當前位置:首頁 » 作文翻譯 » 我想當一個我演員翻譯英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-24 16:33:58

Ⅰ 英語作文:我的夢想是當演員

I have a dream, when an actor. I love the stage, I like the feeling on stage. I have taken part in numerous singing competitions, both the size of awards. I like to sing, I like to dance, because that can make me forget all the sad trouble, because it can attract the public attention我曾經夢想當一個演員.我喜歡舞台,我喜歡在舞台上的感覺.我曾參加過無數次的歌手比賽,大小獎項都有.我喜歡唱歌,我喜歡跳舞,因為那可以讓我忘記一切的憂愁煩惱,因為那可以吸引眾人關注的目光

Ⅱ 急!關於我的夢想英語短文。

My dream
When I grow up, I'm going to do what I want to do.I want to move somewhere exciting. Hollywood sounds like a good place that I could enjoy.Because there are many famous actors there.I want to be an actor.So first,I should go to the movies to learn the acting.Then,I'm going to be a student at an acting school in Hollywood.And I'm going to study French at the same time.Next I'm going to finish my first movie.One day, I'm retire somewhere quiet and beautiful.
I'm sure my dream will come true!

自己親手寫的哦!!! 希望樓主選我..



Ⅲ 英語翻譯 你難道不想當演員嗎不,我想當.

Don't you want to be an actor?
Yes,I do.

Ⅳ 我想成為一名演員,因為它是一份有趣的工作 英語怎麼翻譯

I want to be a actor,because it is a interesting work.

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