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❶ 400個英語句子,帶翻譯

A Famous English Writer Of all the famous English writers, probably the best known is William Shakespeare.
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 on April the 23rd. His father was an important man in town so Shakespeare had a good upbringing.
Shakespeare probably went to school (although no records survive to prove this) but not university. He got married when he was 18 to Anne Hathaway and the couple had 3 children.
沙士比亞可能進過學校(盡管沒有現存檔案來證明)不過並不是大學.當他18歲時他和Anne Hathaway結婚並生下了3個孩子.
Shakespeare wrote 38 plays and 154 sonnets (a sonnet is a kind of poem). He began working in his home town of Stratford but by 1592 was writing in London. He became rich enough to buy a house in the capital and one in Stratford.
He wrote sad stories called tragedies, like Romeo and Juliet, funny stories or comedies, romantic stories and stories about historical figures such as Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare died on his birthday in 1616, almost 400 years ago. But why is his work still popular today?
His work looked at common human themes, such as betrayal, murder, lust, power, ambition and love. These themes are as much a part of human nature today as they were all those years ago and are the themes we see in modern soap operas and Hollywood films. Even though his theatre, The Globe, burned down in 1613 it was rebuilt in London in 1997 and you can still see his plays performed there today.


1. a big headache令人頭痛的事情
2. a fraction of 一部分
3. a matter of concern 焦點
4. a series of 一系列,一連串above all 首先,尤其是
5. absent from不在,缺席
6. abundant in富於
7. account for 解釋
8. accuse sb. of sth.控告
9. add to增加(add up to)
10. after all 畢竟,究竟
11. agree with同意
12. ahead of time / schele提前
13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)
14. alien to與...相反
15. all at once 突然,同時
16. all but 幾乎;除了...都
17. all of a sudden 突然
18. all over again 再一次,重新
19. all over 遍及
20. all right 令人滿意的;可以
21. all the same 仍然,照樣的
22. all the time 一直,始終
23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生氣,憤怒
24. anxious about/for憂慮,擔心
25. anything but 根本不
26. apart from 除...外(有/無)
27. appeal to 吸引,申訴,請求
28. applicable to適用於
29. apply to適用
30. appropriate for/to適當,合適
31. approximate to近似,接近
32. apt at聰明,善於
33. apt to易於
34. around the clock夜以繼日
35. as a matter of fact 實際上
36. as a result(of) 因此,由於
37. as a rule 通常,照例
38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言
39. as far as 遠至,到...程度
40. as follows 如下
41. as for 至於,關於
42. as good as 和...幾乎一樣
43. as if 好像,防腐
44. as regards 關於,至於
45. as to 至於,關於
46. as usual 像平常一樣,照例
47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又
48. as well 同樣,也,還
49. ashamed of羞愧,害臊
50. aside from 除...外(還有)
51. ask for the moon異想天開
52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措
53. at a time 一次,每次
54. at all costs 不惜一切代價
55. at all events 不管怎樣,無論如何
56. at all times 隨時,總是
57. at all 絲毫(不),一點也不
58. at any rate 無論如何,至少
59. at best 充其量,至多
60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起來
61. at first 最初,起先
62. at hand 在手邊,在附近
63. at heart 內心裡,本質上
64. at home 在家,在國內
65. at intervals 不時,每隔...
66. at large 大多數,未被捕獲的
67. at last 終於
68. at least 至少
69. at length 最終,終於
70. at most 至多,不超過
71. at no time 從不,決不
72. at one time 曾經,一度;同時
73. at present 目前,現在
74. at someone's disposal 任...處理
75. at the cost of 以...為代價
76. at the mercy of 任憑...擺布
77. at the moment 此刻,目前
78. at this rate 照此速度
79. at times 有時,間或
80. aware of意識到
81. back and forth 來回地,反復地
82. back of 在...後面
83. back up後備,支援
84. bare of幾乎沒有,缺乏
85. be able to do能夠
86. be around差不多
87. be available to sb.可用,可供
88. be bound to一定
89. be capable of doing能夠
90. be concerned with 關心…,涉足…
91. be dying to渴望
92. be fed up with受夠了be tired of
93. be in hospital 住院
94. be in season 上市的/in peak season旺季
95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做
96. be pressed for time時間不夠
97. be tied up with忙於
98. be under the weather 身體不好
99. beat around the bush 拐彎沒角
100. beat the crowd 避開人群

❷ 抄寫的英語翻譯 抄寫用英語怎麼說

抄寫的英文:、ing、transcription、transcribe、 out。


英 [ˈkɒpi] 美 [ˈkɑ:pi]


vt.& vi.復制;抄寫;容許復制的


He would allow John slyly to his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions...



英 ['kɒpɪɪŋ] 美 ['kɒpɪɪŋ]


v.抄襲;抄寫;復制( 的現在分詞 );作弊




英 [trænˈskrɪpʃn] 美 [trænˈskrɪpʃən]





英 [trænˈskraɪb] 美 [trænˈskraɪb]


The EAs write my notes and transcribe for me if I'm doing tests or quizzes.


五、 out

英 [ˈkɔpi aut] 美 [ˈkɑpi aʊt]




❸ 用英語翻譯句子;1打籃球怎麼樣好主意.2你的媽媽是什麼類型的人他是一個嚴肅的媽媽。

1.How about playing basketball? Good idea!
2.how does your mother? She is seious.

❹ 英語句子,越短越好,100個100分,要中文翻譯


1. This is a ship.(這是一艘船。)
2. He is an old worker.(他是一個老工人。)
3. I have a brother and a sister.(我有一個兄弟和一個姐妹。)
4. There is a map on the wall.(牆上有一幅地圖。)
5. This is a yellow pencil.(這是一支黃鉛筆。)
6. Tom is an American boy.(Tom是個美國男孩。)
7. English is a useful tool.(英語是一種有用的工具。)
8. He is telling them an interesting story.(他正在給大家講一個有趣的故事。)
9. Britain is a European country.(不列顛是一個歐洲國家。)
10. It takes an hour and a half to get there.(這要花費一小時半到達那裡。)
11. It is a pig.(它是一頭豬。)
12. It is cotton.(它是棉花。)
13. It is wheat.(它是麥子。)
14. It is a cow.(它是一頭母牛。)
15. It is an orange.(它是一隻橘子。)
16. It is rice.(它是稻子。)
17. It is an ox.(它是一頭公牛。)
18. It is a ck.(它是一隻鴨子。)
19. It is water.(它是水)
20. It is a hen.(它是一隻母牛。)
21. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.(今天是星期一。明天是星期二。)
22. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday.(今天是星期三。明天是星期四。)
23. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday.(今天是星期五。明天是星期六。)
24. Today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday.(今天是星期六。明天是星期日。)
25. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday.(今天是星期日。明天是星期一。)
We are workers.(我們是工人。)
26. My sister and I are both pupils.(我的姐妹和我都是學生。)
27. You are all middle school pupils.(你們都是中學生。)
28. They are trees and flowers.(它們是樹和花。)
29. Cats and dogs are animals.(貓和狗是動物。)
30. All of them are teachers.(他們都是教師。)
31. The sun is red.(太陽是紅色的。)
32. That table is heavy.(那張桌子很重。)
33. I am sixteen.(我十六歲。)
34. Class is over.(課結束了。)
35. The river is faraway.(這條河很遠。)
36. Time is up.(時間到了。)
37. The bottle is full of water.(這瓶子裝滿了水。)
38. I am from Shanghai.(我來自上海。)
39. Comrade Wang is out.(王同志外出了。)
40. The football match is on.(足球比賽開始了。)
41. The boy is over there.(那男孩在那邊。)
42. My brother is at home.(我的兄弟在家裡。)
43. He is not here.(他不在這里。)
44. She is good at swimming.(她擅長游泳。)
45. I am fond of sports.(我很喜歡運動。)
46. I am tired.(我很累。)
47. You are ill.(你病了。)
48. It is hot today.(今天很熱。)
49. The weather is cold.(天氣很冷。)
50. It is fine.(這個很好。)
51. The play is good.(這場演出很好。)
52. Snow is white.(雪是白的。)
53. The streets are clean.(街道是干凈的。)
54. This hall is full of people.(這個大廳擠滿了人。)
55. The library is open.(圖書館開門了。)
56. The film is on.(影片上映了。)
57. My uncle is over there.(我的叔叔在那邊。)
58. The cinema is far away.(電影院很遠。)
59. The light is off.(燈暗了。)
60. My father is out.(我的父親外出了。)
61. Her brother is thirteen.(她的兄弟十三歲。)
62. I am eighteen.(我十八歲。)
63. Mr. Smith is from American.(史密斯先生來自美國。)
64. The boys in our class are fond of football.(我們班的男孩很喜歡足球。)
65. Wang Ying is good at music.(王英擅長音樂。)
66.I have a brother.(我有一個兄弟。)
67. He has two English books.(他有兩本英語書。)
68. We have a lot of paper.(我們有許多紙。)
69. You have many friends.(你有許多朋友。)
70. My sister has a pen and a ball-pen.(我的姐妹有一支鉛筆和一支圓珠筆。)
71. Her classmates have a small library.(她的同班同學們有一個小圖書館。)
72. Our school has twenty classes.(我們的學校有二十個班級。)
73. I have some bread and jam.(我有一些麵包和果醬。)
74.There is a teacher』s desk in the classroom.(教室里有一隻講台。)
75. There are forty pupils in the playground.(操場上有四十個學生。)
76. There are some desks and chairs in the office.(辦公室里有一些書桌和椅子。)
77. There are two blackboards on the wall.(牆上有兩塊黑板。)
78. There are four lights in the classroom.(教室里有四盞燈。)
79. There is a loud-speaker in the hall.(大廳里有一隻喇叭。)
80. There are two portraits above the blackboard.(黑板上方有兩張像。)
81. There is a map and two pictures in the reading-room.(閱覽室里有一幅地圖和兩幅畫。)
82.Your pencil is blue. Mine is blue, too.(你的鉛筆是藍色的。我的也是藍色的。)
83. His book is new. Hers is new, too.(他的書是新的。她的也是新的。)
84. Our classroom is big. Theirs is big, too.(我們的教室很大。他們的也很大。)
85. Her brother is a worker. His is a worker, too.(她的兄弟是一個工人。他的也是一個工人。)
86. Their house is near the park. Ours is near the park, too.(他們的房子在公園附近。我們的也在公園附近。)
87. His room is tidy. Yours is tidy, too.(他的房間很整潔。你的也很整潔。)
88. My sister is not here. Hers is not here, either.(我的妹妹不在這里。她的也不在這里。)
89. Our classroom is not on the first floor. Theirs is not on the first floor, either.(我們的教室不在二樓。他們的也不在二樓。)
90. Your father is not a teacher. Mine is not a teacher, either.(你的父親不是一個教師。我的也不是一個教師。)
91. Their library is not big. Ours is not big, either.(他們的圖書館不大。我們的也不大。)
92. How nice the song is!(這首歌多麼好聽啊!)
93. What a wonderful time we』re had!(我們過了一段多麼美好的時光啊!)
94. How fast the dog runs!(這只狗跑得多麼快啊!)
95. What a clever boy he is!(他是一個多麼機靈的男孩啊!)
96. What beautiful music they』re playing!(他們正在演奏多麼優美的音樂啊!)
97. How quickly time flies!(時間飛逝得多麼快啊!)
98. What an excellent idea you』re got!(你有一個多麼出色的主意啊!)
99. What a dear little child he is!(他是一個多麼可愛的小孩啊!)
100. He is telling us an interesting story.(他正在給我們講一個有趣的故事。)
101. We are having a holiday today.(今天我們正在度假。)
102. What are you doing these days?(這幾天你正在做什麼?)
103. You are speaking so quickly, I can』t understand you.(你這么快地講著,我沒能搞懂你。)
104. Jane』s studying in our school this term. She is preparing her lessons now.(這學期珍妮在我們學校學習。她現在正在准備功課。)
105. Can I use your dictionary for a moment? I』m sorry, but I am using it now.(我能用一下你的詞典嗎?很抱歉,我現在正在用。)
106. They are doing their best to finish the work in time.(他們正在努力及時完成這項工作。)
107. She is speaking.(她正在講話。)
108. The children are singing.(孩子們正在唱歌。)
109. I am listening to the radio.(我正在聽無線電。)
110. My brother is writing.(我兄弟正在寫字。)
111. We are preparing our lesson.(我們正在准備功課。)
112. Our teachers are having a meeting.(我們的老師正在開會。)
113. The dog is running very fast.(狗正在非常快地跑著。)
114. Your sister is looking for her pen.(你的姐妹正在找她的鋼筆。)
115. see a map on the wall.(我看見牆上的一張地圖。)
116. My father works in a factory.(我的父親在工廠工作。)
117. The pupils often play games in the playground.(學生們經常在操場上玩游戲。)
118. Tom and his sister often clean the room together in the morning.(湯姆和他的妹妹經常在早晨打掃房間。)
119. She studies politics, Chinese and other subjects.(她學習政治、語文和其他課目。)
120. The boys pass by the bookstore every day on their way to school.(孩子們每天在上學路上經過書店。)
121. My brother and I wash our clothes every day.(我兄弟和我每天洗我們的衣服。)
122. Our parents usually go to work at seven.(我們的父母通常在七點鍾去上班。)
123. Birds fly south in winter.(鳥在冬天飛往南方)
124. Mary lives in New York.(瑪麗住在紐約。)
125. We always get up early.(我們總是起床很早。)
126. He usually goes to bed at nine.(他通常九點上床。)
127. It often rains in spring.(天天常常下雨。)
128. I sometimes go to the park.(我有時去公園。)
129. She seldom comes late.(她不常遲到。)
130. Li-li never tells a lie.(麗麗從不撒謊。)
131. I often go to the cinema.(我常常去電影院。)
132. He seldom forgets to do his homework.(他不常忘記做回家作業。)
133. The boy usually goes to school at 7.30.(那男孩通常七點半去上學。)
134. She never talks to her teacher that way.(她從不以那種方式跟老師談話。)
135. He usually studies in the reading-room.(他通常在閱覽室里學習。)
136. We always listen to the radio at 8.00 p. m.(我們總是在上午八點聽無線電。)
137. John sometimes watches television in the evening.(約翰有時在晚上看電視。)
138. Wang Fang never comes to school late.(王芳來上學從不遲到。)
139. They are always busy.(他們總是很忙。)
140. I don』t usually take a bath at noon.(我通常不在中午洗澡。)
141. Do you often work so late?(你常常工作得這么晚嗎?)
142. This is sometimes true.(這有時是真實的。)
143. We can seldom do it without his help.(沒有他的幫助,我們很少能做到。)
144. It is not going to be cold next month.(下個月不會馬上很冷。)
145. He is always ready to help people.(他總是助人為樂。)
146. You must never do it again.(你千萬不能再做這件事。)
147. She is seldom late for school.(她上學不常遲到。)
148. Do you often read the newspaper after supper.(你常常在晚飯後看報嗎?)
149. Tom doesn』t usually wake up so early.(湯姆通常不醒得這么早。)
150. Mary can sometimes choose the right thing.(瑪麗有時會選擇正確的事情。)
151. Does he usually have breakfast at six?(他通常在六點鍾吃早飯嗎?)
152. The boys are seldom absent from school.(男生們不常缺課。)
153.Now I am reading the newspaper.(現在我正在看報紙。)
154. We are not going to play basket-ball after school.(我們不打算放學後打籃球。)
155. The workers are building a big ship these days.(這幾天工人們正在造一條大船。)
156. The pupils are visiting a photo show now.(學生們現在正在參觀攝影展覽。)
157. We often play basket-ball with Class Three.(我們常常與三班打籃球。)
158. Wang Ling does a lot of housework every evening, but today he is helping his brother with his lessons.(王林每天晚上做許多家務,但今天正在幫助弟弟溫習功課。)
159. I am going to study French next year.(我打算明年學法語。)
160. I am going to read the book this morning.(我打算今晚看這本書。)
161. She is going to help her classmate later.(她打算最近幫助她的同學。)
162. It is going to snow very soon.(過不了多久就要下雪了。)
163. We are going to go to Peking the day after tomorrow.(我們打算後天去北京。)
164. You are going to be middle school pupils next autumn.(你們明年秋季就要成為中學生了。)
165. They are going to visit the museum next week.(他們准備下星期參觀博物館。)
166. They are not going to stay here.(他們不打算住在那裡。)
167. She is not going to mend her shoes.(她不打算補自己的鞋。)
168. You are not going to have an English lesson tomorrow.(你們沒計劃明天上英語課。)
169. I am not going to watch TV today.(我不打算今天看電視。)
170. You are not going to see the film next Sunday.(你們不打算下星期天看這部電影。)
171. He is not going to write to his father tonight.(他不打算今晚寫信給他父親。)
172. I shall be at middle school next year.(明年我將要讀中學。)
173. You will hear the news tonight.(今夜你將會聽到這條消息。)
174. He will tell it to you the day after tomorrow.(他將會在後天把這件事告訴你。)
175. She will play volley ball after school.(放學後她要打排球。)
176. It will be cold tomorrow.(明天要冷了。)
177. The baby will be able to walk soon.(這嬰兒不久就能走路了。)
178. We shan』t be middle school pupils next year.(我們不會在明年成為中學生的。)
179. She won』t read the book this evening.(她今晚不會看這本書。)
180. They won』t see the film this week.(他們這星期不會去看這部電影。)
181. You won』t hear from him tonight.(你不會在今夜收到他的信。)
182. I shan』t be sixteen until early next month.(我到下個月月初才十六歲。)
183. They won』t be able to come this evening.(他們今晚不能夠來了。)
184. There will be a football match next Sunday.(下星期天將有一場足球賽。)
185. There will be more new machines in the workshop.(車間里將有更多的新機器。)
186. There won』t be any rain next few days.(過幾天不會下雨。)
187. There will be several new film on next season.(下個季度會有幾部新影片。)
188. We don』t go to school on Sunday.(我們星期天不上學。)
189. He does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做回家作業。)
190. I first met him on a spring evening.(春天的一個晚上我第一次遇見他。)
191. My sister usually gets up at six o』clock.(我姐姐通常在六點鍾起床。)
192. Her father lived in Tientsin at that time.(那時他父親住在天津。)
193. We have dinner at a quarter to twelve.(我們十一點三刻吃飯。)
194. I left for Peking on September 11.(我是九月十一日赴北京的。)
195. Chang Hua is going to stay here next month.(張華打算下個月在這兒呆著。)
196. We are learning Lesson Ten this week.(這星期我們正在學第十課。)
197. She often works at night.(她常常在夜裡工作。)
198. She worked late last night.(她昨夜工作得很晚。)
199. They went to the park the day before yesterday.(前天他們去過公園。)
200. It will be very hot next month.(下個月將會很熱。)


❺ 適合抄寫的英語美文句子有哪些


1A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


2.Don』t let a little dispute break up a great friendship.


3.Johan Wolfgang Goethe: Man errs so long as he strives.





脾穿刺英語怎麼說及英語單詞 發布:2024-09-24 16:44:02 瀏覽:979
怎麼樣提高小學生英語興趣 發布:2024-09-24 16:41:48 瀏覽:991
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我想當一個我演員翻譯英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-24 16:33:58 瀏覽:418
英語護士的單詞怎麼讀 發布:2024-09-24 16:26:08 瀏覽:931
炸雞和可樂翻譯英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-24 16:17:19 瀏覽:224
我是你學校的一名學生英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-24 16:03:15 瀏覽:823
我喜歡這些愛好用英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-24 15:46:13 瀏覽:770
上課學生怎麼用英語說 發布:2024-09-24 15:46:05 瀏覽:827
做衛一名高一學生用英語怎麼說 發布:2024-09-24 15:43:45 瀏覽:512