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發布時間: 2024-09-24 03:33:35

1. 用過去式寫一篇關於麗江旅遊的英語作文,有中文翻譯

My home town Lijiang,is a magical and beautiful place Lijiang sun light White clouds through the city with the stream Four seasons of normally open flowers culture of lijiang is dressed up.
Lijiang each season is like a picture,is so beautiful and unique.
In the early spring,all things recovery,the roadside farmland green up graally,rape also quietly out of head,peach blossom pear flower can't wait to show their beauty,the breath of spring overflow in warm in lijiang city Willow trees by the river slowly pours out new bud,the cherry blossom is busy airtime,grass small wildflowers are crazy dance,catkin is flying in the air,is full of thick the awaken of spring.

2. 用正確的時態寫你的旅行經歷(英語作文帶翻譯)

Last year ,I went to Beijing I love there The summer Places is to beautiful and we went to Wangfujing though there are lots of people in there and the things are too expensive ,most people buy things in there.I bought a pair of beautiful shoes in there.I love Beijing .This too beautiful!來

3. 用過去式寫英語作文關於旅遊的

Dear XXX,
How is everything going? I said I would go travelling in my last e-mail, and I am telling you all about it in this letter.
I went to Dalian last week.It's a very beautiful city near the sea. The air is fresh, and people there are friendly.I went to many places of interest and swimmed in the sea. I enjoyed myself very much.
Hpoe to hear from you soon.

4. 求兩篇關於旅遊的英語作文。一篇現在時,一篇過去時。 最好有翻譯

1.過去時:Taishan Nantianmen:
overlooking the wonders of thousand cliff

Bi Xia Temple from the West Nantianmen to God for the days of street door at the very top of the sun, the terrain relatively flat. The main attractions are Nantianmen, Tin Street, Phoenix Mountains, cliffs, etc. Confucius.
Nantianmen also known as the door for three days. Nantianmen in the 18 end of the winding mountain path to the top is a mountain located in the flight between Longyan and Xiang Feng Ling pass on. Looking up from the next, like a palace in heaven, is the gateway to the Peak Goldenthal. Yuan Yuan was founded in the first year (1264), Ming and Qing dynasties rebuilt many times, after the founding of two renovated. Now maintained in the Qing Dynasty architectural style. Door for the tower-style building, in conjunction book: "the provision of Jiuxiao door, step three-day Trips Yang; order Chong 10000, commands the wonders of thousands of peaks." Overlying Mount Air Court, built-in 3 the Ming Dynasty bronze statue of the goddess.
A small hospital gate, main hall for the three spirits Hou Temple, built ring Emperor Song Tai Shan Dong Feng, Si-Zhou Tang Expostulation Yichen, Ge Yong, Zhou Wu three, later renamed the temple. Home Dongyuetaidi this statue.
Before the main hall for the East and West side hall, 1984 redevelopment, for the bronze statue of the goddess of the Ming Dynasty. After the main hall is the newly-landscaped gardens, stone fence and a half around, open spacious, looking Dai Yin Zhu Jing.
Tin Street Nantianmen northeast Shihfang, Ming Inscribed "Secondary" Abolishment. 1986 reconstruction, the people of Wu Zhongqi Inscribed "Heaven Street." Square before the north have returned to Luang House, built in 1989 for the third Tai'an City Guest House. The east, Mount CMC Nantianmen Management District, the local police station and other resident and guest houses.
Nantianmen points lower layers. Lower for the arched openings, stone and assembled articles, coupons stone bagging, stone articles top shop, surrounded by ice tray out eaves, what length of 9.65 meters, 6.26 meters north and south into the deep, 4.7 meters high. Arched doorway, 3.7 meters wide, 3.25 meters high, the Inlay plaque "Nantianmen" gilding. Both sides of Xiang stone couplet: "the provision of Jiuxiao Yang-door step 3 days sites, order Chong 10 000 1000 cliff overlooking the spectacle."
Superstructure Mount Air Court, Miankuo 3 8.43 m, depth 5.2 meters, 5.3 meters high pass, second column five purlins five beams, heavy beams from the rack, yellow glazed tiles Juanpeng Xieshan Ding eaves. Lower eaves or upper walls, open arch to the south is between the door and one window in each opening between the two. Door Agariishi plaque "Mount Air Court", white, red walls laced with gold foil, and top with yellow glazed tiles shine, even more majestic and impressive.
Under a dolmen Nantianmen west, wall Xiang Nantianmen create monument, author Duren Jie Yuan, Yan Zhongfan writing. From the inscription of view, there is no room Nantianmen Yu Yuan ago, Taoist Yuan Zhang, Department whom the preparation of pure, after several years of construction made of.
Nantianmen north built a temple 3, Miankuo 11.7 m, depth 9.6 meters, 7.4 meters high pass, Four-five seven purlin beam before and after the gallery-style, heavy beams from the frame, hard top five ridges. Circular columns, Fu Pen-type column bases, eaves purlin, Lanna amount of ink lines and other decorative gold painted dots. Praise God the porch in the monument, carved like Yin Xian. Nantianmen and temple on both sides of the middle of the old East side hall all three, before the founding of destruction, in 1984, using the original base of a wall reconstruction.



南天門也被稱為門為三天。在18 南天門結束上彎曲的山路是一座山位於龍岩飛行和湘風玲之間傳遞。抬起頭下,像一座宮殿在天堂,是通往山頂宮殿。人民幣元成立於第一年(1264年)、明、清歷代重建多次,新中國成立後,兩個翻新。現在保存在清代建築風格。門的建築風格建築的同時書中說:"提供為期三天的旅行,一步九霄門沖陽;10000年,命令為成千上萬的山峰的奇跡。山」上,內空氣法院3明代女神的青銅雕像。



東北釋放錫街、明刻有「中等」廢除。1986年重建,吳刻有「啟天街。「北方廣場前回到皇太後的房子,建於1989年的第三大'an城市賓館。東部,CMC 南天門山管理地區,當地警察局和其他居民和客人的房屋。

南天門分低層次。低圓弧拱開口,石頭和組裝的文章,券石裝袋、石材的文章上商店,包圍了冰盤屋檐,長度為9.65米,6.26米的北部和南部到海底,4.7米高。拱形門口,寬3.7米,高3.25米,斑塊鑲嵌」南天門」之中。雙方湘石頭對聯:「提供九霄楊門步驟3天網站、秩序創10 000懸崖俯瞰的景象。」

上層建築空氣法院山,緬庫3 8.43米,深5.2米,5.3米高的傳球,第二列五頗五梁、沉重的光束從架上,黃色的釉面磚協商均鵬鼎屋檐下。較低的屋檐及上部爐牆時,打開拱向南門之間,是一個窗口在每一個開放二者的區別。門Agariishi斑塊「山的空氣的法庭」、白色、紅色牆壁裝有金箔,釉面磚上黃色發光,更加雄偉壯觀,令人印象深刻。


南天門北建了一個寺3、Miankuo 11.7米,深9.6米,7.4米高傳球、四五七檁條梁的gallery-style之前和之後,重光束從幀,五脊硬頂。圓形柱、福Pen-type柱基地、檐檁條、帖的墨量及其它裝飾金線畫點。贊美神的紀念碑的門廊,有雕刻的像陰西安。Nantianmen和寺廟兩邊的中間舊東區大廳所有三、新中國成立以前的破壞後,於1984年,以原基礎牆壁的重建。

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