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發布時間: 2024-09-18 07:53:19

⑴ 逛街的翻譯

1.I go shoppingand a few friendsnow 我現在和幾個朋友逛街呢

2you go shopping togetherwith who? 你和誰一起逛街呢?

3.Nice weathertodayout shopping? 今天天氣不錯' 出來逛街吧?
4.Today the weatheris too bad,wetakeshopping. 今天天氣太差,我們改天再逛街吧。
5.Iwant to take a walk,to buy some clothes 我想出去逛逛,買幾件衣服

6.I want to buy apair of pants/shoes,you help meunder the general staff. 我想買幾條褲子/幾雙鞋,你幫我參謀下.

⑵ 我吃了,在逛街 怎麼用英語翻譯

I ate,and now i'm shopping.

⑶ 去「逛街」英語翻譯是

Go shopping

⑷ 我喜歡逛街,因為可以買到新衣服翻譯

」 I enjoy going shopping because I can buy new clothes."
逛街 go shopping.


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