I am responsible", the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away from blaming yourself and towards understanding. Wise people admit their mistakes easily. They know progress accelerates when they do. On the other hand, for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. This is why some people consider that they can learn nothing from mistakes, We are taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes. This sense of shame bined with the inevitability of setbacks when attempting difficult things explains why many people give up on heir goals: they are not prepared for the mistakes and failures they will face on their way to what they want.

In conclusion, we can and should learn good lessons from past mistakes in order to be more successful in our private and public lives.





❹ 失敗乃成功之母親英語作文及翻譯



Failure is the mother of success. In other words, it doesn't matter if you fail to do something, and you can also get some road to success in failure. After that, you can do better and more successfully.


Failure is the mother of success. Is it natural for Lu Xun to become a famous writer? Didn't he write a failed article? Therefore, failure always leads to success and unexpected gains.


Failure is the mother of success. One of my uncles started a company, but because of a contract, he didn't get it. It cost my uncle millions. But later, he learned from the failure and found a way to develop his business faster. Maybe now he is very grateful for the failure. Maybe without that failure, he couldn't have developed so fast.


Therefore, failure is the mother of success, which may enable scientists to have better scientific development, inventors to have better inventions, students to learn to a higher level, teachers to make their teaching easier to understand students, and businessmen to have better business prospects. In short, people can live better in failure.

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