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發布時間: 2024-09-15 11:34:05

❶ 關於籃球的發明的英語作文

❷ 籃球歷史英語作文

1891 fanfares in Massachusetts springfield city ymca international training school for springfield (after college), by this school physical ecation teachers James naismith, when the doctor invents the basketball rules only 13, dr naismith in 1939, died at the age of 78. He never expected, he created by the basketball project in more than 200 countries actually circulating market, and so far the USA basketball also full global reputation. To commemorate naismith invented by dr basketball feat, in springfield college campuses built the USA basketball hall - James naismith celebrity memorials.

At first, two naismith peach basket don't nail in key body inside the stand of the railing, peach basket along with distance ground 3.04 meters, football game tools, to basket throwing. Pitch into the basket scores one point, press scoring a decisive. Each pitch the shot, the ball out to climb the ladder restarted game. After graally will live on the bottom of the iron instead of bamboo basket, again to hoops below hang nets.
咳……救急的吧( ⊙ _ ⊙ )一般吧( ⊙o⊙?)不懂

❸ 誰知道有關籃球的英語作文

1891年12月初在美國馬薩諸塞州斯普林菲爾德市基督教青年會國際訓練學校(後為春田學院),由該校體育教師詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士發明,當年的籃球規則只有13條,奈史密斯博士於1939年去世,終年78歲。他未曾料到,由他創建的籃球項目竟然在二百多個國家流傳市面著,而且至今美國籃球還譽滿全球。 為了紀念奈史密斯博士發明的籃球的功績,在春田學院校園內修建了美國籃球名人館-詹姆斯·奈史密斯紀念館。

❹ 關於美國街頭籃球文化的英語作文800字

This world every corner of the so-types who kitted music, wild plants, all in the head sweat, as if created on the fly in search of a dream, there is a big soul, they Street player, a group will dissolve in one of the smart basketball.
Street basketball development today has become a popular global particularly by young people who campaign anywhere in the world, you will see 3,322 children imitate their idols in the hearts and wear clothes hiphop style campaign signature shoes and stars, chasing a basketball, but also dream.
However the origin and development of street basketball is like this process is not sunshine. As the birthplace of basketball and the street for figurines, the African Americans in the 1950s initially only slum in its own backyard or open space, build a rudimentary basketball goal posts and do not know what to do when leisure materials basketball as a loving and hate. By the 1970s, mostly because of the life and dissatisfaction with the government's inherent musical talent, Hiphop-species known as the free, creative style evolved, and spread rapidly from country to the black slums. Its main elements include : dances, songs ourselves, graffiti on walls and around a dish.
Difference with the formal basketball competitions in street ball matches, players on the specific movements restrictions should be more flexible, you can often see in video player carrying the ball in the walk, kick ball (ball deliberately feet), there are many other seemingly some of the rules movements, which are relatively normal, because of street performances and recreational basketball attention, Sometimes it can be relatively free of rules and arbitrary.
I loved Street ball, because I love young vitality and unrestrained happiness. I like to put their own understanding into street ball move freely in front of us display their creativity. I aspire to become the basketball court, the focus for everyone's eyes I was less than 1.80 that the person is attractive. Street ball to me is my understanding, I hope and I also love street ball friends to join the young, whether you try to ,Just do it! and show yourself~
我喜愛街球,因為我熱愛年輕的活力與無拘無束的快樂。我喜歡把自己對自由的理解融入街球動作,在大家面前展示自己的創意。 我渴望成為籃球場上的焦點,讓大家的目光被我這個不到1。80的小個子所吸引。 我便是我對街球的理解,我希望與我同樣熱愛街球的廣大青年朋友加入進來,無論你是否嘗試,Just do it! and show yourself~

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