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發布時間: 2024-09-25 10:23:23

『壹』 我早上七點起床 英語翻譯

I get up at 7 o'clock in the morning

『貳』 早上六點起床 英文翻譯

to get up at six o'clock in the morning

『叄』 璧峰簥鐨勮嫳璇鎬庝箞璇

璧峰簥 q菒 chu謾ng rise get up get out of bed鎴戦氬父璧峰簥鐨勬椂闂 my usual hour of rising 鏃╂棭璧峰簥 rise with the lark 浣犲嚑鏃惰搗搴婏紵 At what time do you get up錛熶粬璧峰簥浜嗘病鏈夛紵 Is he up yet錛熻ヨ搗搴婁簡銆

end of the night#39s rest13 浠栦滑宸茬粡璧峰簥浜員hey are already up14 鏃╀笂濂斤紒鍒拌搗搴婃椂闂翠簡It#39s time to get up15 浠栬搗搴婂悗絀誇笂浜嗘櫒琛He got out of bed and pulled on his bathrobe璧峰簥鑻辮鎬庝箞鍐欍
璧峰簥浜嗭紝榪欐槸鎴戜滑姣忓ぉ閮藉繀欏誨仛鐨勪竴浠朵簨錛屾垜浠鏉ョ湅鐪嬭搗搴婄殑鍑犵嶈嫳璇琛ㄨ揪It鈥檚 time to get up璇ヨ搗搴婁簡I want to stay in bed for another half an hour鎴戠湡鎯沖湪搴婁笂澶氱潯鍗婁釜灝忔椂Let me sleep in for ten銆
get up early 鏃╄搗 璧峰緱鏃 寰堟棭璧峰簥 in that get up 絀塊偅鏍風殑鏈嶈 紺轟緥hey have to get up early in the morning浠栦滑涓澶ф棭灝卞緱璧峰簥璇嶈鐢ㄦ硶get鏄鑻辮涓浣跨敤鏈騫挎硾鐨勫姩璇嶄箣涓錛屽彲琛ㄧず鈥滃緱鍒版煇鐗┾濃滃埌杈俱
浣犲ソ璧峰簥 緲昏瘧鎴愯嫳璇鏄痝et up錛実et up璇婚煶鐨勬眽璇璋愰煶鏄鐩栫壒闃跨牬甯屾湜甯鍒頒綘錛屾弧鎰忚烽噰綰熾
璧峰簥rise鐢ㄨ嫳璇璇存槸鑻 ra#618z錛岀編 ra#618zrise浣滃悕璇嶆椂鎰忎負鈥滃炲姞錛屽姞鍚錛屾潈鍒╃瓑澧炲己錛屼笂鍗囷紝灝忎笜錛岃遍サ娓鎬笂姘撮潰錛屾簮澶達紝妤兼鐨勭駭楂橈紝鏅嬪崌錛屽嚭鐜扳濅綔鍔ㄨ瘝鏃舵剰涓衡滄攢鍗囷紝璧峰簥錛屽崌璧楓

『肆』 早上我該起床了英語

I should get up in the morning.

I should get up in the morning.

『伍』 今天早上我起床很早用英語翻譯

I get up early in the morning.
Today I get up early ⅰn the morning.

『陸』 在早上,人們很早起床然後去上班的英文怎麼說


英文翻譯:In the morning, people get up early and go to work.



人們:people;men;the public;humanity;folk

很早起床:get up early

上班:go to work;start work;be on ty;on ty

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