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發布時間: 2024-09-16 21:09:07

① 英語翻譯漢語,經濟學原論裡面的幾句話之四。高分懸賞啊!!!

1. Total utility is the total amount of satisfaction expected from consuming an item or group of items.
2. Marginal utility is the addition to total utility from consuming one more unit of a good.
3. Consumers, in deciding among items, choose those items with the highest marginal utility per dollar.
4. An indivial maximizes total utility by consuming all items so that the marginal utilities per dollar spent are equal.
5. Utility theory has been criticized on the grounds that utility is not measurable and that items consumed are not perfectly divisible as the theory of utility maximization requires. Despite these criticisms, utility theory is a useful tool for analyzing consumer behavior.


② 英語Consumer identity怎麼翻譯

consumer identity:消費身份



  • n. 身份,本體;個性,特性;同一性,一致;恆等運算,恆等式

  • [ 復數 identities ]


Consumer society and consumer identity消費社會與消費認同

Gender Identity of Consumer消費者性別認同


  • ime.


  • , authenticateagainsta third-partyOpenIDidentityprovider.

    為了支持這種分散的身份驗證模型,ProjectZero提供一個OpenID消費者庫,讓應用程序能夠對第三方 OpenID身份提供者進行身份驗證。

③ 消費者權益英文

消費者權益英文有三種說法,可以翻譯為"consumer rights and interests",還網路中常譯為" the interests of consumers"和「The Consumer's Rights」。

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