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㈠ 一個法律專業詞彙的英語翻譯問題


Кондоминиум法律翻譯芻議 評

【關鍵詞】 Кондоминиум Condominium 建築物區分所有權
在羅馬人中所有權的早期稱謂是mancipium。而Proprietas(所有權)作為對物的最高權利的技術性術語,則是在帝國晚期主要相對於ususfructus(用益權)而被加以適用的, 它是指對物的最完全的支配權,英文中的property一詞即來源於它。而所有權的另一個稱謂dominium則更古老,但不那麼具有技術性,而且它也被用來指「家父」的一般權利或對任何權利的擁有。[6] 而家父的一般權的標的是相當廣泛的,「包括妻子、兒女、買入的市民、奴隸、牛馬和其它財物等」家長管轄下的一切人和物的總和。[7]
在1994年《俄羅斯聯邦民法典》中規定,在多套住宅房屋中,住宅所有人除擁有屬於他的住宅佔用的房舍外,房屋中共有財產所有權的份額也屬於他所有(第289條);多套住宅房屋中,承受房屋結構的公共房舍,在一套住宅內外為多套住宅服務的機械、電力、衛生設備和其他設備,屬於各住宅所有人按份共有;住宅所有人無權轉讓其住房中共有財產的所有權份額,也無權實施導致該份額脫離住宅所有權而單獨移轉的其他行為(第290條)。該按份「共有財產的共有權的一個特點是,該共有權是直接因為公民獲得具體的住房的所有權的事實而產生的。這樣,買方在購買多套住宅的具體的住房時在獲得具體住房的所有權的同時,也將成為住宅共有部分的共有權的參加者:共有房舍、支撐結構、住宅設備以及諸如此類」。[14] 俄羅斯聯邦民法典(中譯本)[15]忠實地按照俄語原文將квартира в многоквартирном доме 翻譯為「多套住宅房屋」,極為拗口,其實簡單地說,不過是在一幢大的建築物(дом)中,有許多被上下左右分割所有的成套的住宅(квартира),其實就是區分所有的建築物。[16]
俄羅斯有學者認為1996年6月5日俄羅斯聯邦法律《住宅所有人協會法》第5條「處於共管下的財產(имущество в кондоминиуме)應理解為統一的不動產財產綜合體,包括地基和坐落其上的住宅建築物,其他的不動產客體,其中可以劃分為用以居住和其他目的的幾個獨立部分(例如,安置商店、工作室)並屬於公民或者法人(住房所有人),而其他的部分(共有財產)屬於他們按共有份額所有。」[17]可見,俄羅斯的立法中也是認為кондоминиум包含了兩個部分的權利,一是屬於所有人專有的所有權,二是屬於全體所有權人按份共有的所有權,而且這兩部分所有權還是緊密地結合在一起的。

[3].[德國].茨威格特、克茨 著:比較法總論,貴州人民出版社1992年第1版,第526頁。
[4]. [德國].茨威格特、克茨 著:比較法總論,貴州人民出版社1992年第1版,第532頁。
[7].周木丹吳文翰 謝邦宇: 羅馬法,群眾出版社,1983年第1版,第94頁.
[10].劉澤榮 主編:俄漢大字典,商務印書館,1960年第1版. 第370頁.
[11].A.S.Homby: 牛津高階英漢雙解詞典,商務印書館,1997年9月第1版,第290頁.
[14].[俄羅斯]В. Р. Скрипко :Товарищество собственников жилья в российской федерация. 載於:Госудорство и право ,No.9. 24-28.
[15].黃道秀、李永軍、鄢一美 譯:俄羅斯聯邦民法典,中國大網路全書出版社,1999年2月第1版.第134-135頁.
[16].Гражданский кодекс российской федерации ,ООО 《Издательство》,2000-08-03.
[18].鄢一美:俄羅斯不動產物權變動及其登記制度的特點,較於《政法論壇》(中國政法大學學報), 2002年第2期,第139頁.

【學科類別】民商法學 -> 民法學(含婚姻家庭繼承法)

㈡ 有誰知道新會計各科目的英文翻譯

1 資產 assets
11~ 12 流動資產 current assets
111 現金及約當現金 cash and cash equivalents
1111 庫存現金 cash on hand
1112 零用金/周轉金 petty cash/revolving funds
1113 銀行存款 cash in banks
1116 在途現金 cash in transit
1117 約當現金 cash equivalents
1118 其它現金及 約當現金 other cash and cash equivalents
112 短期投資 short-term investment
1121 短期投資 -股票 short-term investments - stock
1122 短期投資 -短期票券 short-term investments - short-term notes and bills
1123 短期投資 -政府債券 short-term investments - government bonds
1124 短期投資 -受益憑證 short-term investments - beneficiary certificates
1125 短期投資 -公司債 short-term investments - corporate bonds
1128 短期投資 -其它 short-term investments - other
1129 備抵短期投資跌價損失 allowance for rection of short-term investment to market
113 應收票據 notes receivable
1131 應收票據 notes receivable
1132 應收票據貼現 discounted notes receivable
1137 應收票據 -關系人 notes receivable - related parties
1138 其它應收票據 other notes receivable
1139 備抵呆帳 -應收票據 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts- notes receivable
114 應收帳款 accounts receivable
1141 應收帳款 accounts receivable
1142 應收分期帳款 installment accounts receivable
1147 應收帳款 -關系人 accounts receivable - related parties
1149 備抵呆帳 -應收帳款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - accounts receivable
118 其它應收款 other receivables
1181 應收出售遠匯款 forward exchange contract receivable
1182 應收遠匯款 -外幣 forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies
1183 買賣遠匯折價 discount on forward ex-change contract
1184 應收收益 earned revenue receivable
1185 應收退稅款 income tax refund receivable
1187 其它應收款 - 關系人 other receivables - related parties
1188 其它應收款 - 其它 other receivables - other
1189 備抵呆帳 - 其它應收款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables
121~122 存貨 inventories
1211 商品存貨 merchandise inventory
1212 寄銷商品 consigned goods
1213 在途商品 goods in transit
1219 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for rection of inventory to market
1221 製成品 finished goods
1222 寄銷製成品 consigned finished goods
1223 副產品 by-procts
1224 在製品 work in process
1225 委外加工 work in process - outsourced
1226 原料 raw materials
1227 物料 supplies
1228 在途原物料 materials and supplies in transit
1229 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for rection of inventory to market
125 預付費用 prepaid expenses
1251 預付薪資 prepaid payroll
1252 預付租金 prepaid rents
1253 預付保險費 prepaid insurance
1254 用品盤存 office supplies
1255 預付所得稅 prepaid income tax
1258 其它預付費用 other prepaid expenses
126 預付款項 prepayments
1261 預付貨款 prepayment for purchases
1268 其它預付款項 other prepayments
128~129 其它流動資產 other current assets
1281 進項稅額 VAT paid ( or input tax)
1282 留抵稅額 excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT)
1283 暫付款 temporary payments
1284 代付款 payment on behalf of others
1285 員工借支 advances to employees
1286 存出保證金 refundable deposits
1287 受限制存款 certificate of deposit-restricted
1291 遞延所得稅資產 deferred income tax assets
1292 遞延兌換損失 deferred foreign exchange losses
1293 業主(股東)往來 owners'(stockholders') current account
1294 同業往來 current account with others
1298 其它流動資產-其它 other current assets - other
13 基金及長期投資 funds and long-term investments
131 基金 funds
1311 償債基金 redemption fund (or sinking fund)
1312 改良及擴充基金 fund for improvement and expansion
1313 意外損失准備基金 contingency fund
1314 退休基金 pension fund
1318 其它基金 other funds
132 長期投資 long-term investments
1321 長期股權投資 long-term equity investments
1322 長期債券投資 long-term bond investments
1323 長期不動產投資 long-term real estate in-vestments
1324 人壽保險現金解約價值 cash surrender value of life insurance
1328 其它長期投資 other long-term investments
1329 備抵長期投資跌價損失 allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments
14~ 15 固定資產 property , plant, and equipment
141 土地 land
1411 土地 land
1418 土地-重估增值 land - revaluation increments
142 土地改良物 land improvements
1421 土地改良物 land improvements
1428 土地改良物 -重估增值 land improvements - revaluation increments
1429 累積折舊 -土地改良物 accumulated depreciation - land improvements
143 房屋及建物 buildings
1431 房屋及建物 buildings
1438 房屋及建物 -重估增值 buildings -revaluation increments
1439 累積折舊 -房屋及建物 accumulated depreciation - buildings
144~146 機(器)具及設備 machinery and equipment
1441 機(器)具 machinery
1448 機(器)具 -重估增值 machinery - revaluation increments
1449 累積折舊 -機(器)具 accumulated depreciation - machinery
151 租賃資產 leased assets
1511 租賃資產 leased assets
1519 累積折舊 -租賃資產 accumulated depreciation - leased assets
152 租賃權益改良 leasehold improvements
1521 租賃權益改良 leasehold improvements
1529 累積折舊- 租賃權益改良 accumulated depreciation - leasehold improvements
156 未完工程及預付購置設備款 construction in progress and prepayments for equipment
1561 未完工程 construction in progress
1562 預付購置設備款 prepayment for equipment
158 雜項固定資產 miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment
1581 雜項固定資產 miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment
1588 雜項固定資產-重估增值 miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment - revaluation increments
1589 累積折舊- 雜項固定資產 accumulated depreciation - miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment
16 遞耗資產 depletable assets
161 遞耗資產 depletable assets
1611 天然資源 natural resources
1618 天然資源 -重估增值 natural resources -revaluation increments
1619 累積折耗 -天然資源 accumulated depletion - natural resources
17 無形資產 intangible assets
171 商標權 trademarks
1711 商標權 trademarks
172 專利權 patents
1721 專利權 patents
173 特許權 franchise
1731 特許權 franchise
174 著作權 right
1741 著作權 right
175 計算機軟體 computer software
1751 計算機軟體 computer software cost
176 商譽 goodwill
1761 商譽 goodwill
177 開辦費 organization costs
1771 開辦費 organization costs
178 其它無形資產 other intangibles
1781 遞延退休金成本 deferred pension costs
1782 租賃權益改良 leasehold improvements
1788 其它無形資產-其它 other intangible assets - other
18 其它資產 other assets
181 遞延資產 deferred assets
1811 債券發行成本 deferred bond issuance costs
1812 長期預付租金 long-term prepaid rent
1813 長期預付保險費 long-term prepaid insurance
1814 遞延所得稅資產 deferred income tax assets
1815 預付退休金 prepaid pension cost
1818 其它遞延資產 other deferred assets
182 閑置資產 idle assets
1821 閑置資產 idle assets
184 長期應收票據及款項與催收帳款 long-term notes , accounts and overe receivables
1841 長期應收票據 long-term notes receivable
1842 長期應收帳款 long-term accounts receivable
1843 催收帳款 overe receivables
1847 長期應收票據及款項與催收帳款-關系人 long-term notes, accounts and overe receivables- related parties
1848 其它長期應收款項 other long-term receivables
1849 備抵呆帳-長期應收票據及款項與催收帳款 allowance for uncollectible accounts - long-term notes, accounts and overe receivables
185 出租資產 assets leased to others
1851 出租資產 assets leased to others
1858 出租資產 -重估增值 assets leased to others - incremental value from revaluation
1859 累積折舊 -出租資產 accumulated depreciation - assets leased to others
186 存出保證金 refundable deposit
1861 存出保證金 refundable deposits
188 雜項資產 miscellaneous assets
1881 受限制存款 certificate of deposit - restricted
1888 雜項資產 -其它 miscellaneous assets - other

2 負債 liabilities
21~ 22 流動負債 current liabilities
211 短期借款 short-term borrowings(debt)
2111 銀行透支 bank overdraft
2112 銀行借款 bank loan
2114 短期借款 -業主 short-term borrowings - owners
2115 短期借款 -員工 short-term borrowings - employees
2117 短期借款 -關系人 short-term borrowings- related parties
2118 短期借款 -其它 short-term borrowings - other
212 應付短期票券 short-term notes and bills payable
2121 應付商業本票 commercial paper payable
2122 銀行承兌匯票 bank acceptance
2128 其它應付短期票券 other short-term notes and bills payable
2129 應付短期票券折價 discount on short-term notes and bills payable
213 應付票據 notes payable
2131 應付票據 notes payable
2137 應付票據 -關系人 notes payable - related parties
2138 其它應付票據 other notes payable
214 應付帳款 accounts pay able
2141 應付帳款 accounts payable
2147 應付帳款 -關系人 accounts payable - related parties
216 應付所得稅 income taxes payable
2161 應付所得稅 income tax payable
217 應付費用 accrued expenses
2171 應付薪工 accrued payroll
2172 應付租金 accrued rent payable
2173 應付利息 accrued interest payable
2174 應付營業稅 accrued VAT payable
2175 應付稅捐 -其它 accrued taxes payable- other
2178 其它應付費用 other accrued expenses payable
218~219 其它應付款 other payables
2181 應付購入遠匯款 forward exchange contract payable
2182 應付遠匯款 -外幣 forward exchange contract payable - foreign currencies
2183 買賣遠匯溢價 premium on forward exchange contract
2184 應付土地房屋款 payables on land and building purchased
2185 應付設備款 Payables on equipment
2187 其它應付款 -關系人 other payables - related parties
2191 應付股利 dividend payable
2192 應付紅利 bonus payable
2193 應付董監事酬勞 compensation payable to directors and supervisors
2198 其它應付款 -其它 other payables - other
226 預收款項advance receipts
2261 預收貨款 sales revenue received in advance
2262 預收收入 revenue received in advance
2268 其它預收款 other advance receipts
227 一年或一營業周期內到期長期負債 long-term liabilities -current portion
2271 一年或一營業周期內到期公司債 corporate bonds payable - current portion
2272 一年或一營業周期內到期長期借款 long-term loans payable - current portion
2273 一年或一營業周期內到期長期應付票據及款項 long-term notes and accounts payable e within one year or one operating cycle
2277 一年或一營業周期內到期長期應付票據及款項-關系人 long-term notes and accounts payables to related parties - current portion
2278 其它一年或一營業周期內到期長期負債 other long-term lia- bilities - current portion
228~229 其它流動負債 other current liabilities
2281 銷項稅額 VAT received(or output tax)
2283 暫收款 temporary receipts
2284 代收款 receipts under custody
2285 估計售後服務/保固負債 estimated warranty liabilities
2291 遞延所得稅負債 deferred income tax liabilities
2292 遞延兌換利益 deferred foreign exchange gain
2293 業主(股東)往來 owners' current account
2294 同業往來 current account with others
2298 其它流動負債-其它 other current liabilities - others
23 長期負債 long-term liabilities
231 應付公司債 corporate bonds payable
2311 應付公司債 corporate bonds payable
2319 應付公司債溢(折)價 premium(discount) on corporate bonds payable
232 長期借款 long-term loans payable
2321 長期銀行借款 long-term loans payable - bank
2324 長期借款 -業主 long-term loans payable - owners
2325 長期借款 -員工 long-term loans payable - employees
2327 長期借款 -關系人 long-term loans payable - related parties
2328 長期借款 -其它 long-term loans payable - other
233 長期應付票據及款項 long-term notes and accounts payable
2331 長期應付票據 long-term notes payable
2332 長期應付帳款 long-term accounts pay-able
2333 長期應付租賃負債 long-term capital lease liabilities
2337 長期應付票據及款項 -關系人 Long-term notes and accounts payable - related parties
2338 其它長期應付款項 other long-term payables
234 估計應付土地增值稅 accrued liabilities for land value increment tax
2341 估計應付土地增值稅 estimated accrued land value incremental tax pay-able
235 應計退休金負債 accrued pension liabilities
2351 應計退休金負債 accrued pension liabilities
238 其它長期負債 other long-term liabilities
2388 其它長期負債-其它 other long-term liabilities - other
28 其它負債 other liabilities
281 遞延負債 deferred liabilities
2811 遞延收入 deferred revenue
2814 遞延所得稅負債 deferred income tax liabilities
2818 其它遞延負債 other deferred liabilities
286 存入保證金 deposits received
2861 存入保證金 guarantee deposit received
288 雜項負債 miscellaneous liabilities
2888 雜項負債 -其它 miscellaneous liabilities - other

3 所有者權益 owners' equity
31 資本 capital
311 資本(或股本) capital
3111 普通股股本 capital - common stock
3112 特別股股本 capital - preferred stock
3113 預收股本 capital collected in advance
3114 待分配股票股利 stock dividends to be distributed
3115 資本 capital
32 資本公積 additional paid-in capital
321 股票溢價 paid-in capital in excess of par
3211 普通股股票溢價 paid-in capital in excess of par- common stock
3212 特別股股票溢價 paid-in capital in excess of par- preferred stock
323 資產重估增值准備 capital surplus from assets revaluation
3231 資產重估增值准備 capital surplus from assets revaluation
324 處分資產溢價公積 capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets
3241 處分資產溢價公積 capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets
325 合並公積 capital surplus from business combination
3251 合並公積 capital surplus from business combination
326 受贈公積 donated surplus
3261 受贈公積 donated surplus
328 其它資本公積 other additional paid-in capital
3281 權益法長期股權投資資本公積 additional paid-in capital from investee under equity method
3282 資本公積- 庫藏股票交易 additional paid-in capital - treasury stock trans-actions
33 保留盈餘(或累積虧損) retained earnings (accumulated deficit)
331 法定盈餘公積 legal reserve
3311 法定盈餘公積 legal reserve
332 特別盈餘公積 special reserve
3321 意外損失准備 contingency reserve
3322 改良擴充准備 improvement and expansion reserve
3323 償債准備 special reserve for redemption of liabilities
3328 其它特別盈餘公積 other special reserve
335 未分配盈餘(或累積虧損) retained earnings-unappropriated (or accumulated deficit)
3351 累積盈虧 accumulated profit or loss
3352 前期損益調整 prior period adjustments
3353 本期損益 net income or loss for current period
34 權益調整 equity adjustments
341 長期股權投資未實現跌價損失 unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments
3411 長期股權投資未實現跌價損失 unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments
342 累積換算調整數 cumulative translation adjustment
3421 累積換算調整數 cumulative translation adjustments
343 未認列為退休金成本之凈損失 net loss not recognized as pension cost
3431 未認列為退休金成本之凈損失 net loss not recognized as pension costs
35 庫藏股 treasury stock
351 庫藏股 treasury stock
3511 庫藏股 treasury stock
36 少數股權 minority interest
361 少數股權 minority interest
3611 少數股權 minority interest

4 營業收入 operating revenue
41 銷貨收入 sales revenue
411 銷貨收入 sales revenue
4111 銷貨收入 sales revenue
4112 分期付款銷貨收入 installment sales revenue
417 銷貨退回 sales return
4171 銷貨退回 sales return
419 銷貨折讓 sales allowances
4191 銷貨折讓 sales discounts and allowances
46 勞務收入 service revenue
461 勞務收入 service revenue
4611 勞務收入 service revenue
47 業務收入 agency revenue
471 業務收入 agency revenue
4711 業務收入 agency revenue
48 其它營業收入 other operating revenue
488 其它營業收入-其它 other operating revenue
4888 其它營業收入-其它 other operating revenue - other

㈢ 財務報表英語翻譯

a flat percentage rate of income 統一比率的所得稅稅率.
a long position 多頭部位,利多形勢.
a long position 多頭寸;買進的期貨合同.
a put option on a debt security 債務證券的賣出期權.
a sales slip 簽購單據,售貨清單.
a short position 空頭部位,短缺頭寸.
a short position 空頭;賣出的期貨合同.
a tax return 稅務申報表.
abnormal depreciation 特別折舊.
abnormal spoilage 非正常損壞.
aboriginal cost 原始成本.
acceptance bank 票據承兌行
acceptance method 承兌方式.
acceptance risks 承兌風險.
accepting bank 承兌銀行
accessory risks 附加保險,附加險.
accident insurance 意外保險.(不包括海上,火災和人壽保險).
accommodation of funds 資金融通.
accompany vt. 附帶,伴隨,陪同
account charges 賬戶費用
account current (A/C,a/c) 往來帳戶
account number (A/N) 帳號
account statement 帳戶清單
accounting exposure 會計風險.
accounting risks 會計風險.
accounting value 帳面價值.
accounts of assured 保險帳戶.
accrued bond interest 應計債券利息
accrued depreciation 應計折舊.
accrued dividend 應計股利
acknowledgement of declaration (under op預約保險申報確認書.
active securities 熱頭股票,活躍的證券
actual cash value (保險用語)實際現金價值.
actual rate 實際匯率
adaptive expectations 適應性預期.
additional insurance 加保,附加保險.
additional reserve 追加准備金
additional reserve 追加准備金
additional reserve 追加准備金
adjustable policy 可調整的保險單.
adjustable premium 可調整的保險費.
adjusted debit balance 已調整的借方余額
advance payment of premium 預繳保險費.
advance-decline theory 漲跌理論
adverse exchange 逆匯,逆匯兌
advice of drawing 提款通知書
advising bank 通知銀行
affiliated bank 聯行
affiliated person 關聯人
aftermarket 次級市場
agent for collection 托收代理銀行
Agricultural Bank of China 中國農業銀行
agricultural loans 農業貸款
agricultural(animal husbandry)tax 農(牧)業稅.
allowance for doubtful debt 備抵呆帳款項
allowance for doubtful debt 備抵呆帳款項
allowance for doubtful debt 備抵呆帳款項
alternative (either/or) order 選擇指令
American Express card 運通卡.
American terms 美國標價法
amount in figures 小寫金額
amount in words 大寫金額
annual membership es 年費.
application form for a banking account 銀行開戶申請書
appointed bank 外匯指定銀行
appreciation of exchange rate 匯率升值
arbitrage 套利
arbitrage 套購,套利,套匯.
arbitrage of exchange 套匯
arbitrage of exchange or stock 套匯或套股.
arbitrage opportunity 套價機會.
arbitrage risks 套匯風險.
as agent 做代理
as principal 做自營
Asian Development Fund (ADB) 亞洲開發銀行
ask price = asking price = offer price =出售價,報價,開價,出價
ask-bid system 競價系統
assessment of loss 估損.
assets insurance 資產保險.
assignment of policy 保單轉讓.
assumption of risk 承擔風險.
asymmetry 不對稱.
at owner's risk 風險由貨主負擔.
at-the-close order 收盤指令
at-the-market 按市價
at-the-money 平值期權.
at-the-opening (opening only) order 開盤指令
auction marketplace 拍賣市場
automated teller machines (24 hours a da自動取款機(24小時服務)
automatic transfers between accounts 自動轉帳
average 平均數
baby bond 小額債券
back spreads 反套利.
back wardation 現貨溢價.
balance n. 結余,差額,平衡
bank balance 存款余額
bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必備)儲備的銀行存款余額
bank deposit 銀行存款
Bank of China 中國銀行
Bank of Communications 交通銀行
bank of deposit 存款銀行
bank of the government 政府的銀行
banker's association 銀行協會
banker's bank 中央銀行
banker's guarantee 銀行擔保.
bank's buying rate 銀行買入價
bank's selling rate 銀行賣出價
banks with business dealing with the cen中央銀行的往來銀行
Barclay card 巴克萊銀行信用卡.
base rate 基本匯價
basis order 基差訂單.
basis risk 基差風險.
bear market 熊市
bear operation 賣空行為
bear raiders 大量拋空者
beneficial owner 受益所有人
beneficiary of insurance 保險金受益人.
best-efforts offering 盡力推銷(代銷)發行
bid and ask prices 買入和賣出價
bid and ask spread 買賣差價
bid price = buying price 買價
bid-ask spread 遞盤虛盤差價.
big board 大行情牌
big slump 大衰退(暴跌).
bill-paying services 代付帳款
black market 黑市
black market financing 黑市籌資.
black money 黑錢
blanket mortgage 總括抵押.
block positioner 大宗頭寸商
blowout 暢銷
blue-chip stocks 藍籌股
board of arbitration 仲裁委員會
board of governors 理事會
bond fund 債券基金
borrowing from affiliates 向聯營公司借款.
borrowing power of securities 證券貸款能力
borrowing risks 借款風險.
bought deal 包銷
bread and butter business 基本業務
breadth index 寬度指數
break-even 不虧不盈,收支相抵.
breakout 突破
bridging finance 過渡性融資.
broker 經紀人,掮客
brokerage 經紀人傭金
brokerage 經紀業;付給經紀人的傭金.
brokerage firm 經紀商(號).
broker's loan 經紀人貸款
broking house 經紀人事務所
building agreement 具有約束力的協定.
building tax (tax on construction) 建築稅.
bullish 行情看漲
business insurance 企業保險.
business risk 營業風險.
business savings 企業儲蓄
business tax 營業稅.
business term loan 企業長期貸款
bust-up risks 破產風險.
buyer's risks 買方風險.
call (option) 買方期權,看漲期權.
call and put options 買入期權和賣出期權.
call for funds 控股,集資
call loan transaction 短期拆放往來.
call market 活期存款市場
call money 拆放款.
call options on an equity 權益(證券)的買入期權.
call-options 認購期權.
cancellation 取消
cancellation money 解約金.
cap 帶利率上限的期權.
capital assets 資本資產.
capital lease 資本租賃.
capital market 信貸市場,資本市場
capital resources 資本來源
capital surplus 資本盈餘
capital transfer 資本轉移
capital turnover rate 資本周轉率
card issuing institution 發卡單位.
carefully selected applicant 經仔細選定的申請人.
cargo insurance 貨物保險.
cash 現金,現款.v.兌現,付現款.
cash a cheque 支票兌現.
cash account 現金帳戶
cash account 現金帳戶.
cash account 現金帳戶
cash advance 差旅預支款.
cash against bill of lading 憑提單付現.
cash against documents(C.A.D.) 憑單付現,憑單據付現金=document against cash.
cash and carry 付現自運;現金交易和運輸自理;現購自運商店.
cash and carry wholesale 付現自運批發.
cash assets 現金資產.
cash audit 現金審核
cash audit 現金審核,現金審計.
cash balance 現金余額,現款結存.
cash basis 現金制
cash basis 現金制,現金基礎.
cash basis accounting 現金收付會計制
cash basis accounting 現金收付會計制.
cash before delivery(C.B.D.) 空貨前付款,付款後交貨,付現款交貨.
cash bonus 現金紅利.
cash book 現金簿;現金帳;現金出納帳.
cash boy 送款員.
cash budget 現金預算
cash budget 現金預算.
cash card1 (銀行)自動提款卡.
cash card2 現金卡.
cash claim 現金索賠.
cash collection basis 收現法,收現制.
cash credit 活期信用放款,現金付出.
cash credit slip 現金支出傳票.
cash currency 現金通貨.
cash cycle 現金循環,現金周期.
cash day 付款日.
cash debit slip 現金收入傳票.
cash department (商業機構中的)出納部=counting-house.
cash deposit 現金存款;保證金.
cash deposit as collateral 保證金,押金.
cash desk (商店,飯館的)付款處.
cash disbursements 現金支出.
cash discount (c.d.) 現金折扣,付現折扣=settlement discount.
cash dispenser (美)自動提款機=cashomat.
cash dividend 現金股利
cash down 即付,付現.
cash equivalent value 現金等值,現金相等價值.
cash flow 資金流動
cash flow 現金流動.
cash flow stream 現金流(量).
cash holdings 庫存現金
cash holdings 庫存現金.
cash in advance (c.i.a.) 預付現金.
cash in bank 存銀行現金,銀行存款.
cash in hand (商行的)手頭現金,庫存現金=cash on hand.
cash in transit 在途現金,在運現金.
cash in transit policy 現金運送保險單.
cash in treasury 庫存現金.
cash invoice 現購發票.
cash items 現金帳項,現金科目.
cash journal 現金日記簿.
cash liquidity 現金流動(情況);現金周轉.
cash loan 現金貸款.
cash management services 現金管理業務
cash market 現金交易市場,現貨市場,付現市場.
cash nexus 現金交易關系.
cash on arrival 貨到付現,貨到付款.
cash on bank 銀行存款;銀行付款;現金支票付款.
cash on deliver (C.O.D) (英)交貨付款,現款交貨=collect on delivery.
cash on delivery (COD) 交割付款
cash order(C/O) 現金訂貨.
cash paid book 現金支出簿.
cash payment 現金支付
cash payment 現金付款,現付.
cash payments journal 現金支出日記帳.
cash position 頭寸
cash position 現金狀況,現金頭寸.
cash price 現金售價,現金付款價格.
cash purchase 現購,現金購買.
cash railway (商店中的)貨款傳送線.
cash ratio 現金比率.
cash receipts (CR) 現金收入.
cash receipts journal 現金收入日記帳.
cash records 現金記錄.
cash register 現金登記機,現金收入記錄機,收銀機.
cash remittance 匯款單;解款單.
cash remittance note 現金解款單,解款單.
cash requirement 現金需要量.
cash reserve 現金儲備(金).
cash resources 現金資源,現金來源.
cash resources (reserves) 現金准備
cash sale 現售,現金銷售=sale by real cash.
cash sale invoice 現銷發票,現售發票.
cash settlement 現金結算,現匯結算.
cash short and over 現金尾差,清點現金余差;現金短溢.
cash slip 現金傳票.
cash statement 現金報表,(現金)庫存表.
cash ticket 現銷票,門市發票.
cash transaction 現金交易.
cash verification 現金核實,現金核查.
cash voucher 現金憑單;現金收據.
cash with order (c.w.o., C.W.O.) 訂貨時付款,訂貨付現,落單付現.
cash without discount 付現無折扣.
cash yield discount 現金獲利率,現金收益率.
cash-and-carry arbitrage 現貨持有套利.
cashier 出納員,收支員.
cashier's cheque (C.C.) 銀行本票=cashier's order.
central rate 中心匯率(一國貨幣對美元的匯率,並據此計算對其他貨幣的匯率)
certificate of balance 存款憑單
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 大額定期存款單
certificated security 實物證券
certificates of deposit (CDs) 大面額存款單
certifying bank 付款保證銀行
change hands 交換,換手.
chartered bank 特許銀行
chattel 動產.
chattel mortgage 動產抵押.
chattel mortgage 動產抵押.
chattel mortgage bond (美)動產抵押(公司)債券.
chattel personal (私人)動產.
chattel real 准不動產(土地權等).
check certificate 檢驗證明書.
check deposit 支票存款
check list (核對用的)清單.
check sheet 對帳單.
checking account 支票帳戶.
checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款
checking reserve 支票現金儲備.
checkstand (超級市場的)點貨收款台.
cheque (payable) to bearer 來人支票,不記名支票.
cheque book 支票簿.
cheque book stub 支票簿存根.
cheque card 支票卡.
cheque collection 支票兌取.
cheque collector 支票兌取人.
cheque crossed 劃線支票.
cheque crossed generally 普通劃線支票.
cheque crossed specially 特別劃線支票.
cheque deposit 支票存款.
cheque drawer 支票出票人.
cheque holder 支票執票人.
cheque only for account 轉帳支票.
cheque payable at sight 見票即付支票.
cheque protector 支票銀碼機.
cheque rate 票據匯兌匯率,票匯價格=sight rate ,short rate.
cheque register 支票登記簿.
cheque returned 退票,退回的支票.
cheque signer 支票簽名機.
cheque stub 支票存根.
cheque to order 記名支票,指定人支票.
China Investment Bank 中國投資銀行
circulation risks 流通風險.
circulation tax (turnover tax) 流轉稅.
city bank 城市銀行
claim a refound 索賠.
clean collections 光票托收
clearing bank 清算銀行
clearing house 清算所.
clearinghouse 清算公司,票據交換所.
close out 平倉,結清(賬).
closed and mortgage 閉口抵押.
closing order 收市價訂單.
closing rate 收盤價
closing transaction 平倉交易
collar 帶利率上下限的期權.
collateral loan 抵押借款.
collecting bank 托收銀行
collecting bank 托收銀行
collecting bank 代收行
collection instructions 委託(托收的)單據
collection items 托收業務,托收項目
collection of trade charges 托收貨款
collection on clean bill 光票托收
collection on documents 跟單托收
collection order 托收委託書
collection risk 托收風險
collection risks 托收風險.
collection service 托收服務
collective-owned enterprise bonus tax 集體企業獎金稅.
collective-owned enterprise income tax 集體企業所得稅.
commercial and instrial loans 工商貸款
commercial deposit 商業存款
commercial paper 商業票據
commercial paper house 經營商業票據的商號
commercial risk 商業風險.
commercial terms 商業條件.
commission 傭金
commodity futures 商品期貨.
commodity insurance 商品保險.
common collateral 共同擔保.
common fund 共同基金
common stock 普通股
common trust fund 共同信託基金
compensatory financing 補償性融資.
competitive risks 競爭風險.
composite depreciation 綜合折舊.
compound interest 復利
compound rate 復利率
compound rate deposit 復利存款
comprehensive insurance 綜合保險.
condominium 公寓私有共有方式.
confirming bank 保兌銀行
congestion area 震盪區
congestion tape 統一自動行情顯示
conservatism and liquidity 穩健性與流動性
consortium bank 銀團銀行
constructure risk 建設風險.
consumer financing 消費融資.
contingent risks 或有風險.
contract money 合同保證金.
contract size 合約容量.
contracts of difference 差異合約.
contractual value 合同價格.
controlled rates 控制的匯率
converge 集聚,(為共同利益而)結合一起.
conversion 匯兌,兌換
convertible currency 可兌換的貨幣
cooling-off period 等待期
cooperative financing 合作金融.
cornering the market 操縱市場
corners 壟斷.
corporate deposits 法人存款
correspondent 代理行
cost of maintenance 維修費.
counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策
counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策
counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策
cover 彌補,補進(賣完的商品等).
cover 彌補(損失等);負擔(開支);補進(商品或股票等);保險.
coverage 承保險別;保險總額;范圍保險.
coverage ratio 償債能力比率.
cover-note 暫保單;投保通知單.
credit 信用,信貸.
credit account (C.A., C/A) 賒帳=open account2
credit agreement 信貸協定.
credit amount 信貸金額;賒帳金額;信用證金額.
credit analysis 信用分析.
credit balance 貸方余額,結欠,貸余.
credit bank 信貸銀行
credit beneficiary 信用證受益人.
credit business 賒售,信用買賣.
credit buying 賒購.
credit capital 信貸資本.
credit cards 信用卡
credit control 信用控制
credit control 信用控制
credit control 信用控制
credit control instrument 信用調節手段
credit control instrument 信用調節手段
credit control instrument 信用調節手段
credit expansion 信用擴張
credit expansion 信用擴張
credit expansion 信用擴張
credit extending policy 融資方針
credit extending policy 融資方針
credit extending policy 融資方針
credit facility 信用透支.
credit limit 信用額度.
credit restriction 信用限額.
credit risk 信用風險.
credit union 信用合作社
creditor bank 債權銀行
crop up (out) 出現,呈現.
cross hedge 交叉套做.
cross hedging 交叉保值.
cum dividend 附息
cum rights 含權
cumulative preferred stock 累積優先股
currency futures 外幣期貨.
currency futures contract 貨幣期貨合約.
current fund 流動基金
current futures price 現時的期貨價格.
current ratio 流動比率
current ratio 流動比率
current ratio 流動比率
customize 按顧客的具體要求製作.
customs ty(tariffs) 關稅.
D/D (Banker's Demand Draft) 票匯
daily interest 日息
daily limit 每日漲(跌)停板.
date of delivery 交割期.
dealers 批發商.
death and gift tax 遺產和贈與稅.
debt of honour 信用借款.
debtor bank 借方銀行
decision-making under risk 風險下的決策.
deed 契約.
deed tax 契稅.
deferred savings 定期存款
deficit covering 彌補赤字
deficit covering 彌補赤字
deficit covering 彌補赤字
deficit-covering finance 赤字財政
deficit-covering finance 赤字財政
deficit-covering finance 赤字財政
deflation 通貨緊縮
deflation 通貨緊縮
deflation 通貨緊縮
delivery date 交割日
demand pull inflation 需求拉動通貨膨脹
demand pull inflation 需求拉動通貨膨脹
demand pull inflation 需求拉動通貨膨脹
demand shift inflation 需求變動型通貨膨脹
demand shift inflation 需求變動型通貨膨脹
demand shift inflation 需求變動型通貨膨脹
demand-deposit or checking-accounts 活期存款或支票帳戶
deposit account 存款帳戶
deposit account (D/A) 存款帳戶
deposit at call 通知存款
deposit bank 存款銀行
deposit money 存款貨幣
deposit rate 存款利率
deposit turnover 存款周轉率
depreciation risks 貶值風險.
derivative deposit 派生存款
derived deposit 派生存款
designated currency 指定貨幣
deutsche marks (=DM) 西德馬克
devaluation of dollar 美元貶值
developer 發展商.
Development Bank 開發銀行
development financing 發展融資.
devise 遺贈.
die intestate 死時沒有遺囑.
Diners card 大萊信用卡.
direct exchange 直接匯兌
direct financing 直接融資.
direct hedging 直接套做.
direct leases 直接租賃.
direct taxation 直接稅.
discount credit 貼現融資.
discount market 貼現市場
discount on bills 票據貼現.
discount paid 已付貼現額.
discounted cash flow 凈現金量
discounting bank 貼現銀行
dishonour risks 拒付風險.
disintermediation 脫媒.
distant futures 遠期期貨.
diversification 分散投資
dividends 紅利
document of title 物權單據
documentary collection 跟單托收
Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兌交單
Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交單
domestic correspondent 國內通匯銀行
domestic deposit 國內存款
domestic exchange 國內匯兌
double leasing 雙重租賃.
double mortgage 雙重抵押.
double option 雙向期權.
Dow Jones average 道·瓊斯平均數
down payment 首期.
downgrade 降級
downside 下降趨勢.
downtick 跌點交易
Dragon card 龍卡.
draw 提款
draw cheque 簽發票據.
drawee bank 付款銀行
drawing account 提款帳戶
al exchange market 雙重外匯市場
al trading 雙重交易.
e from other funds 應收其他基金款
e to other funds 應付其他基金款
mping 拋售
early warning system 預警系統
easy credit 放鬆信貸
easy credit 放鬆信貸
easy credit 放鬆信貸
economic exposure 經濟風險.
efficient portfolio 有效證券組合
electronic accounting machine 電子記帳機
electronic cash 電子現金.
electronic cash register 電子收款機
electronic debts 電子借貸
electronic funds transfer 電子資金轉帳.
electronic transfer 電子轉帳
emergency tariff 非常關稅.
encumbrance 債權(在不動產上設定的債權).
endorsement for collection 托收背書.
engage in arbitrage (to) 套匯
entity n. 單位,整體,個體
entrance fee 申請費.
equalization fund (外匯)平衡基金
equipment leasing services 設備租賃業務
equity portfolio 股票資產.
establishing bank 開證銀行
ethics risks 道德風險.
Euro-bank 歐洲銀行
Eurocard 歐洲系統卡.
European terms 歐洲標價法
evaluation of property 房產估價.
evasion of foreign currency 逃匯
exception clause 免責條款.
excess insurance 超額保險.
exchange adjustment 匯率調整
exchange alteration 更改匯率
exchange arbitrage 外匯套利
exchange bank 外匯銀行
exchange broker 外匯經紀人
exchange brokerage 外匯經紀人傭金
exchange business 外匯業務
exchange clearing agreement 外匯結算協定
exchange clearing system 匯結算制
exchange competition 外匯競爭
exchange contract 外匯成交單
exchange control 外匯管制
exchange convertibility 外匯兌換
exchange customs 交易所慣例
exchange depreciation 外匯下降
exchange mping 匯率傾銷
exchange mping 匯率傾銷.
exchange fluctuations 匯價變動
exchange for forward delivery 遠期外匯業務
exchange for spot delivery 即期外匯業務
exchange freedom 外匯自由兌換
exchange loss 匯率損失
exchange parity 外匯平價
exchange position 外匯頭寸
exchange position 外匯頭寸;外匯動態.
exchange premium 外匯升水
exchange profit 外匯利潤
exchange proviso clause 外匯保值條款
exchange quota system 外匯配額制
exchange rate 匯價
exchange rate fluctuations 外匯匯價的波動
exchange rate parity 外匯兌換的固定匯率
exchange rate risks 外匯匯率風險.
exchange reserves 外匯儲備
exchange restrictions 外匯限制
exchange risk 外匯風險
exchange risk 兌換風險.
exchange settlement 結匯
exchange speculation 外匯投機
exchange stability 匯率穩定
exchange surrender certificate 外匯移轉證
exchange transactions 外匯交易
exchange value 外匯價值
exchange war 外匯戰
excise 貨物稅,消費稅.
exercise date 執行日
exercise price, striking price 履約價格,認購價格.
expenditure tax 支出稅.
expenditure tax regime 支出稅稅制.
expenses incurred in the purchase 購買物業開支.

㈣ 誰幫我翻譯ebay美國站上面所有分類的英語(包括子分類)

All Categories所有類別
Antiques 古董
Antiquities 古物
Architectural & Garden 建築及花園
Asian Antiques 亞洲古董
Books & Manuscripts 圖書和手稿
Decorative Arts 裝飾藝術
Ethnographic 民族志
Furniture 傢具
Home & Hearth 家庭及爐膛
Linens & Textiles (Pre-1930) 床上用品及紡織品(前1930年)
Maps, Atlases & Globes 地圖,地圖集和金球獎
Maritime 海事
Mercantile, Trades & Factories 商業,貿易及工廠
Musical Instruments (Pre-1930) 樂器(前1930年)
Periods & Styles 期間與風格
Primitives 原語
Restoration & Care 修復及護理
Rugs & Carpets 毛毯及地毯
Science & Medicine (Pre-1930) 科學和醫療(前1930年)
Sewing (Pre-1930) 縫紉機(前1930年)
Silver 銀
Reproction Antiques 復制古董
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Art 藝術
Direct from the Artist 直接從藝術品
Art from Dealers & Resellers 從經銷商與分銷商那裡的藝術品
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Baby 嬰兒
Baby Gear 嬰兒用品
Baby Safety & Health 嬰兒安全健康
Bathing & Grooming 沐浴美容
Car Safety Seats 汽車安全座椅
Diapering 換尿布
Feeding 喂養
Keepsakes & Baby Announcements 紀念品及嬰兒公告
Nursery Bedding 幼兒園床上用品
Nursery Decor 托兒所裝飾
Nursery Furniture 托兒所傢具
Potty Training 廁所訓練
Strollers 嬰兒車
Toys for Baby 嬰兒玩具
Other 其他
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Books 圖書
Accessories 配件
Antiquarian & Collectible 古玩及收藏品
Audiobooks 有聲讀物
Catalogs 目錄
Children & Young Alts 兒童&青少年
Cookbooks 美食菜譜
Fiction & Literature 小說與文學
Magazine Back Issues 雜志文章
Nonfiction 非虛構
Textbooks, Ecation 教科書,教育
Wholesale & Bulk Lots 整批貨物的批發和
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Business & Instrial 商業及工業
Agriculture & Forestry 農林
Businesses & Websites for Sale 企業及買賣網站
Construction 建設
Electrical & Test Equipment 電器及測試設備
Fuel & Energy 燃料與能源
Healthcare, Lab & Life Science 醫療,實驗室與生命科學
Instrial Supply & MRO 工業供應及航空維修
Manufacturing & Metalworking 製造和金屬加工
Office 辦公室
Packing & Shipping 包裝與運輸
Printing & Graphic Arts 印刷和圖形藝術
Restaurant & Catering 餐廳及餐飲
Retail & Services 零售及服務
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Cameras & Photo 相機及攝影器材
Binoculars & Telescopes 雙筒望遠鏡和天文望遠鏡
Camcorders 攝像機
Camcorder Accessories 攝像機配件
Camera Accessories 相機配件
Camera Parts & Repair 照相機零件和維修
Darkroom & Developing 暗室與開發
Digital Cameras 數碼相機
Film Cameras 膠片相機
Film 電影
Flashes 閃爍
Lenses & Filters 鏡頭和濾鏡
Lighting & Studio Equipment 照明與錄音室設備
Manuals, Guides & Books 使用手冊,指南及書籍
Photo Albums, Display, Storage 相冊,顯示,存儲
Photo Printers & Paper 照片列印機和紙
Professional Video Equipment 專業視頻設備
Projection Equipment 投影設備
Stock Photography & Footage 商業攝影及影片
Tripods & Supports 三腳架及支援
Vintage Movie & Photography 老式電影及攝影
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Cell Phones & PDAs 手機與PDA
Cell Phones & Smartphones 行動電話和智能電話
Bluetooth Accessories 藍牙配件
Cell Phone & PDA Accessories 手機及PDA配件
PDAs & Pocket PCs 掌上電腦及掌上電腦
Phone Cards & SIM Cards 電話卡及SIM卡
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Clothing, Shoes & Accessories 服裝,鞋類及配件
Costumes & Reenactment Attire 服裝及服飾重演
Cultural & Ethnic Clothing 文化及民族服飾
Infants & Toddlers 嬰幼兒和幼兒
Boys 男孩
Girls 女孩
Men's Accessories 男裝配飾
Men's Clothing 男士服裝
Men's Shoes 男鞋
Uniforms 制服
Unisex Clothing, Shoes & Accs 中性服裝,鞋類及貨物清關系統
Wedding Apparel & Accessories 婚禮服裝和服裝配飾
Women's Accessories 女裝配飾
Women's Clothing 女裝
Women's Handbags & Bags 婦女的手提包和手袋
Women's Shoes 女鞋
Vintage 葡萄酒
Wholesale, Large & Small Lots 批發,大型和小型地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Coins & Paper Money 硬幣和紙幣
Bullion 貴金屬
Coins: US 硬幣:美國
Coins: Canada 硬幣:加拿大
Coins: Ancient 硬幣:古代
Coins: World 硬幣:世界
Exonumia Exonumia
Paper Money: US 紙幣:美國
Paper Money: World 紙幣:世界
Publications & Supplies 刊物及用品
Stocks & Bonds, Scripophily 股票和債券,Scripophily
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Collectibles 收藏品
Advertising 廣告
Animals 動物
Animation Art & Characters 動畫藝術與特徵
Arcade, Jukeboxes & Pinball 商場,唱機及彈珠
Autographs 簽名
Banks, Registers & Vending 銀行,注冊和自動售貨機
Barware 酒具
Beads 珠
Bottles & Insulators 瓶及絕緣子
Breweriana, Beer Breweriana,啤酒
Casino 卡西諾
Clocks 時鍾
Comics 漫畫
Cultures & Ethnicities 文化與民族
Decorative Collectibles 裝飾收藏品
Disneyana Disneyana
Fantasy, Mythical & Magic 幻想,神話與魔術
Historical Memorabilia 歷史大事記
Holiday & Seasonal 假日與季節
Kitchen & Home 廚房與家庭
Knives, Swords & Blades 刀,劍及刀片
Lamps, Lighting 燈具,照明
Linens & Textiles (1930-Now) 床單及紡織(1930 -現在)
Metalware 金屬製品
Militaria 軍備
Paper 紙
Pens & Writing Instruments 筆與書寫工具
Pez, Keychains, Promo Glasses 佩斯,鑰匙扣,促銷眼鏡
Photographic Images 攝影作品
Pinbacks, Bobbles, Lunchboxes Pinbacks,絨球,飯盒
Postcards 明信片
Radio, Phonograph, TV, Phone 收音機,留聲機,電視,電話
Religion & Spirituality 宗教和靈性
Rocks, Fossils & Minerals 岩石,化石與礦物
Science Fiction & Horror 科幻小說與恐怖
Science & Medicine (1930-Now) 科學和醫療(1930 -現在)
Sewing (1930-Now) 縫紉機(1930 -現在)
Souvenirs & Travel Memorabilia 紀念品及旅遊大事記
Tobacciana Tobacciana
Tools, Hardware & Locks 工具,五金鎖具
Trading Cards 交易卡
Transportation 交通運輸
Vanity, Perfume & Shaving 虛榮,香水及剃須
Vintage, Retro, Mid-Century 復古,懷舊,到本世紀中葉
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Computers & Networking 計算機與網路
Apple Desktops 蘋果台式機
Apple Laptops & Notebooks 蘋果筆記本電腦和筆記本電腦
PC Desktops 電腦台式機
PC Laptops & Netbooks 筆記型電腦和上網本
Servers 伺服器
Computer Components 電腦組件
Computer Accessories 電腦配件
Drives & Storage 驅動器和存儲
Keyboards, Mice & Input 鍵盤,滑鼠及輸入
Monitors & Projectors 顯示器及投影機
Networking & Communications 網路與通訊
Printers 列印機
Printer Supplies & Accessories 列印機耗材及配件
Scanners 掃描儀
Software 軟體
Technology Books & Resources 科技書刊及資源
Vintage Computing 老式計算機
Web Domains & Services 網站域名及服務
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Crafts 工藝品
Art Supplies 美術用品
Beads & Jewelry Making 珠子飾品製作
Glass & Mosaics 玻璃馬賽克
Handcrafted & Finished Pieces 手工及成品件
Home Arts & Crafts 主頁工藝品
Kids' Crafts 兒童工藝品
Multi-Purpose Craft Supplies 多用途船用品
Needlecrafts & Yarn Needlecrafts與紗線
Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts 拼貼,紙工藝品
Sewing & Fabric 縫紉及面料
Stamping & Embossing 沖壓壓花
Other Crafts 其他工藝品
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Dolls & Bears 居家與園藝
Bear Making Supplies 熊製作用品
Bears 熊
Dolls 娃娃
Dollhouse Miniatures 娃娃屋
Paper Dolls 紙娃娃
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 DVDs & Movies DVD與電影
DVD, HD DVD & Blu-ray DVD,高清DVD和藍光
Film 電影
Laserdisc 影碟
VHS 錄影帶
VHS Non-US (PAL) 錄影帶非美(PAL制式)
Other Formats 其他格式
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 eBay Motors 易趣汽車
Cars & Trucks 小轎車與卡車
Motorcycles 摩托車
Other Vehicles & Trailers 其他車輛和拖車
Boats 船
Powersports Powersports
Parts & Accessories 零部件及配件
Test Category 測試類別
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Electronics 電子
iPod & MP3 Players iPod和MP3播放器
iPod & MP3 Accessories iPod和MP3配件
A/V Accessories & Cables 的A / V配件和電纜
Batteries & Chargers 電池和充電器
Car Electronics 汽車電子
DVD & Home Theater DVD和家庭影院
Gadgets 小工具
GPS Navigation GPS導航
Home Audio 數字家電
Marine Audio 海洋音頻
Portable Audio & Video 攜帶型音頻和視頻
Radios: CB, Ham & Shortwave 收音機:文件,火腿短波
Satellite Radio 衛星收音機
Satellite & Cable TV 衛星及有線電視
Stage Lighting & Effects 舞台燈光效果
Telephones & Pagers 電話及傳呼機
Televisions 電視
Vintage Electronics 懷舊電子設備
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Entertainment Memorabilia 娛樂大事記
Autographs-Original 簽名,原件
Autographs-Reprints 簽名,重印
Movie Memorabilia 電影大事記
Music Memorabilia 音樂大事記
Television Memorabilia 電視大事記
Theater Memorabilia 劇院大事記
Video Game Memorabilia 視頻游戲大事記
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Gift Certificates 禮券
Gift Certificates 禮券 Health & Beauty 健康與美容
Bath & Body 沐浴及身體
Coupons 優惠券
Dietary Supplements, Nutrition 膳食補充劑,營養
Fragrances 香熏
Hair Care & Salon 頭發護理及美容
Health Care 衛生保健
Makeup 化妝
Massage 按摩
Medical, Mobility & Disability 醫療,移動性和殘疾
Nail Care & Polish 指甲護理及波蘭
Natural & Homeopathic Remedies 自然與順勢療法
Oral Care 口腔護理
Over-the-Counter Medicine 過成葯,
Shaving & Hair Removal 剃須脫毛
Skin Care 護膚品
Tanning Beds & Lamps 曬黑的床和燈
Tattoos & Body Art 紋身和人體藝術
Vision Care 視力保健
Weight Management 體重管理
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Home & Garden 家居庭院
Holidays, Cards & Party Supply 假期,卡及黨的供應
Inside the Home 在家裡
Tools & Home Improvement 工具和家居改善
Wedding Supplies 婚禮用品
Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living 庭院,花園及戶外生活
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Jewelry & Watches 珠寶及鍾表
Children's Jewelry 兒童首飾
Designer Brands 設計師品牌
Engagement & Wedding 參與及婚宴
Ethnic, Regional & Tribal 民族,地區和部落
Fashion Jewelry 時尚首飾
Fine Jewelry 精細珠寶
Handcrafted, Artisan Jewelry 手工製作,工匠珠寶
Jewelry Boxes, Cases & Display 首飾盒,箱及顯示
Jewelry Design & Repair 珠寶設計及維修
Loose Beads 松珠
Loose Diamonds & Gemstones 鬆散的鑽石和寶石
Men's Jewelry 男士珠寶
Vintage & Antique Jewelry 葡萄酒和古董珠寶
Watches 手錶
Other 其他
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Music 音樂
Accessories 配件
Cassettes 磁帶
CDs 光碟
DVD Audio DVD音頻
Records 記錄
Super Audio CDs 超級音頻CD
Other Formats 其他格式
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Musical Instruments 樂器
Accordion & Concertina 手風琴及刺
Brass 黃銅
Electronic Instruments 電子儀器
Equipment 設備
Guitar 吉他
Harmonica 口琴
Instruction Books, CDs & Video 教學書籍,光碟和視頻
Percussion 打擊樂
Piano & Organ 鋼琴及器官
Pro Audio Equipment 專業音頻設備
Sheet Music & Song Books 樂譜宋書
String 字元串
Woodwind 木管樂器
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Pet Supplies 寵物用品
Aquarium & Fish 水族魚
Bird Supplies 鳥用品
Cat Supplies 貓用品
Dog Supplies 狗用品
Horse Supplies 馬用品
Reptile Supplies 爬蟲用品
Small Animal Supplies 小動物用品
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
Other 其他
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Pottery & Glass 陶器和玻璃製品
Glass 玻璃
Pottery & China 陶器和中國 Real Estate 房地產
Commercial 商業
Land 陸地
Manufactured Homes 製造家園
Residential 住宅
Timeshares for Sale 分時買賣
Other Real Estate 其他房地產
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Specialty Services 專業服務
Advice & Instruction 咨詢與指導
Artistic Services 藝術服務
Custom Clothing & Jewelry 定製服裝和飾品
eBay Auction Services eBay拍賣服務
Graphic & Logo Design 圖形與標志設計
Home Improvement Services 主頁改進服務
Media Editing & Duplication 媒體編輯和復制
Printing & Personalization 印刷和個性化
Restoration & Repair 修復及維修
Web & Computer Services 網路和電腦服務
Other Services 其他服務
More 更多
Fewer 較少 Sporting Goods 體育用品
Golf 高爾夫
Exercise & Fitness 運動與健身
Indoor Games 室內運動會
Outdoor Sports 戶外運動
Team Sports 團隊運動
Tennis & Racquet Sports 網球及球拍運動
Water Sports 水上運動
Winter Sports 冬季運動
Other 其他
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
More 更多
Fewer 較少

Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop 體育圖書與范店
Autographs-Original 簽名,原件
Autographs-Reprints 簽名,重印
Cards 卡
Fan Apparel & Souvenirs 范服裝和紀念品
Game Used Memorabilia 游戲中使用的大事記
Manufacturer Authenticated 製造商身份驗證
Vintage Sports Memorabilia 老式體育大事記
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
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Fewer 較少 Stamps 郵票
United States 美國
Australia 澳大利亞
Canada 加拿大
Commonwealth/ British Colonial 聯邦/英國殖民地
UK (Great Britain) 英國(英國)
Africa 非洲
Asia 亞洲
Europe 歐洲
Latin America 拉美
Middle East 中東
Topical & Specialty 專題及專業
Worldwide 全球
Publications & Supplies 刊物及用品
Stamp Certification Services 郵票認證服務
Other 其他
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Fewer 較少 Tickets 門票
Event Tickets 事件門票
Experiences 經驗
Other 其他 Toys & Hobbies 玩具及禮品
Action Figures 動畫人物
Beanbag Plush, Beanie Babies 懶人沙發毛絨,豆袋公仔
Building Toys 建築玩具
Classic Toys 經典玩具
Diecast Toy Vehicles 壓鑄玩具車
Ecational 教育
Electronic, Battery & Wind-Up 電子,電池及上鏈
Fast Food, Cereal Premiums 快餐店,穀物贈品
Games 游戲
Marbles 大理石
Model RR, Trains 模型居民代表,火車
Models & Kits 模型與套件
Outdoor Toys & Structures 戶外玩具及結構
Pretend Play, Preschool 假裝游戲,學齡前
Puzzles 拼圖
Radio Control & Control Line 無線電控制與控制線
Robots, Monsters & Space Toys 機器人,怪獸與太空玩具
Slot Cars 車槽
Stuffed Animals 充氣動物
Toy Soldiers 玩具兵
Trading Card Games 交易卡游戲
TV, Movie & Character Toys 電視,電影及卡通人物玩具
Vintage & Antique Toys 葡萄酒和古董玩具
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
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Fewer 較少

Travel 旅行
Airline 航空公司
Campground & RV Parks 露營地和娛樂車輛停車場
Car Rental 租車服務
Cruises 游輪
Lodging 住宿
Luggage 行李
Maps 地圖
Rail 鐵路
Travel Accessories 旅行用品
Vacation Packages 假期套餐
Other 其他
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Fewer 較少 Video Games 視頻游戲
Accessories 配件
Games 游戲
Guides 指南
Merchandise 商品
Systems 系統
Time Cards 時間卡
Vintage Games 復古游戲
Other 其他
Wholesale Lots 批發地段
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Fewer 較少 Everything Else 拍賣品
Alt Only 成人只有
Advertising Opportunities 廣告機會
eBay User Tools 易趣用戶工具
Ecation & Learning 教育與學習
Funeral & Cemetery 殯儀館及墳場
Genealogy 家譜
Information Procts 信息產品
Memberships 會員資格
Metaphysical 形而上學
Personal Security 個人安全
Religious Procts & Supplies 宗教產品及用品
Reward Pts, Incentive Progs 獎勵積分
Weird Stuff 奇怪的東西
World of Good 世界商品
Other 其他
Test Auctions 測試拍賣
More 更多
Fewer 較少
See item counts 請參閱項目數

㈤ 財務英語翻譯

Responsible for the company's overall financial work, including dealing with day-to-day accounting, financial accounting. Income accounts and accounts receivable management; tax and invoice management. Familiar with the banks, instry and commerce, taxation work processes. Monthly tax returns to deal with banking issues. make funds deployment. invoicing. compiled from the billing, reconciliation between monthly statements. reminders to customers. quarter and in the preparation of annual financial statements. cost of the project's budget and accounting. skilled use of Kingdee K3ERP operating system. treatment day-to-day administrative and personnel work. examined the various documents and other changes to the handling. familiar with the workflow.

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