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發布時間: 2024-09-22 05:02:51

① 信息平台用英語怎麼翻譯

In general, information platform on the structure has the following a few basic characteristics:
First, the hierarchy. Information platform has all the characteristics of technology system. It includes two aspects: one is the structure of the hierarchy, the second is the function of the hierarchy. From the point of the basic construction of technical system, information platform can understand basic information unit, the intermediate information units, advanced information unit three levels, with a bottom-up \"box\" structure. [2]
Second, interactivity. Information platform of interactive includes vertical and horizontal interactivity and interactive two aspects. Lateral interaction refers to is the interaction between different information operations platform, namely each other interoperability. Longitudinal interaction refers to is the interaction between different levels of information platform, both the superior of the command and control, and at a lower level to higher level of information feedback, the lower is the superior sources of information, the higher is the lower source of information, each source and obtaining-information between up and down. [2]
Third, the unity. Unity is the integration of information, it includes two aspects of function integration and structural integration. Functional integration refers to the past by several indivial system to complete the function of respectively, shifted to the same system. Structure refers to the integration information platform has a unified format, data interface, such as text protocol and manipulation of the environment structure, make the use of information platform and development according to the unified standards, to ensure the horizontal and vertical compatibility, guarantee the sustainable development of the technology system. Unity is the base of interactivity, with unity, can be used at all levels of information platform and the data link, rectify. [2]
Fourth, openness. Openness refers to information platform system structure elements such as functions, structure and level itself is the development and changes, actually reflects the information platform is an open complex system. Show the system function expanding, constantly improve the information processing ability. The current information platform still belongs to the primary form, the basic trend is the development of intelligent information platform, to form a new intelligent unmanned systems, let the machine to work instead of people. Therefore, the information platform is constantly evolving, it itself is not the final form. [2]

② 英語console proction怎麼翻譯

英語console proction翻譯成中文意思是「控制台製作」。



  • console單詞發音:英[kənˈsəʊl]美[kənˈsoʊl]。


  • vt.安慰;慰藉

  • n.儀表盤;操控台;(游戲)平台;落地式支座


  • 動詞過去式:consoled

  • 動詞過去分詞:consoled

  • 動詞現在分詞:consoling

  • 動詞第三人稱單數:consoles

  • 復數:consoles


  • console perfunctorily敷衍了事地安慰

  • console profoundly極大安慰

  • console substantially相當大地安慰



  • comfort普通用詞,指用語言或行動對痛苦者給予鼓勵、勇氣和力量,從而減輕其痛苦或悲傷,得到安慰。

  • console較正式用詞,側重緩和或減輕別人的痛苦或悲傷。

  • ease正式用詞,指減輕身心的痛苦、不安和憂慮。

  • soothe著重以安慰減輕悲痛、憤怒或激動,使人理智地平靜下來。也可指葯物等減輕病痛。

  • relieve指解除或緩解某人的病痛、擔心或憂慮等,常用被動態。


  • .


  • .


  • .


  • Ididn'.


  • 『Nevermind,』Anneconsoledher.


③ 「跨境電商平台」英語怎麼說

「跨境電商平台」翻譯成英文是"Cross-border e-commerce platform"



【電子商務】(電商)electronic commerce






3、本土化跨境電商平台:Flipkart印度 ,walmart沃爾瑪,yandex俄羅斯,new egg美國新蛋網,trademe紐西蘭,mercadolivre美蘭卡巴西,ali,dhgate,ipros。






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