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發布時間: 2024-09-16 16:36:52

① 我有一個幸福美滿的家庭,有我的爸爸,媽媽,奶奶,和我(用英語翻譯

ihave a happy family, my father, mother, grandmother and I

② 用英語翻譯,,,嗨,我是~,我有一個幸福的家庭,我的母親是家庭主婦,我的爸爸也很忙,他很愛我們一家

Hi,I'm...I have a happy family,My mother is a house wife.And my father is very busy but he loves our family very much.My little brother is very naughty,and my little sister is well-behaved.they bright happiness to our family,I love them.I really have a lovely family.

③ 我生活在一個大家庭里,家裡有爺爺、奶奶、爸爸、媽媽、叔叔和弟弟。用英語怎麼翻譯

I live in a big family. There are grand father, grandmother, father, mother , uncle and my brother in my family.

④ 5年級上英語作文我的新家5句話


My family used to live in an apartment. It is big, bright and comfortable.

However, since I went to middle school, my home is far away from my school, so we moved into a new house. I am not satisfied with this house. Because it is much smaller than the old one. It has only two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen.

It has not a living room. I am not happy that I have no place to put my books and clothes. But the house is near my school, so I can save much time on my way to school. Although the house is small and old, but it is includes my parents』love.

I love my new home.






⑤ 我有一個充滿愛的家,我們家的成員有爸媽和我!用英語翻譯一下

I live in a family with my parents and me which is full of love.

⑥ 英語作文 求翻譯 我的家庭, 我有一個幸福的家 我有一個可愛

My family
I have a happies family.
I have a qute borther,he is a 調皮的boy,he like stay in home and 整日看 TV.
My mom is a vevy嚴厲的ren,i wo de yao qiu vevy high.My father is a 和藹可親 de 人,I 很love 他.
I 的fu mu ,zong shi jin ziji zui da de li gei yu wo men zui hao de sheng huo,ta men vevy 偉大,so i love my babamama,i love my family.

⑦ 我有一個溫馨而幸福的家庭 如何翻譯為英語

I have a sweet and happy family.

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