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發布時間: 2024-09-24 16:17:19

⑴ 海鮮 燒烤 炸雞塊、炸雞腿、肉串、炸薯條、可樂雞翅、壽司、包飯英文翻譯

燒烤barbecue; roast
炸雞fried chicken
炸雞腿Fried Chicken Leg; fried chicken; DEEP FRIED CHICKEN DRUMSTICK
炸薯條chips; (French) fries
可樂Coke; Coca Cola
雞翅Chicken Wings; chicken wing; WENGE
包飯get or supply meals at a fixed rate; board

⑵ 英語菜單翻譯

1、Spring Rolls——春卷

2、Lobster slices——龍蝦片

3、Fried Wonton——龍蝦片

4、Fried seaweed——炸海帶

5、Shrimps toast——蝦仁吐司

6、Shrimps Xiao Mai——小蝦蝦

7、Steamed mplings with vegetables——蔬菜包

8、Mais soup——美人湯

9、Wonton soup——餛飩湯

10、Hot and sour soup——酸辣湯

11、Soya noodles soup with pork——豬肉豆面湯

12、Chicken soup with mushrooms——香菇雞湯

13、Shark fin soup——魚翅羹

14、Crab meat soup with asparagus——蘆筍蟹肉湯

15、Steamed plain rice——蒸白飯

16、Rice with curry sauce——咖哩飯

17、Fried cantonese rice——炸粵飯

18、Fried rice with chicken——雞炒飯

19、Fried rice with shrimps——蝦仁炒飯

20、Fried rice with pineapple——泰式菠蘿炒飯

21、Fried noodles soft or crisp——酥脆炒麵

22、Soya noodles with meat or vegetbles——肉或蔬菜面條

23、Rice noodles with meat or shrimps——肉糜米粉

24、Rice noodles with meat——肉米粉

25、Rice noodles with shrimps——蝦米米粉

26、Rice mplings with vegetables——蔬菜粽子

27、Fried shrimps——炸蝦仁

28、Shrimps with curry sauce——咖喱蝦

29、hrimps with vegetables——蔬菜瘦肉精

30、Shrimps with chili sauce——辣味蝦

31、Shrimps with sweet and sour sauce——糖醋蝦仁

32、Cuttle - Fisch, with celery or hot——烏賊,芹菜或辣

33、Imperial fried prawns——帝國炒大蝦

34、Stewed prawns with soya sauce——紅燒對蝦

35、Prawns in hot plate——燒烤對蝦

36、Prawns with chili sauce——辣醬大蝦

37、Fried chicken——炸雞

38、Chicken with curry sauce——咖喱雞肉

39、Chicken with lemon sauce——檸檬汁雞

40、Chicken with pineapple——菠蘿雞

41、Sweet and sour chicken——甜酸雞

42、Chicken with almonds——杏仁雞

43、Chicken with chili sauce——辣醬雞

44、Chicken with soya sprout——大豆芽炒雞丁

45、Chicken with mushrooms and bamboo——冬菇竹子雞

46、Roasted ck——烤鴨

47、Sweet and sour ck——糖醋鴨

48、Duck with mushrooms and bamboo——香菇竹鴨

49、Sweet and sour park——糖醋公園

50、Pork with chili sauce——辣椒醬豬肉

51、Pork with vegetables——蔬菜豬肉

52、Pork with mushrooms and bamboo——冬菇竹子豬肉

53、Fried pork ribs——炸排骨

54、Sweet and sour pork ribs——糖醋小排骨

55、Beef with curry sauce——咖喱牛肉

56、MBeef with vegetables——蔬菜牛肉

57、Beef with celery——芹菜炒牛肉

58、Beef with onions——洋蔥牛肉

59、Beef with green pepper——青椒牛肉

60、Beef with oyster sauce——蚝油牛肉

61、Beef with chili sauce——辣醬牛肉

62、Beef with mushrooms and bamboo——冬菇牛肉

63、Soya sprouts——豆芽

64、Steamed vegetables——蒸菜

65、Chinese mushrooms and bamboo——香菇竹

66、Stewed Tau fu (soya cheese)——燉豆腐(大豆乳酪)

67、Stewed Tau fu with vegetables——


69、Soya bean cake——椰香蛋糕

70、Mixed chinese fruits——豆餅

71、Ananas, apple and pineapple (fried or kandy)——中國雜交水果

72、Sauce (sweet sour, chili and soya)——醬(甜酸、辣椒、大豆)

73、Wine, beer, soft drink and mineralwater,Chinese tea——葡萄酒,啤酒,軟飲料和礦泉水,中國茶

74、spirit and Sakè (bottle)——精神與薩克(瓶)

⑶ 「炸雞翅」,「炸雞腿」用英語怎麼說

[詞典] fried chicken wings;
Lily: I just want French Fries, some fried chicken wings and a small coke.

⑷ 英語翻譯

At today teacher congress, everybody may propose own viewpoint atwill. (be free to do, set out)
He publishes the speech emphatically emphasizes the protectionwild animal's importance. (emphasis)
Certainly some people took away mine bicycle, I could not havefound. (must have taken)
This child has not opened the gate the key, besides and so onmother any also could not do. (do nothing except)
When he hears is called him the name to teacher, did not knowhow should manage. (at a loss)
After the conference ended the students to go out the meetinghall. (make one' S way out)

⑸ 雞肉用英語如何翻譯




n. 雞肉;小雞;膽小鬼,懦夫

adj. 雞肉的;膽怯的;幼小的


Chicken Little四眼天雞 ; 四眼雞丁 ; 雞仔總動員 ; 四眼青蛙

Kung Pao Chicken宮保雞丁 ; 宮保雞 ; 宮保雞球 ; 小鎮姑娘

fried chicken炸雞 ; 煎雞 ; 鍋燒雞 ; 脆皮炸子雞




n. 小雞

[ 復數 chuckies ]


Chucky Atkins查基·阿特金斯 ; 阿特金斯 ; 查基 ; 艾

Chucky Woo活己嵐

Seed Of Chucky鬼娃孽種 ; 鬼娃新娘 ; 鬼娃新娘之鬼娃也有種

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