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發布時間: 2024-09-16 14:59:46

Ⅰ 用英語翻譯的英語名人小故事

Edison (1847~ 1931) is to be known to all the world 's the United States of America electrical experts, scientists and inventors, known as" the world king of invention". In addition to his phonograph, electric, cable, film and other aspects of the invention and contribution, in the mining, construction, chemical instry and other fields also has a lot of famous creation and high perspicacity. Edison & company employee lifetime total of about two thousand inventions, for human civilization and progress to make enormous contribution.


Ⅱ 故事用英語怎麼說,不要軟體翻譯,要正宗的英語!!!急!!!

story 或者tale

Ⅲ 請各位幫忙把這兩個小故事翻譯成英語,要小學生能看懂的,謝謝

1. The joy of harvest
Spring is coming, the rabbit came to his own garden, ready to farming. He first plow their fields, and then put the seeds in the ground, watering and fertilizing, his hard work from morning till night. In autumn, he gains a lot of Chinese cabbage, he is very happy. (keywords. Farming, seeds, fertilizer, hard, harvest)
2. Good care environment
A little boy go to school, he walked side to eat bananas, and then put the banana skin and threw it on the floor. A little sister come over here, just on a banana skin and fall, and began to cry. Mom came along and coax her. The little boy know you've made a mistake, the banana skin picked it up and threw it back to your trash, the boy made a mistake, and to rectify, or good boy. I ?

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